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教学阅读参考:The Nobel Prize
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/06 20:17  英语辅导报

  A Nobel Prize is considered by most people to be the highest international honour a person can receive.Do you know how the Nobel Prize Winners are chosen?

  The Nobel Committee send invitations to hundreds of scientists and scholars around the world,asking them to suggest names for the Nobel Prize in the coming year.The names sent in by February 1.

  Each committee,with the help of specially invited experts,discusses the names suggested,makes out short list and a vote is taken for the final choice.The names of the prize winners are announced in October or November.Many famous people from all over the world have been given Nobel Prize for their achievements.

  The prizes are given on December 10.The Peace Prize is given at Oslo University,the others at ceremony in Stockholm.The King of Sweden gives each prize winner.Each Nobel Prize winner is expected to give a"Nobel Lecture".

  Often a prize is given to just one person,but not always.Sometimes a prize is shared.It may be given to two or more people who have worked together.It is also sometimes true that no prize is given at all.In 1972,for example,no Peach Prize was given.It is the Nobel Foundation that decided whether to give the prize or not.


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