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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 2004年大学英语六级考试复习综合练习(一)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/17 20:38  英语辅导报

  Section I Basic Knowledge (Vocabulary and Structure)

  A. Fill in each of the following blanks by adding first letter to the word given in the bracket.

  1. She felt a(n) _______ of pleasure when she saw him coming. (urge)

  2. The taxi driver had a bad car accident and now he is a(n) _______ . (ripple)

  3. When I opened the box all I could see was a _______ of wires. (angle)

  4. Would you like a seat by the _______ or would you prefer to be by the window? (isle)

  5. The new art gallery is a visual _______ for the eyes. (east)

  6. The Liberal Democrats may form a _______ with Labor to try to beat the Conservatives in the next election. (act)

  7. Running along the beach, she _______ on a log and fell on the sand. (tumble)

  8. People _______ over the Bible, reading it day after day. (ore)

  9. I used a _______ to hold the board still while I sawed it in half. (lamp)

  10. Three years have _______ since I saw my friends in Boston; that is a long time ago. (lapse)

  B. Fill in each of the following blanks by adding one letter in the middle of the word given in the brackets.

  1. When a ghost _______ a house, strange things can happen. (hunt)

  2. Some guests _______ after the others had left. (liner)

  3. The bomb attacks produced a panic which_______ over the city. (rein)

  4. The teacher kept _______ from one subject to another so it was difficult to follow what he was saying. (sip)

  5. There is some _______ in this rope, so you can pull it tighter. (sack)

  6. On a cold, rainy day the beach area looks _______ . (beak)

  7. The leak in the boat causes an oil _______ on the water. (sick)

  8. As a child he was very _______ to nose and throat infections. (pone)

  9. He was being _______ with the boss trying to get a raise. (cue)

  10. When I hit my head, the bump _______ me and I fell to the floor. (sun)

  C. There are 25 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that completes the sentence.

  1. There had been no expectation of war with the Japanese until their _______ attack on the Pearl Harbor.

  A. abnormal B. virtual C. special D. abrupt

  2. She looked so young and _______ that he felt a great desire to protect her.

  A. subordinate B. trivial

  C. vulnerable D. timid

  3. He _______ my authority by allowing the children to do things I've forbidden.

  A. undermined B. asserted

  C. disputed D. ridiculed

  4. _______ have been pouring in from all over the world, for the famous actor who died yesterday.

  A. Applauses

  B. Acknowledgements

  C. Tributes

  D. Controversies

  5. It will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial _______ will be conducted by computer.

  A. transmissions B. transformations

  C. transactions D. transitions

  6. We have made a(n) _______ offer; we shall confirm it as soon as possible.

  A. tentative B. inclusive

  C. creative D. alternative

  7. I wish I hadn't _______ such an experienced politician. He twisted my words to make me look stupid.

  A. fallen out B. argued for

  C. bargained aboutD. tangled with

  8. An extra part was added to the house in 1850, which spoiled the _______ of its front.

  A. balance B. frame

  C. integrity D. symmetry

  9. No one doubts the _______ of modern ways of traveling over those of old times.

  A. superiority B. convenience

  C. regularity D. adaptability

  10. The question of finance is _______ to the question of whether the project will be approved.

  A. obliged B. entitled

  C. susceptible D. subsidiary

  11. The effect of the heart attack was to make him _______ about with no sense of direction.

  A. hover B. tumble

  C. stagger D. glide

  12. The economic crises in that country have threatened the _______ of the government.

  A. capability B. persistence

  C. permanence D. stability

  13. He saw the glass in the shop windows_______ into a thousand pieces as the thief threw a brick at it.

  A. shattered B. segregated

  C. crushed D. splashed

  14. We are satisfied with the _______ profit from reducing staff and increasing sales.

  A. resultant B. nominal

  C. inherent D. comparable

  15. Since the two countries couldn't _______ their differences, they decided to stop their negotiations.

  A. oblige B. rectify

  C. reconcile D. obscure

  16. The _______ Member of Parliament for our town will be introduced to the local party tonight.

  A. prospective B. tentative

  C. decisive D. competitive

  17. There are ten tests, each of which corresponds to the listening comprehension test of the _______ examination.

  A. acquisition B. proficiency

  C. estimation D. appraisal

  18. Advice to investors was based on the that interest rate would continue to fall.

  A. instruction B. premise

  C. context D. denotation

  19. The salesman at the door was so _______ that Mother finally bought something from him.

  A. persistent B. coherent

  C. dominant D. consultant

  20. Everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished the _______ tale.

  A. intricate B. ingenious

  C. pathetic D. pertinent

  21. In the greenhouse we can easily control the _______ temperature for the growth of plants.

  A. normal B. average

  C. optimum D. conspicuous

  22. In spite of the policemen's intensive investigation, criminal's real motive for the crime remains _______ .

  A. suspicious B. pessimistic

  C. bothering D. obscure

  23. He could hear the _______ of Louise's voice inside; she was probably reading poetry.

  A. address B. narration

  C. interview D. murmur

  24. He made a serious mistake, and it was no use trying to _______ its seriousness.

  A. deprive B. alternate

  C. minimize D. culminate

  25. One of the aims of language games is to get students to _______ together and talk.

  A. acquaint B. mingle

  C. confront D. supervise

  D. Choose the best one to complete the following sentences.

  1. Foolish _______ Mary is, she couldn't have done such a silly thing.

  A. asB. like

  C. whoD. when

  2. For some time now, world leaders _______ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.

  A. had been pointing

  B. have been pointing

  C. were pointing

  D. pointed

  3. _______ for the fact that she broke her arm, she might have passed the exam.

  A. Had it not beenB. Hadn't it been

  C. Was it notD. Were it not

  4. I can't go-for one thing, I have no money, and _______ I have too much work to be finished before I leave.

  A. what's moreB. in addition

  C. as wellD. for another

  5. Intellect is to the mind _______ sight is to the body.

  A. whatB. as

  C. thatD. like

  6. Stephen has an advantage over his competitors _______ he has worked in such companies for over 20 years.

  A. since thatB. at that

  C. in thatD. so that

  7. There _______ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.

  A. to beB. to have been

  C. beingD. be

  8. _______ to speak when the audience interrupted him, so it was hard for him to get himself understood.

  A. Hardly had he begun

  B. No sooner had he begun

  C. Not until he began

  D. Scarcely did he begin

  9. The ground is wet. It must have rained last night, _______ ?

  A. mustn't itB. hadn't it

  C. hasn't itD. didn't it

  10. Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage_______ avoided.

  A. is to be B. can be

  C. will be D. has been

  11.The local health organization is reported _______ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Hawking became its first president.

  A. to be set up

  B. being set up

  C. to have been set up

  D. having been set up

  12. I found myself _______ to the spot where the experiment was being performed whenever I had some time to spare.

  A. draw B. drawing

  C. drew D. drawn

  13. Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often _______ or better than an actual performance.

  A. as good as B. as good

  C. good D. good as

  14. A safety analysis _______ the target as potential dangerous. Unfortunately, it was never done.

  A. would identify

  B. will identify

  C. would have identified

  D. will have identified

  15. All flights _______ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.

  A. had been canceled

  B. have been canceled

  C. were canceled

  D. having been canceled

  Section II Comprehensive Exercises

  A. Choose the right one to fill in each blank in the following passage.

  It is a curious paradox that we think of the physical sciences as "hard", the social sciences as "soft", and the biological sciences as somewhere in between. This is 1 to mean that our knowledge of physical systems is more certain than our knowledge of biological systems, and these in turn are more certain than our knowledge of social systems. In terms of our 2 to sample the relevant universes, however, and the probability that our images of these universes are at least 3 correct, one suspects that a 4 order is more reasonable. We are able to sample earth's social systems with some degree of 5 that we have a reasonable sample of the total universe 6 . Our knowledge of social systems, 7 , while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate, is not likely to be seriously overturned by new 8 . Even the folk knowledge in social systems 9 which ordinary life is based in earning, spending, organizing, marrying, taking part in political activities, fighting and so on, is not very dissimilar from the more sophisticated images of the social system 10 from the social sciences, even though it is built upon the very imperfect samples of personal experience.

  11 , our image of the astronomical  universe, or even of earth's geological history, can easily be 12 to revolutionary changes as new data come in and new theories are 13 . If we 14 the "security" of our image of various parts of the total system as the probability of their suffering significant changes, then we would 15 the order of hardness and see the social sciences as the most secure, the physical sciences as the least secure, and again the biological sciences as somewhere in between. Our image of the astronomical universe is the least secure of all simply 16 we observe such a fantastically small sample of it and its record-keeping is trivial as 17 with the rich records of the social system, or even the limited records of biological systems. Records of the astronomical universe, 18 the fact that we see distant things as they were long ago, are limited in the extreme.

  Even in regard to such a close neighbor as the moon, which we have 19 visited, theories about its origin and history are extremely different, 20 , and hard to choose among. Our knowledge of physical evolution is incomplete and highly insecure.

  1. A. emphasizedB. interpreted C. relatedD. specified

  2. A. capacityB. intellect

  C. passionD. contribution

  3. A. tremendouslyB. vaguely

  C. certainlyD. approximately

  4. A. independentB. logicalC. reverseD. noticeable

  5. A. confidenceB. accuracyC. choiceD. consciousness

  6. A. investigatedB. investigating C. to investigateD. being investigated

  7. A. anyhowB. therefore

  C. actuallyD. besides

  8. A. inventionsB. analysis C. discoveriesD. reflection

  9. A. onB. for C. overD. from

  10. A. derivedB. proceeded C. advancedD. stimulated

  11. A. As usualB. In contrastC. At presentD. Beyond question

  12. A. boundB. partial C. subjectD. applicable

  13. A. laid downB. drawn on C. turned inD. worked out

  14. A. classifyB. define C. handle D. argue

  15. A. reverseB. divert C. overthrowD. tumble

  16. A. thatB. why C. howD. because

  17. A. comparesB. to compare C. comparedD. comparing

  18. A. owing toB. but for C. despiteD. as for

  19. A. normallyB. actually C. obviouslyD. briefly

  20. A. contradictoryB. infinite C. comprehensiveD. coarse

  B. Read the passages below and choose the best answer to each question or complete the sentences.

  Passage One

  It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves towards her baby. The usual cuddling and cleaning require little comment, but the position in which she holds the baby against her body when resting is rather revealing. Careful American studies have disclosed the fact that 80 per cent of mothers cradle their infants in their left arms, holding them against the left side of their bodies. If asked to explain the significance of this preference most people reply that it is obviously the result of the predominance of right-handedness in the population. By holding the babies in their left arms the mothers keep their dominant arm free for manipulations. But a detailed analysis shows that this is not the case. True, there is a slight difference between right-handed and left-handed females, but not enough to provide an adequate explanation. It emerges that 83 per cent of right-handed mothers hold the baby on the left side, but then so do 78 per cent of left-handed mothers. In other words, only 22 per cent of the left-handed mothers have their dominant hands free for actions. Clearly there must be some other, less obvious explanation.

  The only other clue comes from the fact that the heart is on the left side of the mother's body. Could it be that the sound of her heart beat is the vital factor? And in what way? Thinking along these lines it was argued that perhaps during its existence inside the body of the mother, the growing embryo (胎儿) becomes fixed on the sound of the heart beat. If this is so, then the re-discovery of this familiar sound after birth might have a calming effect on the infant, especially as it has just been thrust into a strange and frighteningly new world outside. If this is so then the mother, either instinctively or by an unconscious series of trials and errors, would soon arrive at the discovery that her baby is more at peace held on the left against her heart than on the right.

  1. In this passage, the author makes some observation about _______ .

  A. how babies grow with the care of their mothers

  B. mothers' attitude towards how babies should be held

  C. why majority mothers hold babies the way as most popularly seen

  D. babies' reaction to different positions in their mothers' arms

  2. Most mothers prefer to hold their babies in their left arms because _______ .

  A. babies will be more at ease when held nearer to mothers' heart beat

  B. most mothers find it much useful to leave their right arms free

  C. there are more females who are left handed

  D. it is a custom passed from generation to generation

  3. In the second sentence of the first paragraph, the word "revealing" most probably means _______ .

  A. obviousB. worth studying

  C. strangeD. unexpected

  4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A. We can learn nothing new from the usual cuddling and cleaning of babies from their mothers.

  B. Babies placed on the left side will feel more comfortable when they are resting.

  C. The author doesn't agree that the predominance of right-handedness in the population accounts for the findings.

  D. More right-handed mothers place their babies on their left arm than left-handed mothers.

  5. This passage is most probably taken from _______ .

  A. a scientific journal

  B. a textbook for college students

  C. an amusing story

  D. a teaching-yourself handbook

  Passage Two

  In recent years there has been a movement toward fasting-that is, not eating for a given period of time. Advocates of fasting claim it to be a way not only of losing weight but also of getting rid of chemicals in the body, burning off old and diseased tissues, strengthening and revitalizing the body, and in general helping a person to feel better if he or she is feeling exhausted, depressed, and unenergetic. It is, they say, a form of "spring cleaning" of the body, a "burning of body rubbish".

  Fasting is supposedly different from starving. In fasting the body uses its own tissue reserves, in reverse order of importance,with fat being used before muscle. Starving, on the other hand, deprives the body of essential nutrients, a process that can kill you. Fasting enthusiasts say that as long as you are not hungry it is generally safe to fast; but if you continue not to eat after your hunger returns, you are beginning to starve yourself. However, fasting produces a mild ketosis (酮症) that interferes with hunger sensations, and it is common for people not to have a return of hunger during a fast.

  Although the body can tolerate fasts for up to 30 days (some people have gone longer, but that is pushing it), beginners are advised to fast no more than three to five days. During that time, it is essential to drink water, though some fasters also drink juice or other beverages, and many take vitamin pills. Fasters must avoid all drugs and medicine, must not take long baths (since the blood pressure will drop, and prolonged bathing may lower it even further, causing dizziness or even blackout), and must keep warm, since their body temperature is likely to go down. Fasters continue to work and exercise at their normal levels. By the third day of the fast, the body will begin breaking down its own tissues. The longer people fast, the more gradually they must return to their normal diets, usually eating easily digestible foods in small quantities during the first few days.

  6. In the opinion of the fasters, fasting can enable them to _______ .

  A. retain the figure

  B. becoming less heavy

  C. recycle their energy

  D. vitalize themselves

  7. Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?

  A. Starving is, in fact, a proper choice for those who want to lose their weight in a short time.

  B. Fasting differs from starving in that in starving the body uses fat before it uses muscle.

  C. Whenever people feel hungry, they should give up the idea of fasting any more.

  D. Fasting helps people get rid of the sensation of hunger for as long as possible.

  8. The word "tolerate" in the first sentence of Paragraph 3 most probably means _______ .

  A. expectB. restrain

  C. prolongD. endure

  9. According to the passage, what should faster keep in mind?

  A. Fasting should not exceed a certain time limit.

  B. Those who are depressed should not fast.

  C. Fasters should have more meals in small quantities every day after fasting.

  D. Fasters should not lose too much weight in a short time.

  10. The tone of the author can be described as _______ .

  A. criticalB. enthusiastic

  C. objectiveD. affirmative

  C. Writing.

  Write a formal invitation according to the hints given in Chinese.



  一般的正规邀请函由六行组成,第一行为发出邀请的人,第二行表示邀请的词组,如request the pleasure of,第三行为被邀请的人,常用Mr. and Mrs. So-so's company或pres-ence,第四行表示邀请对方干什么,如at dinner, at a tea party, at sb's wedding ceremony等,第五、六(七)行是时间和地点。英语中的邀请函以第三人称书写,每行首字母除专有名词外均小写,每行末尾一般不用标点符号;在书写时间时,先写星期几,再写日期。如果某一行太长,比如时间和地点,可以分为两行。如果希望对方回函,可在左下角写Reply if declining或法语缩写词RSVP。如果对衣着有要求,在右下角可用Informal(衣着随便),Black Tie Only(请打黑领带),Lounge Dress(请穿晚礼服)。


  Section I

  A. 1. surge2. cripple3. tangle 4. aisle 5. feast 6. pact 7. stumbled 8. pore9. clamp10. elapsed

  B. 1. haunts 2. lingered 3. reigned

  4. skipping 5. slack 6. bleak 7. slick 8. prone 9. cute 10. stunned

  C. 1-5 DCACC 6-10 ADDAD 11-15 CDAAC 16-20 ABBAC 21-25 CDDCB

  D. 1.A。此题测试连词as引出的倒装结构表示让步含义。如:Clever as he is, he could not solve the problem. (尽管他聪明,他也解决不了这个问题。)

  2. B。句首的for some time说明此题该用完成体,而now一词又说明该用现在时的完成体。

  3.A。主句中的might have passed说明答案应该产生于选择项A或B。由于在虚拟语气的倒装句中,否定副词not一般不置于主语前,所以不选B。

  4.D。前面的词组for one thing与for another是列举的常用对等词组。

  5. A。此题测试比较结构A is to B what C is to D的用法,表示A与B的关系就犹如C与D的关系。

  6. C。复合从属连词in that表示"在于"、"因为"等含义。

  7. C。一逗号将试题分为两部分,没有任何连词,说明测试的是独立主格结构。而there be句型的独立主格结构自然是there being,因此选C。

  8. A。表示"一……就……"时,hardly与when搭配,no sooner与than,scarcely与when或before搭配使用。

  9. D。在附加疑问句中,陈述部分含有表示推测含义的must,并且有确定的一般过去时的时间状语时,附加问句部分用一般过去时。此题中的last night就是确定的一般过去时的时间状语标志。

  10. A。在条件句中表将来常用be to do结构。

  11. C。如果不定式动作发生在从句动词之前,不定式就可以用完成体,如果句子主语与不定式存在动宾关系,不定式就使用被动形式。所以此题选C。

  12. D。I found myself drawn.为"主语+谓语动词+宾语+宾语补足语"结构,它实际上是由I found I was drawn.转换而来。句子宾语与作补足语的过去分词有动宾关系。如:He found the window broken.中the window与break间的关系就可以表达为the window was broken和break the window。说明the window与break有动宾关系,所以选D。

  13. A。将同等比较(as...as结构)和不同等比较(more than)并列使用时,在书面语中,两个as都不能省略,所以选A。

  14. C。非真实条件从句有时不表现出来,只暗含在上下文中。此题的第二分句就是一种暗示。说明某事已经发生,且不如人愿。如:Alone, he would have been terrified.(如果当时单独一人,他会害怕的。)再如:Under another social system, such floods would have caused terrible disasters. (在另一种社会制度下,这样的水灾可能会引起可怕的灾难。)

  15. D。此题中,有逗号将两句子分开,没有任何连词,说明也是测试独立主格结构,自然该使用非谓语动词形式。

  Section II

  A. 1-5 BCDCA 6-10 DBCAA11-15 BCDBA16-20 DCCBA

  B.1. C。文章第一段主要讲解为什么那么多美国母亲左手抱婴儿,人们普遍认为是为了腾出右手做事情,第二段提出新的看法。两段都论述抱婴儿的姿势,所以选C。

  2. A。文章第二段提出新见解,认为婴儿在母亲体内时,习惯了母亲的心跳,左手抱婴儿,婴儿仍然可以体验到在体内时的那种感觉,所以休息时会更安稳的,所以选A。

  3. B。revealing一词本来表示"有启迪作用的",既然有启迪作用,研究是有好处的,所以选B。

  4. C。文章第一段中间提到当问及为什么母亲喜欢用左手抱婴儿时,人们多半会回答这是惯用左手与右手的差异,紧跟着作者明确表示左撇子与右撇子间有一定的差异,所以选C。

  5. A。从内容上看,这篇文章主要向读者介绍观察结果,融知识性与娱乐性为一体,选A比较恰当。

  6. B。文章第一段第2句提及赞成fasting的人认为它可以帮助人们减肥(losing weight),所以选B。

  7. C。第二段第3-5句明确表示,如果一个人没有饿的感觉,禁食是安全的。一旦感觉饿了,还禁食的话,那就是另外一回事了,所以选C。

  8. D。expect期待,预期;restrain抑制,制止;prolong延长,拖延;endure耐久,忍耐。

  9. A。第三段前两句明确说明,禁食者要把握好禁食的时间限制,刚开始的人最好控制在3到5天。接着作者分析了这几天应该注意些什么,所以选A。

  10. C。从文章的内容来看,作者没有批评(critical)禁食者,对他们的行为也没有显示出多大的热情(enthusiastic),对禁食者的行为也没有做出肯定的(affirmative)或否定的(negative)论述,因此作者显得比较客观(objective),所以C为正确答案。

  C. One possible version:

  Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waylon

  request the pleasure of

  Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith's company

  at dinner

  on Wednesday, 31st, December

  at six o'clock p. m.

  at West Lake Restaurant

  Reply if declining(RSVP)



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