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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 英语语法课外辅导篇:突破听力--计量

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/17 20:43  英语辅导报


  1. A) 3°C. B) 13°C.

  C) -3°C. D) -13°C.

  W: It's 10 o'clock. Let's listen to the weather forecast.

  M: Here is the weather forecast. Fog is spreading from the east, and it'll affect all areas. The temperature will drop from -3°C to the lowest -13°C by midnight.

  Q: What is the lowest temperature at midnight?

  本题答案为D)。对话中有表示温度计量的单位"度(degree)",还有表示计量温度的"摄氏制"。考生对温度的表达法还要熟悉,如"-3°C"可读作" minus three degrees Celsius / Centigrade"或"three degrees minus Celsius / Centigrade"。

  2. A) 32 inches. B) 33 inches.

   C) 34 inches. D) 35 inches.

  M: You look more beautiful and slim. Are you on a diet?

  W: Thank you. I have been slimming since last year. Then my waist measurement was 35 inches, and now 32.

  Q: What is the woman's waist measurement now?


  此类题涉及一些常见度量衡单位。所以在复习这类问题时要特别记忆:inch(英寸), foot(英尺), yard(码),mile(英里),meter(米), centimeter(厘米), kilometer(公里), gram(克),kilogram(公斤),ton(吨),square meter(平方米),cubic meter(立方米),liter(公升)等。此外,还应记住一些常用的换算关系。


  3. A) It costs $ 1.40.

  B) It costs $ 4.30.

  C) It costs $ 6.40.

  D) It costs $ 8.40.

  W: Here's a 10-dollar bill. Give me

  two tickets for tonight's show


  M: Sure. Two tickets and here's a

  dollar and four dimes change.

  Q: How much does one ticket cost?

  本题答案为B)。解题中不但要听懂钱的数额,而且需要简单的计算,并了解美国货币的换算情况:1 dollar = 100 cents; a quarter = 25 cents; 1 dollar = 10 dimes; a nickel = 5 cents。女士拿了10美元买两张票,找回了1美元4角(40美分)的零头。通过计算可知每张票的价格是4美元30美分。

  4 .A) 7.8 meters.

  B) 6.5 meters.

  C) 5.8 meters.

  D) 12.3 meters.

  M: How high the wall is!

  W: The average height is 7.8 meters; the average width is 6.5 meters at the base and 5.8 at the top, which allowed ten soldiers to pass side by side.

  Q: How wide is the wall at the top?



  5. A) He has to pay $120.

  B) He has to pay $108.

   C) He has to pay $90.

   D) He has to pay $40.

  M:I'll have these shoes. Please tell me how much I owe you.

  W:They are 40 dollars a pair, and 3 pairs make a total 120. But today we offer a 10% discount.

  Q:How much does the man have to pay?

  本题答案为B)。答题的关键是听清鞋的价格和数量,而后还要进行核算。而核算的关键词是10% discount(打九折)。男士没有说要买几双,只说"我要这些鞋",但从女士的回答中可知他要买三双鞋,每双40美元,三双共120美元,但打九折。不难算出,男士要付的钱数应为108美元,所以B)是正确答案。


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