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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian美语第八法则 不要逐字说英语

Do not speak word by word
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/22 18:37  新浪教育

  If you speak word by word, as many people who learned English do, you’ll end up sounding mechanical and foreign『你的发音听起来会机械、奇怪』. You may have noticed the same thing happens in your own language; when someone reads a speech, even a native speaker, it sounds stiff『生硬的』and stilted『虚饰的』, quite different from a normal conversational tone『正常说话时的语调』.



  经典例句:After two months of working, Ann was not as stiff as she used to be. /经过两个月的工作,安再也不像以前那样拘谨了。

  2、You may have noticed the same thing happens in your family. /你可能已注意到你的家庭也有类似的事情发生。

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