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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > FLASH“知”性英语 > Go shopping

Go shopping
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/01 12:05  English88


  "Alice, I'm going to the shops today. Would you like to come?" asked Mrs. Wang.

  "Which shops are you going to, Mum?" asked Alice.

  "I'm going to many different shops. I need to buy a lot of things," said Mrs Wang. "Do you need anything from the shops?"

  "Yes, I need a new pair of jeans. Mine have holes in them," said Alice.

  "All right, come with me and I'll buy you a new pair of jeans," said Mrs. Wang.

  "Thanks, Mum. What do you need to buy at the shops?" asked Alice.

  "I need to buy a watch for my son."

  "I need to buy a present for Dad's birthday. I think I will buy him a computer book. I need to buy some food. I also need to buy a pair of shoes," said Mrs. Wang.

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