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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian美语第十四法则 到哪里学习标准地道的发音?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/09 16:58  新浪教育

  Taking accent lessons with a native English speaking is not a bad idea. I had an accent class in College a couple of years ago and I learnt quite a lot. We were only five or six in the class『班上只有五、六个人』and the teacher (American) made us repeat some words five, ten or twenty times until we pronounced better.

  I recommend you to listen to CNN, MSNBC, and other American radios on the net daily. You should show great perseverance『坚持』and steadfastness『坚定』. After a while, your perseverance will be finally rewarded『回报』and you will see the difference.

  By the way, the BBC『英国广播公司』is very good too. On the BBC world, not only

  have you British accents but also American one's.



  经典例句:Perseverance contributes to success. /坚持就是胜利。


  经典例句:He got a reward of $1000 for catching the criminal. /他因抓获罪犯而得1000美元酬金。

  How can I reward your kindness? /我如何酬谢你的好意呢?

  He received a title as a reward for his services to the nation. /他因对国家有贡献而获得光荣称号。

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