Garden of Virtue and Harmony (Dehe Yuan) | 2004/04/20 11:32 北京市民讲外语活动组委会 |
兴建于清光绪十七年(1891),历时五年建成,是专供慈禧太后看戏的地方。园内的三层戏台是中国规模最大、保存最完好的木结构古戏台,其建筑设计精巧、气势宏伟,极富科学和艺术价值;清代著名京剧表演艺术家杨小楼,谭鑫培等都曾在此为慈禧太后献艺,被誉为“京剧的摇篮”;慈禧太后也曾赏赐一些王公大臣在此看戏。 游客在园中可以直观地感受慈禧当年看戏的场景,并可目睹到大量珍贵的帝后生活用品及外国馈赠清室的礼物。 |
整文洁字:德和园中英文双语简介 |
This garden was built as a theater for the Empress Dowager. Its construction began in the 17th year of Emperor Guangxu’s reign (1891) and lasted for five years. The three-storey theater stage is the biggest and best-preserved wooden stage of delicate design and magnificent structure, and is therefore of much scientific and artistic value. Famous Beijing Opera actors of the Qing Dynasty such as Yang Xiaolou and Tan Xinpei would come here to perform for the Empress Dowager and the stage was regarded as the“Cradle of Beijing Opera”. The Empress Dowager also granted special permission for some of the princes, dukes and cabinet ministers to watch Beijing opera here. Visitors can imagine the scene when the Empress Dowager watched opera in this garden. A large number of precious articles used by emperors and empresses, as well as some of the gifts presented to the Qing court by foreign states, are on display here. |
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