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使表达更加生动的修辞法--Simile 和 Metaphor
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/21 21:29  英语辅导报

  当我们不去用某词或某短语的本意,而是用一种富于想象的手法来表达一个思想时,这些词语就称为比喻用语(figurative language)。如把夏洛克比作fox,这并不是说他就是狐狸,而是一种比喻。在英语中,我们经常使用比喻用语,来使得一些意思更加生动,更加形象。



  Jupiter is like a giant heat?鄄containing thermos. (利用日常生活中常用的热水瓶来形容木星"外冷内热"的特点,既贴切,又形象,浅显而又不落俗套。)

  明喻包括三个部分:本体(subject)、喻体(reference)、比喻词(indicator of resemblance)。明喻必须三个部分都出现。本体是被比喻的事物,喻体是用来作比喻的事物,比喻词是连接本体和喻体的词语。例如:

  The sun is one of the stars in the Galaxy, in which there are about 100,000 million stars. It is not in the middle of the Galaxy, but rather near one edge. These stars form a group, the shape of which is rather like the shape of watch. (the shape of which是本体,like是比喻词,the shape of watch是喻体。)

  (Just) as the sun is the central body of the solar system, (so) the mucleus is the core of the atom. [the mucleus is the core of the atom是本体,(just) as... (so)是比喻词,the sun is the central body of the solar system是喻体。]

  Food is to the body as fuel is to the engine. (as是比喻词,food is to the body是本体,fuel is to the engine是喻体。)

  Life resembles but a day's journey. (resemble是比喻词,life是本体,a day's journey是喻体。)

  Metaphor:以此物隐喻彼物,将某一事物以另一个与其相似的事物来表达,是一种含蓄的比喻,暗示有比较,但又不充分说出这种比较。如:the key to the mystery(即解开奥秘的方法就像开门的钥匙一样);the light of knowledge(知识之光);to have a stone face(表情呆板)等。隐喻不用比喻词,但可以用be动词或者只用逗号、破折号将本体和喻体连起来。例如:   

  This gives the muscles of your lens and it is a chance to shift position, a sort of "get up and stretch" period. (句中"get up and stretch"是暗喻,用人起身伸懒腰比喻肌肉放松,没有用比喻词。)

  The green plant is a kind of food factory. (把绿色植物说成一种食物工厂。)

  The next day he had a very red face.第二天他非常尴尬。(脸红暗指不好意思。)



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