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关于 TWE 作文的准备
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/06 13:40  寄托天下




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When people succeed,

  it is because of hard work; luck has nothing to do with success. Use

  special reasons and examples to support your answer.

  I am afraid I cannot agree with the statement that success is only because

  of hard work and luck has nothing to do with it. To my mind, success is

  essentially based on two factors----hard work and luck. There would be no

  success without either one of the tow factors. A fine combination of both

  hard work and luck eventually leads to successes.首段提出观点

  An old saying goes,“no pains, no gains”. It is absolutely true that

  without exerting oneself, one could never expect to achieve success in what

  one is doing. So, hard work is the foundation of success. As is known to

  all, there is no royal road to the summit of success. One is likely to

  succeed only when one has worked with whole-hearted devotion and

  perseverance. Those who are lazy, sloppy and indifferent to their work,

  those who never concentrate on work will definitely end in failure. So,

  hard work is seen as an interior precondition of success.这段解释观点的一个


  On the other hand, successful people know how to seize and make the best

  use of opportunity available to them. To them, opportunity is an exterior

  precondition of potential success. By opportunity I mean luck, which is

  often seen as a catalytic agent to success. To quote from a proverb,“man

  proposes, god disposes”这里是不是用了一个成语谋事在人成事在天.一般不提倡这

  样,因为老外的文化背景和中国人不同.可能不明白,也很难翻译., hard work alone

  does not necessarily contribute to success. What one needs most is the work

  of both man and God put together. Man’s wisdom and the luck he has been

  granted are a sure guarantee of a successful career. Hard work is to luck

  what fish is to water. They are inseparable from each other, and put

  together, they make a great success.这段解释观点的另一个方面

  Here I would like to mention the great inventor Einstein as the best of

  examples. We all know that Einstein established the Theory of Relativity,

  but his fate could never have been any better than that of other Jews

  during the Second World War if Hitler had come to power earlier. It is not

  hard for us to imagine what Einstein would have become of under Hitler’s


  Hard work lays the corner-stone for building a house while luck serves to

  cement it, to make the building bricks adherent to one another. They are

  the twins that contribute to success together. While hard work is the

  decisive factor from within, luck is the decisive factor from without.




















  Score 6---Scoring Guidelines

  An essay at this level

  ----effectively addresses the writing task

  ----is well organized and well developed

  ----uses clearly appropriate details to support a thesis or illustrate ideas

  ----displays consistent facility in the use of language

  ----demonstrates syntactic variety and appropriate word choice

  Sample Essay

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Teachers should make learning enjoyable and fun for their students. Use

  reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

  I do strongly support the idea that teachers should make learning enjoyable

  and fun for the students. This I support with the following reasons.

  First let us take the psychological component of a student. A child or

  student will be more receptive to anything including studies if the subject

  matter is presented in an interesting and enjoyable manner. If not, there

  is every likelihood that the student will be unwilling to accept or even

  reject the matter presented as he considers studying is a burden on him.

  My second point is that the present-day student faces tremendous amount of

  distractions such as interesting television programs, drugs, distractions

  from opposite sexes and many more. To get the students away from all these

  and to get him interested in studies there is obviously no other better way

  than to make learning interesting.

  The present-day students are also pressured with tremendous amount of

  competition among fellow students. With this mounting pressure on them

  coupled with the high expectation of the parents, it will lighten the

  burden on the young students with a more acceptable form of presentation

  that is in an enjoyable and fun manner.

  Retention is another factor that should be considered important. Any

  presentation given in an interesting or enjoyable manner can be retained

  well by the students. If the subject matter presented is uninteresting,

  then there is strong likelihood the student will forge the subject matter

  presented in days or even hours.

  When presenting a subject the teacher should create a desire among the

  students to crave for more knowledge on the subject and this can certainly

  be obtained if the subject is presented in a fun and enjoyable manner.

  It can also be said that the present-day communications system is so

  advanced and there are ample teaching aids and techniques to make teaching

  fun and enjoyable. So why not utilize the opportunities to the full so that

  the student at the receiving end can benefit to the full.

  At last but not at least, I wish to say that by making teaching fun and

  enjoyable the life expectancy of both the student and the teacher can be


  Score 5 ----Scoring Guidelines

  An essay at this level

  ---may address some parts of the task more effectively than others

  ---is generally well organized and developed

  ---uses details to support a thesis or illustrate an idea

  ---displays facility in the use of language

  ---demonstrates some syntactic variety and range of vocabulary

  Score 4 ----Scoring Guidelines

  An essay at this level

  ---addresses the writing topic adequately but may slight parts of the task

  ---is adequately organized and developed

  ---uses some details to support a thesis or illustrate an idea

  ---demonstrates adequate but possibly inconsistent facility with syntax and


  ---may contain some errors that occasionally obscure meaning

  Score 3----Scoring Guidelines

  An essay at this level

  ---may reveal one or more of the following weaknesses

  ---inadequate organization or development

  ---inappropriate or insufficient details to support or illustrate


  ---a noticeably inappropriate choice of words or word forms

  ---an accumulation or errors in sentence structure and /or usage

  Score 2----Scoring Guidelines

  An essay at this level

  ---is seriously flawed by one or more of the following weakness

  ---serious disorganization or underdevelopment

  ---little or no details or irrelevant specifics

  ---serious and frequent errors in sentence structure and usage

  Score 1---Scoring Guidelines

  An essay at this Level

  ---may be incoherent and incomplete

  ---may be underdeveloped

  ---may contain severe and persistent writing errors




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