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初中英语语法知识辅导:解读 so 的三种句式
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/13 12:55  英语辅导报


  【解读1】So does he.

  此句属于"so +系动词(助动词或情态动词)+主语"结构,为倒装语序,意为"……也……",此结构表示前句叙述的情况也同样适合后句的人或物,此结构中前后句的主语为不同的人或物。此处so相当于in the same way。如:

  -Mary likes swimming.玛丽喜欢游泳。

  -So does Kate.凯特也喜欢。

  【解读2】So he does.

  此句属于"So+主语+系动词(助动词或情态动词)"结构,为正常语序,意为"……确实如此"。此结构是就前面提到的肯定事实予以确认,表示乙赞同甲的话。这种句型中,前后句主语相同。此处so相当于indeed, certainly。如:

  -It may be in that pocket.它可能在那个口袋里。

  -Ah, so it is.啊,真的。

  【解读3】He does so.



  2)该结构中"to do so"代替的是上文中的谓语和宾语部分(包括状语在内)。如:

  ①-Mr. Smith has given up smoking.史密斯先生已戒烟了。

   -I wonder why he did so.我奇怪他为什么这样做。

  这里so是指has given up smoking这件事。

  ②-Is it going to rain?要下雨了吗?

   -I think so. (so=that it is going to rain.)我想是的。

  【相关链接】"so... that..."结构与其它句型的转换是中考题命题的一个热点。请记住:

  1.当that从句是否定句,其主语与主句主语相同时,可用句型too... to do sth.替换;

   The boy is so young that he can't dress himself. ?邛The boy is too young to dress himself.

  2.当that从句是否定句,其主语与主句主语不相同时,可用句型too... for sb. to do sth.替换;

  The question is so difficult that I can't answer it. ?邛The question is too difficult for me to answer.

  3.当that从句是肯定句,其主语与主句主语相同时,可用... enough to do sth.替换;

  The man is so strong that he can lift the heavy box. ?邛The man is strong enough to lift the heavy box.

  4.当that的从句是肯定句,其主语与主句主语不相同时,可用... enough for sb. to do sth.替换。

  He spoke so loudly that we could hear what he said clearly.→He spoke loudly enough for us to hear what he said clearly.

  so和such都表示"如此"、"这样"。但so是副词,such是形容词,它们的位置也不同。在"such a (an) +形容词+单数名词"结构中,such可以换成so,但a (an)要置于形容词之后。如:such a good film→so good a film。


  1. He can swim in the river, and________.

  A. so do I B. so am I C. so can I D. I do, too (2003四川眉山)

  2. John began to study French last Sunday.__________.

  A. His brother did so

  B. So did his brother

  C. So his brother did

  D. His brother so did (2003黑龙江哈尔滨)

  3. Mike learns a lot about Internet. And ________.

  A. I don't either B. so do I

  C. so can I D. I am, too(2003山东济南)

  4. -It's very hot in Xi'an in summer.

   - __________.

  A. So it is B. So it does

  C. So does it D. So is it (2003山东泰安)

  5. -I went scuba diving last week.

   - _________. I like it very much.

  A. So I do B. So I did

  C. So did I D. So do I (2003浙江宁波)


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