应试辅导:短文改写填空型“阅读理解”例析 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/13 12:56 英语辅导报 |
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短文改写填空型"阅读理解"是近几年来中考试题中的一种新题型。这类题目难度较大,它集阅读理解、完形填空、单词拼写于一体,需要考生有较强的概括能力和扎实过硬的基础知识以及掌握一定的解题技巧。下面以一道短文改写填空型阅读理解题为例,说明解答这类题目的解题步骤与技巧。 阅读下面的短文,在改写后的短文的空白处填入适当的词,使其完整。 Robert is fifteen now. Two and a half years ago he came to the city and began to study in a middle school. He studies hard and gets on well with his classmates. And he often helps his friends with their lessons. But as he comes from a village, the headmaster who was born in a rich family is bad to him and does his best to make excuses to punish him. The boy knows it and takes precautions against (提防)it. One afternoon all the students went to have lunch and he bought a piece of bread. He was reading a book under a big tree, while a dog was standing near him. At that moment the headmaster came out and saw it. He became angry and said, "Don't you know we don't let anybody rear (饲养) dogs in the school ?" "Yes, I do, sir ." said the boy. "Why have you brought your dog to school, then?" "It isn't my dog." "Why is it following you, then?" "You're following me now, sir." said the boy, "Can you say you are mine?" (注:此文曾在本版2003-2004学年度上学期第24期以完形填空题形式刊登过。) Robert is fifteen. He is in Grade _______(1) now. He studies hard and his classmates are______(2) to him. And he often helps his friends to______(3) their lessons. But as he was______(4) in a farmer family, the headmaster from a ______(5) family is bad to him and does______(6) he can to punish him. One day in the______(7) , all the students went______(8) lunch and he bought a piece of bread, reading a book under a tree. At the moment a dog was standing near him. ______(9) the headmaster saw this, he wanted to______(10) him. But he failed that day again. 第一步:快读全文,掌握大意。 解答这类题目时首先要通读原文,掌握文章的大意。阅读时速度要快一点,要找出文章的关键句(可用笔划出来),抓住文章的基本要点。这类题目的原文一般是记叙文。读完之后应该知道文章讲了什么,涉及到了哪些人或物,前因后果怎样等等。 通读原文后我们知道。文章讲叙了Robert和校长的一些情况,Robert是一个初中生,他出生于贫困之家,但他学习努力与同学相处融洽。校长出生于富贵家庭对Robert很不友好,总是想尽办法惩罚他, Robert时刻小心提防他。一天下午,校长又想趁机惩罚他,但未能得逞。 第二步:细读改写,寻找异同。 掌握了原文的大意之后,就要仔细地阅读改写后的文章,找出两篇文章相同的地方与不同的地方,进行一番比较之后才可以做题。改写后的文章是换一种方式对原文表述的内容进行复述,它们所写的是同一件事情,只不过在表达方式上存在着差异,弄清楚这些差异对做题很有帮助。通过比较我们会发现许多要填写的地方是在进行同义句改写,只不过这种改写更富有灵活性。如原文中说Two and a half years ago he came to the city and began to study in a middle school.而改写文中却是He is in Grade______(1) now.由原文中的Two and half years ago可知第1空要填Three。原文中说He studies hard and gets on well with his classmates ,而改写文中却是He studies hard and his classmates are______(2) to him.由于"他与同学相处融洽",那么"他的同学一定是对他很友好了"。因此第2空填kind或friendly。第3空是一个典型的同义句改写,即help sb. with sth.与help sb. to do sth.的转换。此空填learn或study。 第三步:字斟句酌,各个击破。 经过对比之后,对相同之处与不同之处已有个大体的了解。这时,可以先把明显相同的空填好。比如第4、5、7空与原文几乎没多大差别可先填好:4. born;5. rich; 7. afternoon。对于与原文有较大差异的空,则需要字斟句酌,仔细推敲了。我们要在对比改写文中的句子与原文句子差别的前提下,推测改写文中的句子所要表达的意思,然后根据我们所学的知识推出所要填写的单词。如:原文中的...and does his best to make excuses to punish him.正是改写文中...and does______(6) he can to punish him.要表达的意思。这里does后面是一个宾语从句,而从句缺少引导词,因此填入what正合适。这一空较难,因为can后面省去了动词原形do。这句话意为"并且做他所能做的事情来惩罚他。" 原文中的...all the students went to have lunch与改写文中的all the students went______(8) lunch相对应,went to have lunch与went for lunch同义。故第8空填for。 改写文中的______(9) the headmaster saw this, he wanted to______(10) him. But he failed that day again.是对原文第二段后面部分的概括,通过比较我们知道改写文中要表达的意思是"当校长看到那种情况时,他想惩罚他,但那一天他又失败了。"因此第9空填When,第10空填punish。 第四步:复读改写,纠正失误。 填好所有的空后还要将改写的短文复读一遍,进行复查、审核以便纠正出现的一些失误。复读时要注意改写的短文是否通顺,是否与原文意思相符。完成后的短文应该文理通顺、语法正确、符合逻辑。如有不通之处,则应再推敲一番。复查时还要注意动词的人称、时态、名词的单复数形式是否正确、首字母是否大写、句子搭配是否合理等等。如第1空应大写首字母,很多考生可能会忽略这一点。 (文/蒋秀玉;英语辅导报初三版03--04学年度第35期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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