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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/16 09:26  英语辅导报


  I. 听音,圈出单词中不发音的字母:(每个单词只读一遍,10%)

  1. name2. loose 3. debt4. doubt

  5. comb6. tomb7. rhyme8. hour

  9. blue10. rhythm

  II. 听音,写出你听到的基数词相对应的序数词:(每个单词只读一遍,10%)

  1. ____________2. ____________

  3. ____________4. ____________

  5. ____________

  III. 听音,完成句子:(每小题只读一遍,10%)

  1. January is________ ________month of the ________.

  2. Summer is________ ________season of the year.

  3. Thursday is________ ________day of the________.

  IV. 听音,填表:(每小题只读一遍,10%)




  I. 在下面方格内填上所缺的字母,使横、竖行都能构成本期单词:(20%)


  II. 根据中文提示完成句子:(20%)

  1. May is________(第五个) month of a year.

  2. Monday is________(第二) day of a week in America.

  3. Kate is________(第一个) one here.

  4. Children's Day is in ________(第六个) month of a year.

  5. Winter is________(第四个) season of a year.

  III. 选句完成对话,然后根据对话内容填词完成句子:(20%)

  A. Where is he?B. What's on the third floor, Jack?

  C. What are you doing here?D. Where is your mother?

  S: Hi, Jack. (1)________

  J: Hi, Sam. I'm waiting for my father.

  S: (2)________

  J: He's on the second floor. He's buying some food.

  S: (3)________.

  J: She's on the fourth floor. She's buying some clothes.

  I like the third floor.

  S: (4)________.

  J: There are lots of toys.

  1. Jack is waiting for________ ________.

  2. ________ ________ is on the fourth floor.

  3. Jack's mother is buying some________.

  4. Jack likes________.



  I. 1. nam(e) 2. loos(e) 3. de(b)t 4. dou(b)t 5. com(b)

  6. tom(b)7. r(h)yme 8. (h)our9. blu(e) 10. r(h)ythm

  II.1. five(fifth) 2. four(fourth) 3. two(second)

  4. three(third) 5. one(first)

  III. 1. January is the first month of the year.

  2. Summer is the second season of the year.

  3. Thursday is the fifth day of the week.

  IV. 1. The first day of June is Children's Day.

  2. Fool's Day is on the first day of April.

  3. The second Sunday of May is Mother's Day.

  4. The third Sunday of June is Father's Day.

  5. Americans have Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November.


  I. 横行:fifth, second, sixth

  竖行:first, fourth, third

  II. 1. the fifth 2. the second 3. the first 4. the sixth 5. the fourth

  III. (1)C (2)A (3)D (4)B

  1. his father 2. Jack's mother 3. clothes 4. toys

  (文/钱松岭 高云志 陈文觉 张玉清;英语辅导报小学六年级版 03~04学年第37期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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