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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/16 09:31  英语辅导报

  Listening Part(共四大题,40%)

  I. 听音,看看哪个单词划线部分的发音与所听单词含有相同的音素:(每个单词只读一遍,10%)


  II. 听音,选出与所听内容相符的图片:(每小题读两遍,10%)


  III. 听音,选择相应的答句或问句:(每小题只读一遍,10%)

  ( )1. A. No, I don't.

  B. I don't often watch TV.

  ( )2. A. How do you usually go to school?

  B. When do you often get up?

  ( )3. A. She always reads books.

  B. He always plays computer games.

  ( )4. A. My classmates. B. Yes, she does.

  ( )5. A. No, he doesn't. B. Because they are lazy.

  IV. 听音,补全短文:(短文读两遍,10%)

  Eddy is a student. He always    at    o'clock every day. He usually has    and milk for his    . He often goes to school by    . He is very kind. His    like him very much. On Sundays he always    with his mother. His    always stays at home and    . They often    for a walk after supper.

  Writing Part(共三大题,60%)

  I. 读单词、辨音、连线。将下列I、II、III三部分单词划线字母发音相同的连接起来:(20%)


  II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:(20%)

  1. His mother often________(get) up at 6:30 in the morning.

  2. She________(like) watching TV, but she________(not like) reading.

  3. My father usually________(have) lunch at home.

  4. He________(not speak) Chinese, but he can________ (speak) English.

  5. We________(go) to school from Monday to Friday.

  III. 看图,回答问题:(20%)



  Listening Part

  I. 1. food (C) 2. pear (A) 3. group(C) 4. looks (B) 5. now (A)

  II. 1. I often have breakfast at six o'clock. (A)

  2. Dongdong likes biscuits very much. (B)

  3. -Does he often dance?

  -No, he doesn't. He often listens to music. (C)

  4. Mum wants to buy some onions, some pork and some carrots. (B)

  5. -How do you usually go to the park?

  -I usually walk to the park. (C)

  III. 1. Do you often listen to pop music? (A)

  2. I usually go to school by bike. (A)

  3. What does he always do on Sundays? (B)

  4. Who often helps you with your study? (A)

  5. Why do piglets often sleep? (B)

  IV. Eddy is a student. He always gets up at six o'clock every day. He

  usually has biscuits and milk for his breakfast. He often goes to school by bicycle. He is very kind. His classmates like him very much. On Sundays he always goes to the supermarket with his mother. His father always stays at home and reads newspapers. They often go out for a walk after supper.

  Writing Part

  I. 1-B-c, 2-D-d, 3-E-a, 4-A-e, 5-C-b

  II. 1. gets 2. likes, doesn't like 3. has 4.doesn't speak, speak 5. go

  III. 1. Yes, he does. 2. She works in the field. 3. At ten o'clock. 4. On foot. 5. He is ill.

  (文/左春雨 陈文觉 陆卫东 振铎;英语辅导报小学五年级版 03~04学年第36期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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