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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/16 09:54  英语辅导报



  I. 听句子,选出所听句子的同义句。(以下六个选项中有一项多余。)(5分)

  A.He is wearing a yellow sweater.

  B.Where do you come from?

  C.You can't play football here.

  D.His brother is at work on the farm.

  E.This box looks very much like that one.

  F.Where are his brother and sister reading books?

  1.________ 2.________ 3.________

  4.________ 5.________

  II. 听对话,根据对话内容选出适当的图片,回答下列问题。(10分)


  III. 听短文,完成下列句子,并使各句连接在一起通顺连贯。(5分)

  1. Mrs Green and her children ________ ________

  in the park.

  2. David is eating some________ and Jane is

  drinking some________ .

  3. David________ into the water. He can't________ .

  4. Jane is worried and is________ ________ her

  mother and David.

  5. Mrs Green jumps into the water and________her son.


  I.找出划线部分共有几种读音。(A.种 B.二种C.三种 D.四种)(5分)

  1. you fly only yes

  2. balls books oranges windows

  3. the that their there

  4. listen kite basket eight

  5. thank think nine fine





  1. A person has________.

  A. a head,a body and two mouths

  B. two eyes, two ears and two hairs

  C. a head, a nose and two arms

  D. one arm, one ear and two feet

  2. We have two classes________the afternoon

  during the week, but we have no classes

  ________Saturday afternoon.

  A. on; on B. in; in

  C. on; in D. in; on

  3. What does she________today?

  A. wear B. put of

  C. wears D. puts on

  4. He thinks I________his English teacher.

  A. likes B. does like

  C. am like not D. am like

  5. The shop is closed________.

  A. this morning B. in this morning

  C. the morning D.on the morning

  6. I have nothing________.

  A. to write at B. to write to

  C. to write with D. with write

  7. Let's________him, OK?

  A. go help B. go and help

  C. go helping D. to go to help


  Jimmy and Bruce are brothers, but they don't look alike. They are 1 from each other. Jimmy is tall, and has short hair. But Bruce is 2 , and has 3 hair. Jimmy has two moneyboxes, one is full and heavy, but the other is 4 and 5 . Bruce has two, too. One is new and big, and the other is 6 and 7 . Look, they are working on a maths problem(难题). It is too hard for Bruce, and his answer is wrong. But it is too 8 for Jimmy, and his answer is 9 .

  V. 按要求进行句型转换。(10分)

  1. The boy can make a model plane. (用now将


  The boy________ ________a model plane


  2. You mustn't talk in the reading room.(变为祈


  ________ ________in the reading room,


  3. It is Thursday today.(就划线部分提问)

  ________ ________is it today?

  4. The girl can ride a bike.(变为一般疑问句,


  -________the girl ride a bike?

  -No, ________ ________.

  5. The boy has a round face. (就划线部分提问)

  ________ does the boy look________?

  VI. 短文改错。(24分)



  Man: Now, Sheila, tell me what you can see in the picture.

  Sheila: Well, I can see a park.There has four child on the grass. One of they is watching a book, while the other are playing the football. There is a white dog under the tree, and a parrot on the tree. The parrot can speak English. Listen, it is saying "Good morning!"

  Man: Thank you, Sheila. Um, do you wear glasses?

  1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________

  4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________

  7. ________ 8. ________



  I. 1. Where are you from?

  2. This box and that box look the same.

  3. His brother is working on the farm.

  4. He is in a yellow sweater now.

  5. Don't play football here.

  (1-5 BEDAC)

  II. W: It's a fine morning today, isn't it, Jim?

  M: Yes, it is, Mary. Can you help me with my English this afternoon?

  W: Certainly, Jim, but I want to clean my room first. I can come to your house at half past five.

  M: OK. I hope you can have supper with us.

  W: I would like to.

  M: It's Sunday tomorrow. Let's go to the park.

  W: Tomorrow morning I want to see my grandfather. What about tomorrow afternoon?

  M: OK. Tomorrow morning I want to read English.

  W: I must go now. My father is coming back soon.

  M: See you this afternoon.

  W: See you then.

  (1-5 CBABC)

  III. Mrs Green and her two children David and Jane are boating in the park. They are having a good time. David is eating some bread. He is hungry. Jane is drinking some juice. She is thirsty. The lake is very clean. They can see some fish swimming in the water. David stands up to look at the fish. He falls into the water. He can't swim. Mrs Green jumps into the lake and swims to her son. Jane is very worried. She is looking at them. Mrs Green saves her son.

  (1. are boating 2. bread, juice 3. falls, swim 4. looking at 5. saves)


  I. 1-5 CBABB

  II. 1. read 2. study/work 3. playing/to play 4. work/live 5. watching 6. speak 7. listen to 8. Write

  III.1-5 CDADA 6-7 CB

  IV. 1.different 2.short 3.long 4.empty 5.light 6.old 7.small 8.easy 9.right

  V. 1.is making 2.Don't talk 3.What day 4.Can, she, can't 5.What; like

  VI. 1.has→are 2.child→children 3.they→them 4.watching→reading 5.other→others 6.playing后的the→去掉 7.white→black 8.on the tree→in the tree

  (文/黄继飞 迟本文;英语辅导报初一(人教)版03~04学年第36期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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