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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/18 09:22  英语辅导报


  1. 使用不足


  [例1] The man is not a young man, but the man is not old. He is about forty-four or forty-five years old. The man is a good-looking man: tall, handsome, rather thin, with dark-brown hair just beginning to go grey. The man is always well-dressed, but quietly in good taste.


  [例2] Self-confidence is very important

  for us. With self-confidence we can do whatever we want to; without self-confidence we can achieve nothing.

  例2中没有明显语法错误,但读起来颇似汉语结构:"自信对我们很重要.有了自信我们百事可为;没有自信则一事无成."很明显,学生受到了来自汉语结构的影响.可以改为:Self-confidence is very important for us. With it we can do whatever we want to, or else we can achieve nothing.


  [例3] People should not spend too much time on hobbies in order to avoid disturbing normal work and study.

  [例4] Many international meetings on environment protection are held, at which scientists from different countries can exchange ideas and learn from each other.

  [例5] The weightlifter grunted as he

  heaved the barbells into the air, then, with a loud groan, dropped them.

  例3句意是"人们不应该在业余爱好上花太多时间,以免影响正常工作和学习".例4句意是"在召开的许多有关环境保护的国际会议上,世界各地的科学家们可以交流思想和互相学习".汉语中不使用物主代词不会引起误解,读起来也非常自然.然而,在英语中则应该加上物主代词,所以两句划线部分最好改为:"disturbing their normal work and study"(例3),"exchange their ideas"(例4).例5中划线部分为独立句子,形式上需要主语,所以应该在动词dropped前加上"he".

  2. 过度使用


  [例6] He introduced me to the pilot. He looked after him when he was in hospital. He really did a fine job, and nothing was too much trouble for him.

  此例中,由于he/him所指对象不明,以致读者弄不清楚到底是谁住了医院,谁照顾了谁.如果是"pilot"住了医院,受到"He"的照顾,应该在第二句中重复"the pilot",将之改为:"...He looked after the pilot in hospital."

  另外,汉语中常使用不定代词,没有具体所指,但学生在作文中往往下意识地将这些代词用"someone","some people"等表述出来,造成语义晦涩,且不符合英语表达习惯.

  [例7] Yesterday, my friends and I went out for shopping. Someone had told me the bus would be crowded, so we got to the stop very early.

  英语中不定代词someone主要用于强调"有人",尽管并不指明是谁.例7中显然没有强调意义(否则读者会追问到底是谁),所以使用someone使句子显得很不自然.故划线部分宜改为:Having been told the bus would be crowded, we got to the stop very early.

  3. 转换不当


  [例8] If you work hard, one will make rapid progress.

  [例9] So long as you have the Internet access, anyone can receive distance education.

  [例10] Whether one enjoys or resents advertisements, we are actually bombarded by them every hour of the day.

  很明显,以上三句都出现了代词转换不当的错误.例8中的one应为you; 例9中的anyone可改为you;例10中的we are应为he is.归根结底,这种错误是受汉语影响所致,因为汉语对代词一致性的限制相对较弱(以上三例若直译为汉语,在语法上是可以接受的).

  4. 性、数、格不一致

  人称代词、反身代词以及相应的限定代词必须和它们照应的对象保持性、数、格上的一致.如第三人称单数中,当照应对象为阳性名词时,代词通常用he, him, himself, his;当照应对象为阴性名词时,代词通常用she, her, herself, hers;如果照应对象是表示无生命事物的名词,代词常用it, its, itself.代词的格分为三种,分别是主格、宾格和所有格,各有其相应的形式.

  [例11] It was him that answered the question.(应为he,因为在从句中作主语,应用主格形式)

  [例12] If a friend of you ask you to do a wrong thing,even to help him commit a crime, your best answer of course is "no"!(应为yours,此为双属格结构)

  [例13] My friend and adviser have offer-

  ed their help.(应为has...her/his, my friend and adviser,从结构上看,应为同一个人)

  [例14] Either the workers or the supervisor will win their grievance.(应为his/her,以or或nor连接两个主语时,代词与其最近的词保持一致)

  [例15] I can see that the baby has got his first tooth.(应为its,习惯上用it来指代婴儿)

  5. 其他错误

  1)因代词引发的粘连句式(run-on sentence)

  [例16] In my opinion, people from different cultures can go with each other. We will consider it difficult at first, it's very natural.(可改为which is)

  [例17] She had intended to become a biologist, however, she seemed more interested in medicine.(可将however前的逗号改为句号,并将h大写.)

  [例18] He was shy, he usually refused invitations.(可将第二个he前的逗号改为句号,并将h大写.)

  [例19] The number increased significantly once more, it jumped to the highest peak in 2003.(应为jumping)



  [例20] I just want to teach oneself operating the machine.(应为teach myself,固定搭配中的反身代词应在实际语境中作相应的变化)

  [例21] That morning, I got up, dressed myself and went out.(应为got dressed,三个动词使用相同结构显得更为自然)



  [例22] In John's speech, he talked much about the importance of self-control.(宜将

  John's换成his, 而将he换成John)


  (文/唐伟胜 唐正坤; 英语通大学英语四级考试版2004年第3期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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