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英语辅导报小学教师版:A Teaching Plan
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/21 17:46  英语辅导报




  1. 认知目标:能听懂会说:Smell the melon. Feel the apple. Taste the peach.

  2. 能力目标:能在实际情景中运用所学语言向其他同学发布命令,提高运用语言进行交流的能力。


  Smell the melon. Feel the apple. Taste the peach.


  smell, feel和taste三个动词的区别和运用。




  Step 1. Warming-up

  1. Greet the students.

  T: Hello, boys and girls. Look at the pictures here. Is this a nose?

  Ss: Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. (学生边说边做手势)

  T: What is this?

  Ss: It is a mouth.


  2. Play the game: Listen and do.

  Stand up, please. Open your book. Close your book. Touch your nose. Wave your hand. Show me your apple. Put it down. Touch your banana.

  【设计意图】"教师发指令,学生做动作", 这是学生最喜欢的游戏。学生在跟我说的同时,还要迅速做出动作,以此做为切入点,在游戏中复习了前几单元的重点句型和所学的水果单词。这样学生对水果单词会有更深刻的印象,真正做到了"眼到、手到、口到、心到",同时又使学生以饱满的热情投入到学习中来。

  Step 2. Teaching and learning

  1. T: Look at my bag. What is in it? Guess.(出示一个藏着苹果的背包)

  S1: It is an orange.

  S2: It is a pear...

  T: Feel the bag, please. What is in it? (说的时候辅以动作,使学生理解意思)

  Ss: It is an apple.

  feel [fi:l] Check the pronunciation one by one and do the action. Pass the real fruit or plastic fruit around. Have students listen and act according to my commands "Feel the apple." Continue until every student has a chance to "feel" the fruit.


  2. Play the game. "Feel the..."

  Feel the apple. Feel the banana. Feel the pear. Feel the orange. Feel the lemon. Feel the melon.


  3. T: Boys and girls, look at my apples. How nice! Feel the apple. Smell, smell, smell the apple.

  smell[smel] Pass the apple, let the students smell the apple.

  T: I can smell the apple. What can you smell?

  S1: Smell the orange.

  S2: Smell the banana.

  S3: Smell the pear.


  【设计意图】有了刚才Feel the apple. 一环节的铺垫,学生很容易掌握smell一词。让学生自己说出Smell the... 培养了他们活学活用的能力,运用语言于实际生活中。

  4. T: OK. Oh, I am thirsty. I like oranges. Taste the orange. Taste, taste, taste the orange.

  Today you're great. I will give you some presents. Who wants to taste the orange? Who will try?


  5. Chant: Feel, feel,摸一摸。Smell, smell, 闻一闻。 Taste, taste, 尝一尝。(即兴编绕口令,学生边说边做动作)

  【设计意图】绕口令非常符合一年级孩子的心理特点,欢快的节奏,活泼的动作,琅琅上口的语言,绕口令的朗读让孩子们进一步区分feel, smell, taste三个单词的含义,帮助孩子巩固所学的新知识点。

  Step 3. Consolidation

  1. Play the game: Listen and do.

  Feel the apple. Smell the orange. Taste the banana.

  2. Look at the picture. "What is May doing?" Listen to the tape. Try to retell the sentences.

  3. Open the books. Play the tape. The students listen and read after it.

  4. Divide the class into groups of three or four to practise acting the commands. In each group, one student gives commands and the others do the actions. Then let them change roles. Select groups to act the commands to the class.


  5. T: Now boys and girls, show your fruit to your partners. Give commands. Let them "feel / smell / taste" your fruit. Go!



  1. Read the text after class.

  2. Use imperatives to give simple instructions.

  (文/倪 红;英语辅导报小学教师版03~04学年第40期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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