大学英语辅导:大学英语六级写作的谋篇布局 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/22 17:06 英语辅导报 |
听说读写是语言学习者必须要掌握的技能,而"写"作为技能之一,又是重中之重。它反映的是学生实际运用语言的能力。但在目前的大学英语教学中,由于缺乏必要的写作实践,学生的写作水平普遍较低,达不到大纲规定的内容完整、条理清楚、文理通顺的要求。本文就六级作文如何谋篇布局这一方面,介绍一些行之有效的写作方法,以帮助同学们在六级考试中取得好成绩。 一、如何开篇 纵观十几年来的四、六级作文考题,体裁大多为议论文、记叙文和应用文,其中以议论文(exposition and argumentation)居多,这也是本文要重点讨论的。四、六级议论文大多采用三段论模式,即开头段(introduction)、主体段(body paragraph)和结尾段(conclusion)。 四、六级作文的开篇一般不长,寥寥几句,但却十分重要。常见的方法有: 1. 开门见山,直书主题。例1:标题:Should Men and Women Be Equal? 开篇: Men and women should be equal at home and in society, for both of them are essential to the existence and prosperity of the family and society.。 2.介绍背景,引起下文。例2: 标题:Housing Problem 开篇:With the development of industry and increase of employment in cities, more people are swarming into cities. The housing problem is becoming more and more serious.。 3.用统计数字,阐明观点。例3: 标题:Laid-off Workers开篇:A total of 11.5 million workers had been laid off from the state-owned enterprises by the end of last year, and the figure is expected to continue rising as technology becomes more advanced and in-depth reforms of state-owned enterprises take off.。 4.引用名言,揭示主题。例4: 标题:My View on Happy Life 开篇:As a popular saying goes, "Health is more valuable than wealth." A healthy person is always energetic and enjoys his life and achieves what he hopes for in his career.。 5. 定义话题,深入阐述。例5: 标题:On Modesty 开篇:Modesty is a virtue, which may mean you have a lower opinion of your ability, knowledge, skill and success, than you deserve. 开篇的方法还有很多种,如设问、比喻等等,大家需不断地实践才能灵活运用。 二、 如何扩展 所谓扩展就是如何写文章的主体。常见的方法有: 1. 列举法:即在文章主题句后用一个个细节来说明主题的方法。其中要注意的是过渡词的运用,比如:such as,firstly,first of all,furthermore,additionally等等。 2. 举例法:指用典型、具体而生动的事例来支持文章主题。如:A good case in point is job-hunting. When you look for a job, in most cases you'll be slighted and can't pass the interview successfully if you dress improperly... It is the same case with shopping. When you go to a luxurious shop, probably you will not be allowed to enter if you wear shabby clothes... 3. 因果法:指用一些事实或理论作依据来解释、论证某种现象或结果。可以是先因后果也可以是先果后因,其结构由三部分组成:①主题--表明原因,或明确结果。②展开句--推导出结果或原因。③结尾句--对主题起强调作用。 4. 比较法:指在写作中找出两个或两个以上事物之间的共同点或不同点进行阐述。比较的方法可以是整体比较,即先说完A事物的全部特点,再说B事物的全部特点,从整体上进行比较或对比;再就是交替比较,即先说出A事物的某一特点,接着指出B事物与之相对应的特点,并依次比较下去。 扩展的方法还有分类、归纳、演绎等等,限于篇幅,不再赘述。 三、 如何结尾 开头和结尾往往是读者注意最多的部分。开头引起读者注意,提出主题;结尾与开头呼应,使读者感觉全文论述完整,圆满结束。从某种意义上说,结尾更容易给读者留下印象。人们常说:"画龙点睛",这充分体现了结尾段的重要作用。 六级写作常见的结尾方式: 1. 总结概括式。常用句型有:①From what has been discussed above, we may arrive at the conclusion that...②In conclusion, I would like to say that... ③Thererfore, we can draw the following conclusions... 2. 引经据典式。常用句型有:① One great person once remarked, "...." This is still true today. ② I'd like to end my article with someone's words,"...." ③ As the English/ Chinese proverb says, "...." 希望大家平时多积累一些名人名言或谚语以备在写作中使用。 3. 展望未来式。常见句型有:① There is no doubt that special attention must be paid to the problem of... ② It is high time that...③ We may have a long way to go before we reach the final goal. 4. 提出见解、建议式。常见句型有:① In my opinion,... ② In a word,... ③ As is known to all that... 虽说教无定法、学无定法、写无定法,但在写作的初级阶段,还是要多掌握一些固定的句型、模式。只要大家能勤写多练,自有妙笔生花的一天。 (文/于萍萍;英语辅导报大学二年级版 03~04学年第40期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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