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从高考题看except, except for/that等的用法
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/23 10:40  英语辅导报

  从高考题看except, except for/that, besides和but的用法


  1. No one knew Mr Beson's address ________ his daughter.

  A. except B. excepts C. only D. besides

  2. Do you know any other foreign language ________ English?

  A. except B. but C. beside D. besides

  3. I know nothing about the young lady ________ she is from Beijing.

  A. except B. except for

  C. except that D. besides

  4. Sandy could do nothing but ________ to his teacher that he was wrong.

  A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit

  析:Key:1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A。由此,我们可以看出except, except for/that, besides和but 的用法,成了历届高考考查的热点之一。

  except, except for/that, besides和but都有"除……之外"的意思,但用法各异,现就它们的用法进行分析比较:


  except意为"只有……除外;除去……",后跟名词或代词作宾语,强调从整体中除去部分,即except后的部分不包括在整体之内。因此,常和all, everything, no one, nothing等词一起使用。其判别标志是:除去的与保留的是"同类项"。例如:

  1. All of them went out for a walk ________ John.

  A. besides B. except C. beside D. excepts

  2. Everyone is here ________ Xiao Wang and me.

  A. except B. besides C. beside D. excepts

  析:Key:1. B 2. A。因除去的与保留的是"同类项",且1、2题中有信息词All、Everyone。

  二、except for/that的用法--"排除否定式"

  except 除后跟名词、代词作宾语外,还可跟介词,也可跟从句。

  (1)except for...是"除了因为……;要不是……;除去……一点外"的意思,表示"对一个人或事物,先做一个整体评价,然后再就局部提出一点看法"。即一部分被肯定,另一部分被否定,这就是所谓的"排除否定式"。其判别标志是:除去的与保留的"不是同类项"。例如:

  1. It was dark in the city ________ a few weak lights.

  A. except for B. except C. besides D. but for

  2. Your composition is very good ________ a few spelling mistakes.

  A. except that B. except for

  C. besides D. beside

  析:Key: 1. A 2. B。因为除去的与保留的"不是同类项",故选except for。

  (2)except that... 也是"除去……一点外"的意思,但应注意恰当地使用引导词。若从句句意和结构完整,只需用引导词that。例如:

  1. The suit fitted him well ________ the colour was a little brighter.

  A. except for B. except that

  C. except when D. besides

  析:Key:B。本题题意为"除色彩艳了一点儿外,这套衣服很适合他",从句the colour was a little brighter句意和结构完整,只需用引导词that,故选except that。

  2. -Can you tell me all about the earthquake?

  -Sorry,I know nothing about it ________ I read in the newspaper.

  A. except B. except for

  C. except what D. except that

  析:Key:C。因从句中read为及物动词,且其后无宾语,故选except what。

  3. Mr Green usually goes to work by bus ________ it rains.

  A. besides B. except when

  C. except what D. beside

  析:Key:B。由于it rains为从句,故排除A、D,且rains为不及物动词,不需要宾语,故排除C。except when 意为"除了当……的时候"。

  (3)except for与except that有时可互相转换。例如:

  1. Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.

  =Your composition is very good except that there are a few spelling mistakes.

  2. The village is very quiet except for some birds singing in the woods.

  =The village is very quiet except that there are some birds singing in the woods.


  besides相当于as well as,意为"除了……以外还有……",即"除去一部分还有另外一部分"的意思,表示besides 后面的部分包括在整体之内。例如:

  1. Does John know any other foreign language ________ French.

  A. except B. but

  C. besides D. beside

  析:Key:C。由本题中的信息词"any other foreign language",可知选besides。




  1. They all went to the park ________ Mike and me.

  A. besides B. except for C. but D. beside

  析:Key: C。因为all是信息词,且they与Mike and me是"同类项",根据句意应选C。

  (2)but常与下列词连用:a.否定词no one, none, nothing等; b.疑问词who, what等; c.不定代词all, everyone等。例如:

  1. Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan.这个计划只能招灾惹祸,别无益处。

  2. Who but Tom would do such a thing?除了汤姆以外还有谁愿意干这种事?


  1. David could do nothing but ________ his teacher yesterday afternoon.

  A. help B. helped

  C. helping D. to help

  析:key:A。do nothing but...后应接动词原形,意为"除做……外什么也不做"。

  2. The enemy had no choice but ________ their arms and ________ .

  A. lie down;give in

  B. lay down;give in

  C. to lay down;give in

  D. to lie down;to give in

  析:Key:C。have no choice but后应接带to 的动词不定式,且and后的成分与动词不定式之间存在并列关系,故选C。

  注意:but for是"要不是;没有……"的意思,常用于虚拟语气。例如:

  But for your help, I would have failed. 要是没有你的帮助, 我早就失败了。


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