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英语辅导:从2003年高考题谈 on 的热点用法
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/23 10:40  英语辅导报


  The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism ________ the wildlife in the area.

  A. in B. on C. at D. with



  1. (表位置)在……上;靠近;沿着;在……旁边

  There are a lot of books on the shelf. 书架上有许多书。

  London is on the Thames. 伦敦位于泰晤士河畔。

  There are trees on both sides of the street. 街道两边有树。

  2. (表时间)在……时


  He will go there on Sunday. 他星期天去那里。

  He will come on October 1st. 他十月一日来。

  He goes home on Saturdays. 他常在星期六回家。


  He suddenly returned on a rainy night. 在一个雨夜,他突然回来了。

  He lost his handbag on the afternoon of last Wednesday.上个星期三的下午, 他弄丢了他的手提包。

  They met for the second time on a hot summer evening. 在一个炎热的夏天的晚上,他们第二次见面了。


  Some hibernating animals may wake up on warm winter days. 在冬天温暖的日子里,一些冬眠动物可能会醒来。

  They went fishing on cool summer days. 他们在夏天凉爽的日子里钓鱼。

  3. (表状态)处于……状态;在……中

  Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?

  The building is on fire. 楼房着火了。

  My uncle went to Nanjing on business. 我叔叔到南京出差了。

  4. (表关系)关于;有关;涉及

  He has written an article on the importance of birth control. 他已写了一篇关于计划生育重要性的文章。

  I bought a book on gardening. 我买了一本有关园艺方面的书。

  5. (表动作的方向)对……;朝着……

  I called on her the other day. 几天前我去看望过她。

  The baby smiled on me. 那个婴儿冲着我笑。

  6. 一……就……

  On hearing the news he called me.一听到那消息他就给我打了电话。

  7. (在某单位)供职

  He is on Thames. 他在泰晤士报社工作。

  Is she on English Coaching Paper? 她在英语辅导报社工作吗?


  1. He left for Beijing ________ a foggy morning.

  A. on B. at C. in D. off

  2. We offered him our congratulations________ his passing the college entrance exams.

  A. at B. on C. for D. of

  3. He gave me some advice ________ how to learn English well.

  A. on B. off C. at D. by

  4. Is this kind of computer still ________ sale?

  A. in B. on C. fromD. of

  5. He went to Beijing ________ a cold winter morning.

  A. in B. at C. by D. on

  6. He made a speech ________ smoking.

  A. at B. on C. off D. with

  Key: 1-6 ABABDB


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