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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/24 16:42  英语辅导报


  1. Only in this way _______ progress in your English.

  A. you make

  B. can you make

  C. you be able to make

  D. will you able to make

  2. Only after liberation _______ to be treated as human beings.

  A. did they begin

  B. they had begun

  C. they did begin

  D. have they begun

  3. Only when the war was over in 1945 _______ to get a college education.

  A. he was able B. he is able

  C. was he able D. is he able

  4. Only when the war was over _______ to his hometown.

  A. did the young soldier return

  B. the young soldier returned

  C. returned the young soldier

  D. the young soldier did return

  5. Not until the early years of the 19th century _______ what heat is.

  A. man did know B. man knew

  C. didn't man know D. did man know

  6. Not until I began to work ______ how much time I had wasted.

  A. didn't I realize B. did I realize

  C. I didn't realize D. I realize

  7.Little _______ about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.

  A. does he care B. did he care C. he cares D. he cared

  8. Not until all the fish died in the river _______ how serious the pollution was.

  A. did the villagers realize

  B. the villagers realized

  C. the villagers did realize

  D. didn't the villagers realize

  9. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _______ so happy.

  A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt

  10. No sooner had he finished his talk _______ he was surrounded by the workers.

  A. as B. then C. than D. when

  11. _______ got into the room, _______ the telephone rang.

  A. He hardly had; then

  B. Hardly had he; when

  C. He had not; than

  D. Not had he; when

  12. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _______ with each other.

  A. they had quarreled

  B. they have quarreled

  C. have they quarreled

  D. had they quarreled

  13. I like sports and _______ my brother.

  A. so does B. so is C. so D. so likes

  14.She is not fond of cooking, _______ I.

  A. so am B. nor am C. either do D. nor do

  15.Helen doesn't like milk and _______ .

  A. so I don't B. so don't I C. either I do D. neither do I

  16. -I don't think I can walk any further.

  - _______ . Let's stop here for a rest.

  A. Neither am I B. Neither can I

  C. I don't think so D. I think so

  17. "Did you enjoy that trip?"

  "I'm afraid not. And _______ ."

  A. my classmates don't either

  B. my classmates don't too

  C. neither do my classmates

  D. neither did my classmates

  18. After that we never saw her again, nor _______ from her.

  A. did we hear B. we heard

  C. had we heard D. we have heard

  19. -Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?

  -I don't know, _______ .

  A. nor don't I care B. nor do I care

  C. I don't care neither D. I don't care also

  20. So _______ that no fish can live in it.

  A. the lake is shallow

  B. shallow the lake is

  C. shallow is the lake

  D. is the lake shallow

  21. Be Quick! _______ .

  A. The bus comes here

  B. The bus here comes

  C. Here the bus comes

  D. Here comes the bus

  22. On the wall _______ two large portraits.

  A. hangs B. hang C. hanged D. hanging

  23. _______ , he doesn't study well.

  A. As he is clever B. He is as clever

  C. Clever as he is D. As clever he is

  Key: 1-4 BACA 5-12 DBBADCBC 13-19 ABDBDAB 20-23 CDBC


  (1)1-4题:only所修饰的状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句)位于句首时,谓语动词要部分倒装。注意:如果only后面不是状语,则不用倒装。例如:Only Wang Ling knows this.

  (2)5-12题:含有否定意义的副词(not until, never, hardly, seldom, little, not, neither, nor, scarcely等)位于句首时,谓语动词要部分倒装。注意:10题、11题的no sooner ... than..., hardly...when...句型中,前面的主句用部分倒装,后面的从句不倒装。

  (3)13-19题:so位于句首,表示前面的内容也适用于另一人或物时;neither, nor位于句首表示另一人或物也不这样时,谓语动词要用部分倒装。

  (4)20题:so... that...结构中表示程度的副词so位于句首时要用部分倒装。

  (5)21题: 以here, there, out, in, up, down, away等表示地点方位的副词位于句首时,谓语动词要全部倒装。


  (7)23题:as引导让步状语从句时,表语要倒装,注意:如果从句的表语是可数名词单数,且该名词前又没有形容词修饰时,其名词前不加冠词.例如:Child as he is, he knows a lot.


  (文/张仲平; 《英语通》高二版 03~04学年度第4期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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