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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/14 16:10  英语辅导报


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition with the title "The Farmer Problem in China". Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write clearly.

  One possible version:

  The Farmer Problem in China

  Since the rural reform began in 1978, great changes have taken place in the countryside in China. Farmers have lived a much better life than before. However, many farmers, especially those living in the remote or the poor parts of the country, still don't live an ideal or good life. Some even live below the poverty line.

  There are some causes for the backwardness and poverty of some farming families. Farmers in China mainly depend on agriculture for their livelihood, yet for some farmers arable land is in very short supply. What land there is produces barely enough in a good season, and there is no access to improved techniques and resources for farming. Thus they are trapped in a cycle of grinding poverty which is hard to escape. Also, education in some rural areas is backward, which means that children from farming families there fail to receive a good education. When they grow up, they can't master the necessary advanced farming theories and techniques. What's more, farmers with lower income in poor areas equally bear the payment of various agricultural taxes and children's schooling, which makes their life more difficult.

  In order to assist farmers out of this difficult situation, effective measures should be taken. Firstly, the government should pay more attention to and invest more in rural education and cultivate more educated farming children so that they can master more knowledge of modern and advanced farming. Secondly, the government should manage to reduce or get rid of various kinds of agricultural taxes so that farmers can have a higher income. Finally, micro-credit schemes should be established, enable farmers to borrow small amounts of money to be engaged in pig-raising or growing vegetables, hybrid rice and maize. Meanwhile, farmers should be given access to training in new agriculture skills. Lastly, the government should direct and help regulated rural migration into the cities.

  Fortunately, the Party leaders have already focused their attention on farmer problems. With their efforts and those of all people in China, I believe that farmer problems will be solved satisfactorily soon and farmers in China will be sure to have a brighter future.


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition with the title "Bird Flu". Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write clearly.

  One possible version:

  Bird Flu

  Avian influenza, or "bird flu", is a contagious disease of animals caused by viruses that normally infect only birds and, less commonly, pigs. While all bird species are thought to be susceptible to infection, domestic poultry flocks are especially vulnerable to infections that can rapidly reach epidemic proportions. Since mid-December 2003, a growing number of Asian countries have reported outbreaks of highly contagious avian influenza in chickens and ducks. Infections in several species of wild birds and in pigs have also been reported. The rapid spread of highly contagious avian influenza, with outbreaks occurring at the same time in several countries, is historically unprecedented and of great concern for human health as well as for agriculture.

  The outbreaks of avian influenza have so far brought about great damage. On the one hand, whenever the avian influenza cases occur, all the infected or exposed birds within 3 kilometers have to be subjected to rapid destruction, which can be devastating for the poultry industry and for farmers. Also economic consequences can be especially devastating in developing countries where poultry-raising is an important source of income-and of food-for impoverished rural farmers and their families. On the other hand, the outbreaks of avian influenza are also dangerous to people's life to a certain extent, because the cause of most of the outbreaks, H5N1 virus, has jumped the species barrier, causing severe disease in humans.

  In order to prevent or reduce the losses of the outbreaks of avian influenza, we should take strict measures. Whenever a case is reported, important control measures such as rapid destruction of all infected or exposed birds, proper disposal of carcasses, and the quarantine and rigorous disinfection of farms should be taken as soon as possible. Besides, vaccines should be injected in the chickens and ducks near to the infected cases. Moreover, people should avoid eating diseased birds or undercooked birds. Also, countries with avian influenza outbreaks should stop international trade in live poultry and the related produces. Finally, travelers to areas experiencing outbreaks of H5N1 avian infection should avoid contact with live animal markets and poultry farms, because large amounts of the virus are known to be excreted in the droppings from infected birds.

  So long as we pay enough attention to the problem of avian influenza and deal with it scientifically, we are sure to avoid the damage to a great degree.

  (文/刘明东;英语通大学英语六级考试版 03~04学年第5期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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