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Business Description
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/19 17:06  新浪教育

  Company Knowledge

  Business Description

  Investment Banking

  Strategic Advisory

  Strategic advisory is the central platform of investment banking business where the key objective is to assist company on addition value creation for shareholders. Investment banks typically organize their resources and expertise along major industry groups. Examples include telecommunications, media & broadcasting, pharmaceutical, consumer products, insurance, and banking & financial industry. They have a wealth of institutional experience obtained from working with companies operating similar businesses. Companies engage investment banks to perform strategic review on their businesses pertain to the following aspects:

  1. Examining its core competency and the performance of the key businesses: How is the company’sperformance compared to its peer group in the industry?

  2. Is the company effective in leveraging its assets and financial capital?

  3. Is the company able to attain its stated performance objective and projected financial returns by operating the same way in the next 3 to 5 years?

  4. What is the outlook for the profit margin on its continuing businesses? Are there products and services in the vertical space worth exploring?

  Using the business and financial analytic skills, comprehensive industry statistics and data, investment banks help their clients to examine the above strategic issues and consider the various options that will lead to improvement of business and financial performance. These alternatives may include divesting non-core assets and businesses; spinning off non-related but attractive businesses; acquisitions of companies in similar business for additional market share; acquisitions of complementary business to improve profit margin; and raising more debt to improve financial returns.

  Implementation of any of the above strategies will involve both execution and product expertise. The following is a description of some of the key areas in the investment banking business:

  Mergers And Acquisitions

  Mergers & acquisitions occupy an important part of U.S. business scene. Senior executives consider this approach to either access technology, gain market share or extend product line. Since no single company has all the resources to achieve all these organically, merger and acquisitions strategies are being considered as a broad corporate development plan. Investment banks provide the necessary advice including analytical, transactional, and structuring capabilities to assist corporations to achieve their desired objective.


  Equity Capital Market

  The ECM works closely with and coordinates investment bankers, research analysts, sales force, as well as ECM teams of other syndicate members on various activities relating to the equity offering transaction. The key functions include pitching for new equity underwriting deals from the perspective of distribution and pricing capability, organizational efficiency, etc. Once the mandate has been received, ECM gets involved with the planning of schedule and filing of the various documents with the various regulatory agencies and stock exchange. ECM will also assist the management of the issuance company on the road-show preparation and setting up key investor meetings through the institutional sales force. For the lead underwriter, its ECM will organize the syndicate(selling group) comprising of sub-underwriters and co-managers. In realty, only the lead manager (underwriter) has the decision making power to decide on allocation. On “hot deals? co-managers usually get little or no allocation. The only benefit is their names get to appear on the “tomb stone?and the prospectus for recognition.

  Debt Capital Market

  Debt capital market includes the underwriting and origination of various types of debt instruments that are broadly categorized as follows: Investment grade debt for governments, municipalities, government agencies and corporations; Leveraged finance, which includes high-yield debt and bank loans for non-investment grade issuers; Emerging market debt, which include corporate and sovereign issues; and Asset- backed securities. Each of these areas requires highly focused approach in order to provide high value-added services to clients.

  Institutional Sales

  This is the key distribution channel for an investment bank. It is organized according to major product group such as equities, debt, and FX. Within each of these product categories, there are cash and derivative instruments. The strategic advisory work mentioned above may result in creation of securities products, such as corporate debt or equities to fund acquisitions or initial public offering of subsidiaries. Institutional sales force plays an important role to market these securities to institutional investors.

  Investment Research

  Investment research provides fundamental business and financial analysis on listed corporations. Investment analysts are highly qualified industry experts armed with CFA qualifications. They interact and visit companies under their coverage regularly to keep a finger on the pulse of the companies and their latest developments. Comparative analyses on companies in the same industry are carried out and investment opinions are formed, expressed in a rating system. Daily research call, conference call and research reports are published and posted on electronic platform for dissemination to institutional and individual clients of the investment banks. These opinions and information are regarded as valuable in terms of making investment decisions. Investment research is also critical to the investment bank’s ability to succeed in the equity underwriting business. High quality equity research is a significant competitive advantage in the market for new equity issues.

  In addition to equity research, there are also economic research, portfolio strategy, fixed income research and commodities research. The most prestigious annual poll and ranking on research teams is the Institutional Investor’s annual survey.

  The role of Investment Research in the Investment Bank setting is being closely scrutinized after their integrity, independence, quality and value add is called into serious question, following the contributory role they played in the collapse of internet, technology and telecom stocks when the equity bubble burst in early 2000. The key question is the analysts?independence and how much influence the investment bankers have over their investment opinions. In order to win lucrative investment banking mandates, analysts were deemed to be pressured to give favorable Company opinions. The way the analysts are compensated, which is tied to the amount of investment banking revenues that they help bring in, contributes to the distrust by the investment community of their opinions.

  The investment banks themselves have changed the way investment research is conducted. In addition to clearer explanations of their stock rating, they have made the firm’s global stock ratings transparent, by declaring how many of the recommended companies under their coverage are investment-banking clients.

  Globol Stock Ratings Ditribution (as of Sep 30,2002)

  In addition, to improve the transparency of the analyst’s recommendation, they have introduced a clear and transparent method to track the recommendations?performance against the actual share price of the company. The following graph demonstrates how an Investment Bank would do it.

  But pressure to further separate the Investment Research function from Investment Banking continued, and this has prompted Citigroup , in Oct. 2002, to form a new independent business unit to provide equity research to their institutional clients and retail clients. This is to ensure that all equity research at Citigroup will be independent of corporate, investment banking and underwriting businesses.


  A fundamental tenet of the investment banking business is the willingness and ability to take trading and principal investment risks for proprietary account and to facilitate customer transactions. On the trading side, these activities include market-making and trading of fixed income and equity products, currencies, commodities, swaps, structured products, futures and options and other derivatives. Revenues are generated through large and highly liquid principal markets such as the NYSE by undertaking sizeable transactions for modest spreads. On the Nasdaq, investment banks may undertake large size positions for a bigger spread than those on the listed market by using its strong market relationships and capital strength. Frequently, investment banks also execute block trades (trades of 50,000 or more shares) in the U.S. and abroad. The amounts of these block trades can be ranging from US$50 million to US$100 million per trade. Furthermore, investment banks also assist clients in structuring complex transactions, getting remunerated through the spread and commissions in the process.

  Principal Investment

  This business refers to investment banks using proprietary funds and clients?funds to co-invest opportunistically to build a portfolio of investments defined by each firm. Investment banks usually leverage on their network of relationships with companies, investors, entrepreneurs and financial intermediaries to source potential investment opportunities. Principal investment activities often generate business for other areas of the firm, including underwriting, leveraged and other financing, and mergers and acquisitions advisory fees. Merchant banking activities generate several streams of revenue:

  1.Management fee. Generally a percentage of a fund’s committed capital, invested capital or asset value, this form of fee revenue is recurring in nature and bear huge significance to the investment bank;

  2.Performance fee. Typically 20% of the capital appreciation of the fund’s investment; and

  3.The investment bank’s proportionate share of the funds?unrealized appreciation or depreciation arising from changes in fair value, as well as gains and losses upon realization.

  Investment Management

  Investment Management business provides a steady stream of recurring fee income to financial institutions. This “steady?revenue stream is often being valued higher than commissions, trading profits and other non-recurring income by the stock market. From the perspective of Universal banks and investment banks, they have retail and institutional distribution capabilities; naturally it would make more sense to distribute in-house fund products. For independent or dedicated fund management companies, most of them will pay a sales commission to intermediaries such as banks and insurance companies for distributing their products.

  The key selling points for fund managers are past performance record, investment process and risk management ability. With the unusually high market volatility that we have experienced in recent years; hefty upfront sales charge (3.5% to 5%) and the wide range of choices of fund products available in the market place, investor clients have become discerning in choosing mutual fund products offered by banks and investment management firms. Below is a list of key differentiating factors for fund managers:

  1. The portfolio construction process.

  2. An effective portfolio monitoring process.

  3. The investment decision making process, including the key invest ment managers and their track record.

  4. The risk management process.

  5. Attractive investment profiles and strategies/model portfolios/specific sector capabilities.

  6. A long-term performance track record.

  As investment banks seek to diversify their earnings base, the stable fee annuity derived from asset management is an attractive income stream to even out the volatile earnings from the other businesses such as equity and fixed income trading. These asset management divisions, managing funds for major institutions such as insurance, corporate and pension funds, can spin off their more successful strategies with good track record into funds for the investing public.

  As the investment public became more sophisticated, investing style is playing a more significant role to attract new funds. The following describes two of the major investing styles:

  1. Value investing

  These are fund managers whose investment decisions are based on thorough fundamental research on companies. They hold the belief that having superior knowledge of the companies leads to better investment decision. Capital International is one such example in the category. Value investing style usually selects stocks using a bottom-up approach that is expected to out-perform its peer group. They look for undervalued stocks that have taken a beating due to a variety of reasons such as over-reaction to impending legislation, negative news or temporary mishaps. The nature of value investing often requires more patience but tends to be less volatile than the overall market.

  2. Growth investing

  Fund managers of the growth investing style look for companies with projections of substantial and consistent earning growth over the next several quarters or several years. The growth rates of these companies are typical higher than the overall market and their respective peers in the industry. However, this growth does not come cheaply. Many of these companies trade at premium P/E ratio compared to the overall market. “P/E to growth rate?multiple is a common valuation parameter used in growth investing approach.

  Volatility characterizes the growth investors?journey. Because a growth stock’s value is based on continuing expected growth, a negative earnings surprise may caused the stock price to suffer dramatically.Alternative investments

  Alternative Investments

  Alternative investments such as hedge funds, real estate, commodities and private equity funds are considered separate asset classes. Under proper selection process, fund managers are known to deploy the uncorrelated characteristics of this class of assets to their asset allocation strategy.

  Securities Services

  Securities Lending

  This business principally involves the borrowing and lending of equity securities to cover customers?and proprietary trading’s short positions, as well as to finance long positions. This business also includes lending to the broker-to-broker market. Lenders of securities include pension plan sponsors, mutual funds, insurance companies, investment advisors, endowments, bank trust department and individuals.

  Prime Brokerage Services

  This business allows the clients the flexibility to trade with most brokers while maintaining a single source for financing, settlement and portfolio reporting. This has become a hugely successful business in Wall Street given several factors:

  1.The dramatic growth of mutual fund industry where fund management firms¡¯back-office infrastructure could no longer cope with the huge increase in volume

  2.The proliferation of hedge funds in the U.S. has expanded the markets and the variety of securities instruments. Most hedge funds gather investment funds from sophisticated wealthy individual investors and institutional investment, unlike that of traditional mutual funds. These hedge fund operators are generally small in infrastructure, and they typically out-source the back-office activities, including trade confirmation, clearing and settlement, as well as statement and reporting.Leading players in prime brokerage services could provide multi-product clearing and custody for more than 50 countries. Financing through margin loans collateralized by securities held in client¡¯s account is also a major business of most investment banks.

  According to the Hedgeworld Annual Compendium 2002, Morgan Stanley, Bear Sterns and Goldman Sachs are the top three prime brokers.











  通过专业的金融分析手段,利用全面的行业统计和数据,投资银行协助客户测评上面所述的几项战略决策,并且提出各种解决方案,帮助企业提高业务量和经济实力。这些方法包括:剥离非核心资产(non-core assets)和业务;分拆关联性不强(non-related)但是有吸引力的业务;收购相同行业的公司以占据更大的市场份额;收购对自己的业务具有补充性质的企业以提高盈利;进行融资提高收益回报等等。






  股权资本市场(下简称ECM)和投资银行家、研究分析员、销售代表以及其它投行负责股票发行业务的辛迪加成员(syndicate members)的ECM小组之间,不但在业务上紧密相关,并且合作密切。它们之间的主要业务包括从预期发售、定价能力、组织效率等方面争取新的证券承销和项目承揽。一旦收到委托书(mandate),ECM需要对该业务作出计划,准备各种各样证券监督机构(regulatory agencies)和股票交易所的文件。ECM同时通过其本身的销售渠道,协助发行公司的管理层进行路演(road-show)的准备工作,组织安排与重要机构投资者的会议。对于主承销商(lead underwriter),它的ECM会建立起辛迪加,其中包括承担不可撤销连带责任的担保次承销商(sub-underwriter)和次承销商(co-manager)。从参与的角度来讲,只有主承销商有决定股权分配的权力。对于热门股(hot deal),次承销商通常只能获得很小的配额甚至没有配额。他们仅获得招股书上的署名权和“墓碑”(Tomb Stone)上的排名。


  债券资本市场(DCM)包括承销证券和推出各种各样债券工具的行为,如:政府、市政当局、政府的代理机构或代理公司发行的具有投资等级的债券(investment grade debt);杠杆融资(leveraged finance),包括高回报率的债权和非投资级债券发行者的银行借款;新兴市场债券,包括公司和政府发行的债券;资产支持证券(asset-backed securities)。在这三个领域均需要高度精密化的专业方法为客户提供高附加值的服务。




  投资研究为上市公司提供了基本的业务分析和财务分析。投资分析家均为业内知名专家并持有注册金融分析师证书(CFA)。他们在业务范围之内与公司合作并拜访这些公司,对企业进行定期“诊断”,关注公司最新的发展动态。投资专家会用评级系统(rating system)为客户提供行业的分析报告和参照系并提供投资建议。投资银行通过每日的投资调查电话、电话会议和市场调查报告或企业内部的电子平台将投资意见公布给公司客户或者个人客户。他们所提供的信息和意见都被视为是在做市场投资决定时的高附加值的资料。投资研究能力对投资银行是否胜任证券承销业务同样至关重要。高质量的投资研究分析在市场发行新股的活动中占尽先机。

  除了股票研究,投资分析研究还包括宏观经济研究、投资组合策略(portfolio strategy)分析、债券研究和商品研究。投资分析研究专家组中,年度最具声望的是《机构投资者》月刊的年度调查团队。







  投资银行业务的基本原则是自发性和主动性,能够通过自营资金化解客户交易的风险,并为客户提供便捷的交易渠道。在交易方面,投资银行的业务包括做市(market-making and trading)、债券交易、股票产品及其他证券交易、货币交易、商品交易、互换(swap)交易、结构性产品(structured products)交易、期货(futures)和期权(options)交易以及其他衍生产品的交易。投资银行在大型的高流通性的资本市场如纽约证券交易所(NYSE)中进行大规模的交易,从中获取适度的价差,这些价差就是投资银行的收入。纽约证交所的交易主要是通过专业证券家制(specialist system)以中介形式协调股市交易,而在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)市场上,投资银行能运用雄厚的自有资金进行大宗的做市(market-making),相比之下,能较那些在纽约证交所上市的主板(Main Board)的股票有更大得价差盈利。投资银行还往往在美国或国外从事大宗交易(block trade)。这些大宗交易的每笔交易额从5千万美金至数亿美金不等。另外,投资银行协助客户组织复杂的交易,从价差和佣金中获取酬劳。


  这项业务是指投资银行利用自营基金(proprietary funds)和客户基金进行共同投资(co-invest),根据各个公司的定义建立投资组合(portfolio of investments)。投资银行平衡处理好与公司客户、投资者、创业家和财务中介商(financial intermediaries)之间的关系,并通过这个广大的客户资源获取潜在的投资机会。自营投资业务经常为其他业务部门制造获取业务的机会,包括:证券承销业、杠杆债务和其他融资咨询业和合并与收购(mergers & acquisitions)咨询业等。商业银行的收入分为以下几种:





  投资银行的投资管理业务为它们提供了循环收取管理费用的稳定收入。在股票市场上,这种重复性收益(steady revenue stream)比佣金、自营交易收益(trading profits)和其他非常续性收益(non-recurring income)更有价值。从混业银行和投资银行发展的前景来看,这些银行不但具有零售能力而且具有对机构客户的发行能力,显然这更有助于发行自己的基金产品(in-house fund products)。对于独立的资金管理公司或者专门的资金管理公司而言,当发行它们自己的产品时,它们必须付给金融中介机构(financial intermediaries)如银行和保险公司等销售佣金。




  3.投资决策的制定过程,包括主要投资经理人选和他们过去的操作 记录;


  5.有吸引力的投资立项和投资策略/投资组合模型/特定部门的能 力;


  投资银行追求的目标是使它们的收入基础(earnings base)多样化,从资产管理项目衍生出来的固定年收费项目是极具吸引力的收入,这笔收入可以平衡其他波动性收入,例如股票佣金收入和债券交易收入。投资银行的资产管理部门,为大型机构——如保险机构、公司和养老金机构(pension fund)管理基金,从而可以根据良好的基金跟踪记录为大众投资提供更成功的战略咨询。



  一些基金经理的投资决策是根据公司的基本面研究(fundamental research)作出的,他们认为对公司了解得越透彻、投资决策越行之有效。Capital International公司就属于这种类型的事例。价值型投资法选择股票采用上行分析法(Bottom-up Approach),预期以此方式超越同业。运用该法的基金经理寻找的是股价低估(undervalued)的股票(指股价的真实价值高于现行市价)。这些股票被低估的原因多种多样,例如对悬而未决的法规(impending legislation)、负面消息或暂时性的挫折的过度反应(over-reaction)。价值型投资法需要付出更多的耐心,但是相比整个波动较大的市场,价值型投资法的波动要小。


  采用增长型投资法的基金经理觅寻是预计未来几个季度或几年中能保持稳定、持续利润增长(earning growth)的公司。这些公司的利润增长率远远高于整个市场以及同业的增长率。但是,这么高的利润率的获得并非轻而易举。比起整个市场,很多这类的公司在市场上的交易是以溢价(premium)进行交易的。市盈率与增长率之比是增长投资法最经常使用的重要评估参数。

  增长型投资的整个过程一直与市场波动相伴。因为成长股的价值基于对持续增长的预期,任何一项负面赢余异常(negative earnings surprise)都会导致股价的急剧变化。


  另类的投资业务包括对冲基金(hedge fund)、房地产基金(real estate fund)、私人股权投资基金(private equity funds)近年来日渐盛行。通过合理的挑选程序,基金经理能够充分利用无相关性的投资业务进行资产组合,达到降低风险的目的。



  该业务主要涉及股票借贷包括客户账户和自营账户的做空补仓(cover short position)和给买入方提供股票贷款融资(finance long position)。业务范围还包括出借债券给券商与券商之间的市场(broker to broker)。债券贷方包括退休金计划的赞助人(pension plan sponsor)、共同基金、保险公司、投资顾问、捐赠的基金(endowment)、银行的信托部、个人等等。


  该业务允许客户与大多数经纪人灵活交易,同时保持融资、交易结算处理(settlement)与投资组合报告(portfolio reporting)的单一来源。这一业务推出后在华尔街取得了巨大的成功,源于以下几点:



  这一行业的领先者可为客户提供50多个国家的产品的结算和托管服务。以客户账户上的股票做抵押的保证金贷款(margin loans)也是投资银行的一项重要业务。

  根据《2002年对冲基金纲要》(Hedgeworld Annual Compendium 2002)的报道,摩根士丹利、贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)和高盛银行是该年度名列前三名的主要经纪机构(Prime broker)。

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