Professional Dressing | 2004/07/19 18:46 新浪教育 |
Business Dressing for Men Dark colored suit with pin stripe or solid color. Well-pressed cotton white or blue business shirt. Under-tone tie with good fabric. Collar and lapel should be comparable size. Avoid dirt and stains on exposed sleeve ends/cuff. If cuff links are used, avoid fancy designs. Clean and cut your finger nails. Use dark colored socks; avoid white socks at all cost. Use a handkerchief. Watch out for dandruff on your jacket shoulders. Keep you shoes clean and polished. Business Dressing for Woman Executive pant or skirt suit. Color-preferably in black, blue or beige. Light colored blouse that matches your suit. Avoid jewelry. White pearl necklace is acceptable. Avoid wearing strong perfume. Trim your finger nails. Professional light make up. Avoid strong lipstick colors. Light lip gloss is acceptable. Stockings, if desired, skin tone or slightly darker, non-shiny. |
职业着装 |
男士的职业装 深色带细条纹的或纯色的西装套装; 熨烫过的白色或蓝色纯棉衬衫; 质地精良的淡色领带; 衣服的领子和翻领尺寸要合适; 注意不要把露在外面的袖口部分弄脏; 如果佩带袖扣,注意不要选用很花哨的样子; 保持指甲干净整齐; 袜子的颜色要深,千万不要穿白色袜子; 要用手帕; 注意外套上不要有头皮屑; 保持皮鞋干净、光亮。 女士的职业装 西裤或套裙; 颜色最好是黑色、蓝色或米色; 与套装搭配的浅色衬衫; 尽量不要佩戴首饰,但是可以戴白色珍珠项链; 不要用味道很浓的香水; 修剪指甲; 化点职业性的淡妆; 不要使用颜色浓重的口红,可以使用浅色唇彩; 如果穿筒袜,选择肉色或略深的颜色,不要很花哨的。 |
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