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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/30 13:14  英语辅导报

  1. keep up with 跟上

  Look through newspapers every day and you can keep up with the rapidly developing situation. 每天看看报纸,你才能跟上飞速发展的形势。

  2. think about 考虑关于

  Have you thought about how you'll meet your uncle from America at the airport? 你有没有考虑过怎样到飞机场去迎接从美国回来的舅舅?

  3. give thanks ( to sb.) for...为……表示感谢

  He gave several thanks to me for my coaching his son for free. 我免费辅导他的儿子,他多次表示了感谢。

  4. believe in 相信,信任

  Though I don't believe in her, I believe what she said is true. 我虽然不信任她这个人,但我相信她说的话是真的。

  5. would rather ( not) do sth. 宁愿(不)做某事

  I would rather ride a bike around than stay at home watching TV. 我宁愿骑车到处转转,而不愿意呆在家里看电视。

  6. that's why...难怪

  You dress so thinly. That's why you have caught a cold. 你穿的衣服这么单薄,难怪你得了感冒。

  7. get charged 充电,导电

  If you touch wires with electricity, you'll get charged at once. 如果你碰了带电的导线,你就会立刻触电。

  8. protect...from 保护……免遭

  The government has taken measures to protect some animals and birds from being killed. 政府已经采取措施,保护某些动物和鸟类免遭杀害。

  9. find oneself doing sth. 发现自己正在做某事

  When she woke up, she found herself lying in bed in a hospital. 当她醒来,发现自己躺在一家医院的床上。

  10. be about to do sth. 正要做某事

  I was just about to make a call when the telephone rang. 我正要打电话,电话铃却响了。

  11. come to do sth. 终于做某事

  You will come to realize that he is an honest man. 你最终会意识到他是个正直的人。

  12. depend on 依赖,取决于

  All living things depend on the sun for their growth. 万物生长靠太阳。

  That depends on how you'll deal with the problem. 那就取决于你怎样处理这个问题了。

  13. make fun of 取笑,嘲笑

  No one would like to be made fun of in public. 没有人愿意当众被人取笑。

  14. at one time 一度,曾经有个时期

  While studying in Beijing, we met frequently at one time. 在北京读书期间,我们一度经常见面。

  15. date back to 起源于,追溯到

  In China the needle treatment dates back to ancient times. 在中国,针灸疗法从古代就有了。

  16. dress up 给……打扮

  Before performing, teachers were busy dressing up these children as little white rabbits. 演出前,老师们忙着把这些孩子装扮成小白兔。

  17. learn about 了解到有关……

  I have learned a little about where and when the thief stole the money. 我已经了解到有关这个小偷何时何地偷了这笔钱。

  18. get through 通过

  Only by working hard can you get through the final examination. 只有刻苦学习你才能通过这次期末考试。

  19. tear down 拆除

  Tear down the dangerous wall as soon as possible, or sometime it may fall down and injure your family. 尽早拆除这垛危险的墙,否则不知什么时候会倒下来伤害到你家人。

  20. make a choice about 关于……作出选择

  She made a careful choice about what to wear and to eat. 她对于吃什么穿什么,选择得很仔细。

  21. be prepared for 为……做好准备

  Don't forget to be prepared for any

  possible failure when doing scientific experiments. 别忘了,进行科学实验时要做好可能失败的准备。

  22. get together 团聚

  Those middle-aged people who are getting together for the party used to be old classmates. 那些来参加聚会的中年人,过去是老同学。

  23. call on 拜访

  -Where has your mother gone? 你母亲到哪儿去了?

  -To call on her retired teacher. 去拜访她那退休的老师了。

  24. pay off 还清

  By the end of this year I'll have paid off all the money I borrowed from the bank. 到今年年底,我将还清所有我向银行借的钱。

  25. be worth doing 值得做

  I don't think this TV play is worth watching, is it? 我认为这部电视剧不值得看,是不是?

  26. take care 留神,小心,注意

  Take care there is no mistake when you count the amount of the money. 当你点钱的时候,小心别数错了。

  27. increase(...) to...(把……)增加到……

  The company is going to increase our salary to 2200 yuan a month. 公司打算把我们每月的工资增加到2200元。

  28. stand on one's feet(legs) 站起来

  When he woke up, he tried to stand on his feet, but he failed. 当他醒来要努力站起来时,但他失败了。

  29. struggle to one's feet(knees) 挣扎着站起来

  The wounded soldier struggled to his feet and continued walking along with difficulty. 伤员挣扎着站了起来,继续艰难地往前走。

  30. keep doing sth.反复,不断做某事

  Though I had already given him the answer, he kept asking me the question. 虽然我已经作了回答,他还是反复问我这个问题。

  31. bring in 吸收,引进

  To develop our country more effectively, we must bring in new science and technology from abroad. 为了更有效地发展我国,我们应该从国外吸收新的科学技术。

  32. as well as 也,不但

  As well as endless homework, children have to do extra work such as music lessons and art lessons. 孩子们除了有做不完的作业外,还要完成诸如音乐课和美术课的额外学习。

  33. be different from 不同于

  The way you work out this problem is different from the way I do it. 你解这个题的方法与我的不同。

  (文/黄旦谷;英语辅导报高中一年级版 03~04学年第45、46期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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