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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/10 15:04  英语辅导报


  -How do you usually come to school?

  -I usually come by bus. (L.110)

  【思维博士帽】 how在此用来对方式提问,其答语常用"乘某种交通工具"。不过,请注意它的三种表达方式:(1) by+表示交通工具的名词 (其中的名词不能用复数,且其前不能用任何限定词)如by bike,不能说by the bike或by a bike; (2) on / in +限定词+表示交通工具的名词(其中的名词可有单复数形式的变化)。如on a bike / in his car /on the buses等; (3) catch (take) +限定词+表示交通工具的名词。如catch /take a bus乘公共汽车等。


  1.(2003台湾)Brian: How do you usually go back to Hualian?

  Peter: By________. There are many flights (航班) a day.

  A. bus B. car C. plane    D. train

  2. (2003武汉市)-How do you go to work every day?

  -I________on my bike.

  A. ride B. drive C. take D. walk


  -How long does it take by plane?

  -It takes about eleven hours.(L.110)

  【思维博士帽】 how long 常用来对一段时间提问,意思是"多久"。It takes sb some time to do sth是一个固定句型,意思是"花费某人若干时间做某事",其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。如: -How long does it take you to go there on foot? 步行去那里花费你多长时间?-It takes me half an hour (to go there).半小时。


  3. (2003四川省)对划线部分提问:He has worked(已经工作) in this school for five years.

  ________ ________has he worked in this school?

  4. (2003长沙市)句子翻译: 我妈妈每天花一小时打扫卫生。

  It________my mother an hour to

  ________the cleaning every day .


  -How much is the fish, please?

  -It's 10 yuan a kilo. (L.114)

  【思维博士帽】 当你想知道某种货物是多少钱时,常用How much...?来询问价格。在英语中,询问价格的表达方式有很多。如: How much is it?/ How much does it cost?/ How much is it worth(值……)?/ What's the price of it?不能说: How much is the price of...?


  5. (2003哈尔滨市) -How much are these apples? -________.

  A. Five yuan a kilo

  B. They are dear

  C. They are bed

  D. They are big

  6. (2003福建泉州市) -What's the price of this English book?

  -________12 yuan.

  A. It's B. They're

  C. Its D. Their

  【要点宝宝4】 Yes, walking is good for health. (L.117)

  【思维博士帽】 句中的walking是动名词(即V-ing形式),起名词的作用,在句中作主语。要知道,动词原形和现在分词不能作主语。如: Looking after yourself is very important.照顾好自己很重要。be good for意思是"对……有好处",其中for是介词,后跟名词,代词或动名词。如:These books are good for listening. 这些书对听力有益。


  7. (2003山西忻州市)________TV too much isn't good for your eyes.

  A. Watches B. Watching

  C. Watch D. To watching

  【要点宝宝5】 ...Australia and many other countries. ...The others speak English. (L.120)

  【思维博士帽】 other作形容词时,意思是"另外的,别的",后跟名词; 作代词时,其前常加定冠词the,表示 "(二者之中)另一……人(物)"或"(三者以上之中)其余的人(物)"。others和the others均为代词,前者表示除去一部分以后的另一些,但不是剩下的全体;后者表示一定范围内除去一部分以外的剩余的全体。在句中, others可用 "other+名词复数/ones"代替; the others可用 "the other+名词复数 / ones"代替。如: These three apples are yellow, the others are red.=These three apples are yellow, the other apples / ones are red.


  8. (2003宁夏) I don't like this shirt, so I want to see some________.

  A. other B. the other

  C. others D. another

  9. (2003广州市) -How many or-anges can I have?

  -You can have one. ________ are for Tom.

  A. The others B. Another

  C. Others D. The other




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