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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/11 15:19  英语通
Materials and Planning - Unit 3 How can I plan a lesson?
Should I always follow a coursebook when I plan a lesson? What do I need to do before and after I plan?
1.Why not just always follow the coursebook?
·The coursebook can be very helpful. It can provide language, activities and a framework for lessons. It can also save you time.
·But the coursebook may not always suit your class.
·Sometimes you may need to add activities for the different needs, learning styles and interests of your children. If they need extra listening practice, you might add an action story, for example.
·You may also want to adapt or omit a coursebook activity if you feel the topic or language in it does not suit your children's needs. .
2. How can I start to plan a lesson?
·Think about what children have already learned in other lessons and how your lesson will build on this.
·Now plan the language aims of the lesson. What do you want children to know, do, or understand by the end of the lesson? If you know your aim, you will be able to make this clear to children in the lesson.
·Now plan any non-linguistic aims. Do you want children to know more about a topic, for example, or to be able to work well in groups?
3. What else should I think about when planning a lesson?
·Think about which activities to use, how long they will take, and how to have a balance which will keep children motivated and interested.
·Think about groupings in the lesson. Will you have any pairwork or groupwork activities? These will provide language practice and also help children to concentrate and stay motivated.
·What aids or resources will you use to help achieve the aims of the lesson? Plan how you will use them.
·Predict difficulties children may have and how you will help them.
4. What should I do after the lesson?
· Take time to think. Did children learn? Was the lesson enjoyable as well as useful? Was there enough variety in the lesson? Did you need to be flexible to deal with unexpected events in the lesson?
· Think about how you might follow this lesson up. Will children need to revise anything they learned in the lesson? Can this lesson lead to interesting activities in future lessons?
· What did you learn as a teacher? You might take a minute or two to write some notes about this at the bottom of your lesson plan for future reference.
Coursebooks can be helpful, but you will sometimes need to use your own ideas when planning a lesson. Take time also after the lesson to think about what you have learned as a teacher.
· framework (n) 框架
· suit (v) 适合
· adapt (v) 改编
· omit (v) 忽略
· aim (n) 目标
· non-linguistic (adj) 非语言的
· motivated (adj) 有动机的
· concentrate (v) 集中(注意力等)
· aids (n) 教具
· resources (n) 教学资源
· achieve (v) 取得
· predict (v) 预测
· flexible (adj) 灵活的
· unexpected (adj) 意想不到的


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