新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 自信的创作型歌手

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/08 10:43  新浪教育

  B the singer himself wrote the song『歌手自己作的曲』.

  N oh, really?

  B yes, the minute I heard his music, I liked him as if I’d known him before.

  N even I don't know what he sing, but I think his voice is fantastic.

  B music has no boundary『音乐无国界』.




  N yes, music has no boundary. Just like love, did you contact your ex-girlfriend? 『音乐无国界,就像爱情一样,你联系过你的前女友么?』

  B no.

  N you broke up, right?

  B well, you could say that.

  N has that been painful?

  B yes, very, as painful as your elbow.

  N any chance of coming back?

  B I don't think so, I don't think so, you know, she was a great girl when I met her, she’s terrific, she remained a great girl for the past 2 years and she was great the day we said we were going to separate. We will remain friends.

  N just friends.

  B yes.

  N when was the last time you saw her?

  B one week ago, Saturday.

  N how’s she doing.

  B she was doing great. She was doing pretty good. She told me that she wants to go to school for further study.

  N why?

  B because she wanted to get a relatively better job.

  N does she need your help?

  B no, but I just need to hear more about her. Our love didn't go overnight, and our ending didn't either. 『我们的爱情不是一夜之间就降临,我们分手也不会一夜之间就发生』

  N so she is good now.

  B yes, but one of her friends who was also my friend got trouble『是的,但她的一个朋友,同时也是我的朋友却遇到点儿困难』.


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