自信的创作型歌手 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/08 10:43 新浪教育 |
B the singer himself wrote the song『歌手自己作的曲』. N oh, really? B yes, the minute I heard his music, I liked him as if I’d known him before. N even I don't know what he sing, but I think his voice is fantastic. B music has no boundary『音乐无国界』. 【注】在所有的理论中,我最讨厌的是木桶理论:它说一个木桶里能装多少水,是有里面最短的那块木板决定的。如果这是真的,上帝啊,我怀疑你在造我这个木桶的时候一定没打算用来装水。 我最短的那块木板是唱歌,我在这方面的缺陷全面影响了我的生活质量,特别是在交女朋友这一需要全才和通才的领域。无论是怎样有爱心的女孩,在听完我唱歌之后,多少都会有点报复社会的冲动,我一直以为贝多芬这样的大师才可能成为我的知心人(因为他是聋子)。 有一次和一女性同事去唱歌,听完俺高歌一曲,N曲,直至一宿,她都很沉着,我心里暗自得意,但是仍旧不露声色的问:“怎么样?”她回答:“唱歌跑调的人我见得多了,但是跑得你这么有自信的人真是不多见。我觉得就算张学友自己来听你唱他的歌都得怀疑是不是自己以前唱错了。”最后,她做了一个总结:“你是一个创作型歌手,每一次演唱,都是对歌曲的再创作!” N yes, music has no boundary. Just like love, did you contact your ex-girlfriend? 『音乐无国界,就像爱情一样,你联系过你的前女友么?』 B no. N you broke up, right? B well, you could say that. N has that been painful? B yes, very, as painful as your elbow. N any chance of coming back? B I don't think so, I don't think so, you know, she was a great girl when I met her, she’s terrific, she remained a great girl for the past 2 years and she was great the day we said we were going to separate. We will remain friends. N just friends. B yes. N when was the last time you saw her? B one week ago, Saturday. N how’s she doing. B she was doing great. She was doing pretty good. She told me that she wants to go to school for further study. N why? B because she wanted to get a relatively better job. N does she need your help? B no, but I just need to hear more about her. Our love didn't go overnight, and our ending didn't either. 『我们的爱情不是一夜之间就降临,我们分手也不会一夜之间就发生』 N so she is good now. B yes, but one of her friends who was also my friend got trouble『是的,但她的一个朋友,同时也是我的朋友却遇到点儿困难』. |
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