收音机串台 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/09/27 09:51 新浪教育 |
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N hi, brian. N are you there? B sorry, I’m cooking. N oh, really? You must be a good cook. B well, the meal I cooked the day before was mad『昨天做的菜坏掉了』, so I had to do it over. N did you finish it? B yeah, completed. Sorry to keep you wait. N what’s your meal? B well, tomato and potato. N that’s good. B yes, I think so. N how did you make it? B well I tried to follow the broadcast but then I find out it was just a bou-shit. 【注】正好有收音机介绍土豆的新烧法,想听听,却不料听的是乱七八糟:两臂自然下垂,取面粉一杯,放在肩上,抬腿,脚趾向上;用半杯牛奶和匀,重复做六次;用力吸气,加半茶匙发酵粉,放下两腿,同时把两个鸡蛋打匀;自然呼气,将土豆放入盘内。注意,平躺在地板上,同时在两个鸡蛋的蛋清里来回滚动,直到煮开为止。十分钟后起锅,用毛巾仔细擦身,均匀呼吸,然后穿上绒衣,与西红柿汤一同上桌。” 我想了半天,才弄明白原来是收音机窜台的结果。 N anything wrong? B oh, no, I just had my meal in my own way, and it tastes good! N oh, really? B yes. N that’s ok, how is your book going. B well, its going on well. N will you chose it as profession『你会选择以此(写书)为职业么』? B well, I chose to write it because it’s natural to me. N but you didn’t do it for a living『但你不会以此来谋生』. B yeah, even there isn’t anything that pays you as much money as writing books『是的,尽管没有比写书更能赚钱了』. |
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