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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/08 13:47  空中美语


  Orlando Bloom spent eighteen months filming The Lord of the Rings in New Zealand. He became very close to the cast and crew. He even developed a friendly rivalry with Viggo Mortensen, who played Aragorn.

  In an interview, Bloom said Viggo would “go on about elves, and how they’re always doing their nails and brushing their long, blonde hair, and being all prissy.” The actors also played practical jokes on each other, such as when Orlando put rotten fish in Viggo’s dressing room!

  But despite his “prissy” looks, Orlando trained hard for the role of Legolas. He had to master horseback riding, Asian and western sword fighting techniques, and, of course, archery. In fact, Bloom trained for two full months before filming even started.

  That training also helped prepare him for his role alongside Brad Pitt in the recent Hollywood epic Troy. Although Pitt is one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, many women in the audience were there to see the much younger Bloom. And now that Orlando’s career is in full bloom too, we’ll no doubt be seeing more of this handsome young star.






  1.cast n. a group of people who act in a movie or play, or on a TV show 演员阵容 After the final performance of their play, the cast held a big party at a nearby bar. 这出戏最后一次表演结束后,全体演员在附近的酒吧举行大型庆祝会。

  2.crew n. a group of people who work together to do a certain job (一组)工作人员 A movie crew is responsible for things like filming the movie and building the movie sets. 电影的工作人员要负责拍摄以及搭设电影场景等工作。 3.rivalry n. a situation in which sb./sth. tries to be better than sb./sth. else 敌对;竞争 The American Army and Navy football teams have a rivalry that dates back to 1899. 美国陆军和海军足球队之间的竞争关系可追溯至1899年。

  4.rotten adj. decayed; spoiled; not usable due to the natural process of change 腐烂的 Jenny threw away the rotten fruit because it was starting to attract flies. 珍妮把烂掉的水果丢掉,因为烂水果开始引来蝇虫了。

  5.master v. to become extremely good at sth. 驾驭;精通 Even though she took guitar classes for years, Holly never really mastered the instrument. 荷莉虽然已经上吉他课好几年了,但她并没有真正精通这项乐器。

  6.epic n. a long story that often deals with famous people or important events from the past 史诗般的作品 The Star Wars movies are epics that will be enjoyed by movie viewers for years to come. 《星际大战》系列电影是史诗般的巨作,在未来还是会深受电影观众的喜爱。

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  1.prissy adj. 神经质的;大惊小怪的

  2.archery n. 射箭术


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