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2004年6月英语六级考试A卷 Vocabulary答案与解析
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/20 09:25  英语辅导报

  56. His illness first _______ itself as severe stomach pains and headaches.

  A) expressed B) manifested C) reflected D) displayed

  【答案】 B

  【译文】 他的病首先表现为严重的胃痛和头痛。

  【解析】 本题测试动词词义辨析。A) express表达,表示;B) manifest出现;表明,证明:The contradiction manifested itself in the employment situation. 在就业问题上出现了矛盾了。He doesn't manifest much interest in his studies. 他对学业没表现出多大兴趣。C) reflect反射,反映,表现,反省,细想;D) display陈列,展览,显示。

  57. The _______ they felt for each other was obvious to everyone who saw them.

  A) affection B) adherence C) sensibility D) sensitivity

  【答案】 A

  【译文】 每个看到他们的人都能看出他们互相之间的喜爱之情。

  【解析】 本题测试两组名词形近词的辨析(A与B、C与D)。A) affection友爱,爱情;B) adherence粘着,忠诚,坚持;C) sensibility敏感性;D) sensitivity敏感,灵敏(度),灵敏性。

  58. When construction can begin depends on how soon the _______ of the route is completed.

  A) conviction B) identity C) orientation D) survey

  【答案】 D

  【译文】 建设何时开始要依道路勘测完成的快慢而定。

  【解析】本题测试名词词义辨析。A) conviction确信,宣告有罪;B) identity身份,同一性:identity card身份证;C) orientation方位,定位,倾向性;D) survey测量,调查,视察。

  59. The government _______ a heavy tax on tobacco, which aroused opposition from the tobacco industry.

  A) pronounced B) imposed C) complied D) prescribed

  【答案】 B

  【译文】 政府对烟草课以重税,引起了烟草业的反对。

  【解析】本题测试动词词义辨析。A) pronounce发音,宣告,断言;B) impose征税;强加;C) comply (with)顺从,答应,遵守;D) prescribe指示,处方。

  【注意】 impose一词在以前的六级考试中已出现过多次,请考生多加留意:

  CET6/1989/1/48. The final document was,of course,supposed to mend the damage _______ upon the world by the war.

  A)imposed B) impressed C) compelled D) compressed

  CET6/1993/6/67. To call the music of another music-culture "primitive" is _______ one's own standards on a group that does not recognize them.

  A)putting B) emphasizing C) forcing D) imposing

  CET6/2003/12/53. It is believed that the authorities are thinking of _______ new taxes to raise extra revenue.

  A) impairing B) imposing C) invading D) integrating

  60. Years after the accident he was still _______ by images of death and destruction.

  A) twisted B) dipped C) haunted D) submerged

  【答案】 C

  【译文】 事故发生多年之后,那些死亡和毁灭的情景仍然萦绕在他心头。

  【解析】 本题测试动词词义辨析。A) twist拧,扭曲;B) dip浸,蘸,沾;C) haunt常去,常到;萦绕心头;(鬼魂)出没:The old castle is said to be haunted. 这座古堡据说有鬼魂出没。I was haunted by his last words. 他对我说的最后几句话萦绕在我的心头。D) submerge浸没,淹没。

  61. The boxer _______ and almost fell when his opponent hit him.

  A) staggered B) shattered C) scattered D) stamped

  【答案】 A

  【译文】 当被对手打中的时候,拳击手摇摇晃晃,差点摔倒。

  【解析】 本题测试动词形近词辨析。A) stagger摇晃,蹒跚,摇摇摆摆;B) shatter打碎,粉碎,破坏;C) scatter分散,散开,驱散;D) stamp跺(脚),顿(足)。

  62. In mountainous regions, much of the snow that falls is _______ into ice.

  A) dispersed B) embodied C) compiled D) compacted

  【答案】 D

  【译文】 在山区,大量降雪被压实变成了冰。

  【解析】 本题测试动词词义辨析。A) disperse(使)分散,散开,疏散;B) embody具体表达,使具体化;包含,收录;C) compile编辑,汇编;D) compact使紧密结合,把……压实(或塞紧等),使坚实:The old snow has compacted into the hardness of ice.雪堆积久了变得像冰那样坚实。

  【注意】 compact也可以是形容词,意为"紧密的,结实的;小巧的,密集的",这一用法在以前的六级考试中出现过,请参考:

  CET6/1992/6/49. The soil was so _______ that I was hardly able to force a spade into it.

  A)muddy B)compact C) slack D) fertile

  CET6/1999/1/63. The kitchen was small and so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.

  A)conventional B) compact C) compatible D) concise

  63. These continual _______ in temperature make it impossible to decide what to wear.

  A) transitions B) transformations C) exchanges D) fluctuations

  【答案】 D

  【译文】 温度的持续波动使人没法决定该穿什么衣服。

  【解析】 本题测试名词词义辨析。A) transition转变,过渡;B) transformation变化,转化;C) exchange交换,调换,兑换,交流,交易;D) fluctuation波动,起伏。

  【注意】 fluctuation的动词形式fluctuate一词在以前的六级考试中也出现过,请参考:

  CET6/2003/1/60. With prices _______ so much, it is difficult for the school to plan a budget.

  A) vibrating B) swinging C) fluctuating D) fluttering

  64. The post-World War II baby _______ resulted in a 43 percent increase in the number of teenagers in the 1960s and 1970s.

  A) boost B) boom C) production D) prosperity

  【答案】 B

  【译文】 二战之后的婴儿潮造成20世纪60和70年代青少年人数增长了43%。

  【解析】 本题测试两组名词形近词的辨析(A和B、C和D)。A) boost推动,促进,激励;B) boom(价格等的)暴涨;(营业等的)激增;(经济、工商业等的)繁荣(期),迅速发展期:a business boom商业的繁荣;C) production生产,产品;D) prosperity繁荣。

  65. Elisabeth did not enter the museum at once, but _______ in the courtyard.

  A) resided B) dwelled C) lingered D) delayed

  【答案】 C

  【译文】 伊丽莎白没有马上进入博物馆,而是在院子里逗留了一会儿。

  【解析】 本题测试动词词义辨析。A) reside居住;B) dwell居住;C) linger逗留,闲荡,拖延;D) delay耽搁,延迟,延期。

  66. Henry went through the documents again carefully for fear of _______ any important data.

  A) relaying B) overlooking C) deleting D) revealing

  【答案】 B

  【译文】 亨利担心漏掉任何重要的数据,又仔细将文件过了一遍。

  【解析】 本题测试动词词义辨析。A) relay使接替,转播;B) overlook俯瞰;没注意到,忽略;C) delete删除;D) reveal展现,显示,揭示,暴露。

  67. The bank is offering a _______ to anyone who can give information about the robbery.

  A) reward B) bonus C) prize D) compliment

  【答案】 A


  【解析】本题测试名词近义词辨析。A) reward酬金,赏格,奖品:The fireman received a reward for saving the child's life. 因救了小孩的命,消防员得到一笔酬金。offer (announce) a reward of $10 for information about the lost dog提出(宣布)10美元赏格要求提供关于走失的狗的线索;B) bonus奖金,红利;C) prize奖赏,奖金,奖品;D) compliment称赞,恭维,问候。

  68. It is a(n) _______ that the French eat so much rich food and yet have a relatively low rate of heart disease.

  A) analogy B) paradox C) correlation D) illusion

  【答案】 B

  【译文】 法国人吃那么多营养丰富的食物,但是患心脏病的比例却相对较低,这真是一种矛盾的现象。

  【解析】 本题测试名词词义辨析。A) analogy类似,类比:There is an analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels. 水波流动的方式与光的传播方式有相似之处。B) paradox似非而是的观点,自相矛盾的话:It is a paradox that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people. 这样一个富国中有那么多穷人,这是一种矛盾的现象。C) correlation相互关系,相关(性);D) illusion幻想。

  【注意】 paradox一词在以前的六级考试中也出现过,请参考:

  CET6/2003/6/52. We work to make money, but it's a _______ that people who work hard and long often do not make the most money.

  A) paradox B) prejudice C) dilemma D) conflict

  69. For many years the Japanese have _______ the car market.

  A) presided B) occupied C) operated D) dominated

  【答案】 D

  【译文】 多年来日本一直统治着汽车市场。

  【解析】 本题测试动词词义辨析。A) preside主持:The special workshop was presided over by a famous scientist. 专题研讨会是由一位著名的科学家主持的。 B) occupy占用,占领,占据;C) operate操作,运转,动手术;D) dominate支配,统治,占优势:A great man can dominate others by force of character. 伟人能以人格的力量影响他人。

  [注意] dominate一词在以前的六级考试中也出现过,请参考:

  CET6/1996/6/46. People were surprised to find that he had the ability to _______ everything he was involved in.

  A)precede B) dominate C) effect D) instruct

  CET6/2000/1/44. This book is expected to _______ the best-seller lists.

  A)promote B) prevail C) dominate D) exemplify

  70. The subject of safety must be placed at the top of the _______ .

  A) agenda B) bulletin C) routine D) timetable

  【答案】 A

  【译文】 安全问题必须放在议程的首要位置。

  【解析】本题测试名词义近词辨析。A) agenda议程,日程:place (put) sth. on the

  agenda把某事提到日程上来;B) bulletin公告,报告:bulletin board布告牌the latest bulletin about the President's health 总统健康状况的最新公报; C) routine常规,日常事务,程序:I arrive at nine o'clock, teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal; that is my morning routine. 我九点钟到,教课教到十二点半,然后吃饭;那是我上午的习惯做法。 D) timetable(火车等的)时间表,时刻表。

  (文/腾梅;英语辅导报 大学二年级版 04~05学年第4期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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