你用什么吸引我 东挑西拣学问多多 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/17 20:06 国际在线 |
语音讲解: Have you ever stopped to wonder why you choose the products you buy? What makes you pick the Uni-President instant noodles over Master Kang? As so many products are similar, companies must find ways to distinguish their brand from competitors' insgroupsto survive in the market. Creative advertising often does the trick, making one product appear more interesting than others. As a result, companies spend huge amounts of money on complex advertising campaigns—all aimed at appealing to the world of the imagination. Take Nike for example. Until it came up with the idea of using Michael Jordan to endorse its products, it was just another sporting goods company. But by repeatedly associating the superstar with its brand, Nike capitalized on public recognition of his talent, fame and athleticism. The insight that people around the world dream of being“Like Mike”led directly to Nike's domination in its market. |
你用什么吸引我 东挑西拣学问多多 |
你有没有停下来想过为什么自己会挑中购买的产品?是什么因素让你拿起统一方便面,而不是康师傅呢? 由于有太多的产品雷同,厂商为了在市场中生存,必须寻求使自己的品牌不同于竞争对手的方法。创意广告往往 能够奏效,让商品看起来比起其他品牌更吸引人。因此,厂商会花大笔的钱进行综合的宣传活动——而这一切都是为了要吸引想象力丰富的人们。 以耐克公司为例,直到该公司想到请迈克尔-乔丹作为其产品代言人之前,耐克只不过是家普通的运动用品公司。但在反复把这位篮球巨星与公司品牌联系在一起的过程中,耐克充分利用了公众对乔丹本人天份、名气与运动精神的认同。这种针对所有人都梦想能拥有“乔丹般身手”的洞察力,直接促成了耐克公司在市场上的主导地位。(王晶) |