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Hanson Brothers老歌:来到你身旁
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/18 17:41  国际在线



  Hanson Brothers are a three-piece pop-rock band from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Brothers Isaac, Taylor and Zac Hanson started writing music and performing together in 1991, at the ages of 11, 9 and 6. Starting out as a vocal group, Hanson performed a cappella in and around their hometown of Tulsa, singing to anyone who would listen. They would sing 50s and 60s rock and roll, as well as original songs the boys had penned together.

  In 1994 Hanson produced their first independent album, Boomerang, selling it themselves at shows. This album consisted of a mixture of cover versions and original material, such as Boomerang and Rain, the first song they wrote together. Following a lack of interest from record companies, Hanson began working on a second independent album in 1995. By this time, Hanson had picked up instruments and had moved from being a vocal harmony group to a rock and roll band.

  With Taylor on keyboards, Isaac on guitar and Zac on drums, Hanson would write and produce this album entirely by themselves. Entitled Mmmbop, the album included the first, much slower, version of the smash hit song. Mmmbop attracted the attention of major record company Mercury. In 1996 Hanson went to LA to start work on an album, this time on a much larger budget.

  Their major label debut, Middle of Nowhere, quickly followed and rose to the top of the album charts. The band then proceeded to release a further 4 singles: Where's the Love, I Will Come To You, Weird and Thinking of You, all doing particularly well in the charts.

  With all Hanson has accomplished in their career, it's hard to remember they're still in their early 20s. Hanson don't follow trends. They make them. Just like Avril Lavigne, who told the media Hanson was one of the main influences in recording her multiplatinum debut.


  Hanson在1997年推出首张专辑《初生之犊》(《Middle Of Nowhere》),首支主打单曲“MMMBop”一推出后更登上了Billboard单曲榜冠军,而Hanson的名气顿时在美国暴涨十倍不止,成为家喻户晓的年轻创作团体。


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