微软总裁比尔盖茨也被垃圾邮件困扰 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/19 16:26 国际在线 |
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E-mail users inundated with unsolicited "spam" messages have reason to hope Microsoft Corp. will develop better tools for tackling the problem: Bill Gates (news - web sites) is suffering more than anyone. Gates, Microsoft's chairman, gets 4 million e-mails a day and is probably the most "spammed" person in the world, his Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer said Thursday. However, only a few junk e-mails gets through to Gates's inbox thanks to anti-spam technology that filters his messages, Ballmer said at a Microsoft event in Singapore. Spam e-mails touting everything from aphrodisiacs to home loans are believed to account for over 80 percent of Internet traffic. |
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微软总裁比尔盖茨也被垃圾邮件困扰 |
那些每天都被垃圾邮件困扰的人可能很希望微软公司能够帮助他们解脱出来,但他们不会料到,微软总裁比尔-盖茨本人每天接收到的垃圾邮件却比任何人都多。 据路透社11月18日报道,微软首席执行官史蒂夫·巴尔默当日表示,盖茨每天大约要收到400万封邮件,因此他是被垃圾邮件害得最惨的人;虽然有清理垃圾邮件的软件帮他过滤,但每天还是有不少垃圾邮件溜进他的邮箱。 看来,众望所归的比尔-盖茨也难逃垃圾邮件的困扰。(文/蒋黎黎) |