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小便器胜毕加索 问鼎现代艺术宝座
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/03 14:04  国际在线

  In this strange world where babies are made in test tubes and people pay to drink water in restaurants, the result is perhaps not all that astonishing; a gentleman's urinal has been voted the single most influential work of art of the 20th century.

  The white porcelain urinal, one of the very earliest pieces of conceptualism, shocked an unprepared world when Marcel Duchamp, the edgy French artist, stuck it in an exhibition in New York in 1917 and declared that it was art because he said so.

  The poll, carried out in advance of the Turner Prize next week, explains an awful lot about today's art.

  The respondents were not a sample of the public but the 500 most powerful people in the British art world - artists, dealers, critics and the curators and chatterers in museums and galleries.

  Fountain, signed with the name R Mutt by Duchamp, was chosen as the most influential work by 64 per cent of those who answered, wiping the floor with Picasso's Les Desmoiselles d'Avignon (second place, 42 per cent), the starting point for Cubism and once held to be the first great masterpiece of modern art.

  Not a single artist in the poll voted for the Red House by Matisse, placed fifth.

  "Ten years ago Picasso or Matisse would have won. They were the twin kings of modern art but not any more it seems," said Simon Wilson, a former curator of interpretation at the Tate Gallery, hired to deconstruct the results by the Tate and Gordon's Gin, sponsor of the Turner Prize. "The result is quite a shocker but I am not surprised. Duchamp is what this generation of artists is all about. It's about what they think is art and it's about what you get in the Turner Prize nowadays.

  "Matisse's art is, above all, sensuous. Among artists now, art is expected not to be comfortable. It's expected to be at the edge and have political and moral messages."

小便器胜毕加索 问鼎现代艺术宝座




  英国伦敦泰特美术馆前工作人员西蒙·威尔逊指出:“若在10年前,夺冠的可能会是毕加索或马蒂斯的作品,但现在一切都变了。结果是有点出乎意料,但我却不太吃惊。迪尚当时那一代艺术家的一个代表人物。这些艺术家认为什么是艺术,什么就是艺术,这也 是人们如今在特纳奖上所能感受到的。马蒂斯的画很美,但从现在的审美观点来看,艺术不再是感观上的舒服,它需要有前卫的、政治的和精神的元素在里面。”


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