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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/07 19:36  点点英语





  cannot wait+不定式或can hardly wait+不定式(急于…,迫切希望…);cannot与much(或too, enough, sufficiently, over,构成的合成词)连用(无论怎么也不为过);cannot help doing(禁不住做…);cannot but do(不得不,必然);cannot help but do (不得不);have no choice/ alternative but to do(除做…外别无选择,非做…不可);nothing but (只有,只不过);另外,还可以通过各种比较结构来表示肯定含义,最常用的有:nothing less than (和…一模一样,完全是);more A than B (与其说是B, 不如说是A或是A而不是B);less A than B (与其说是A, 不如说是B或是B而不是A);not so much A as B (是B而不是A);A not so…as B (A比B…),表达的正好是原结构中形容词或副词的反义。


  anything but(根本不);used to(过去常常,是对现在的情况的否定,说明现在已不这样做);too…to…(太…以致不…,这一结构的不定式表示否定意义);prefer…to…(该短语否定的是介词短语部分,表示“不喜欢或不会做”等);would rather…than(宁愿…而不,这一结构否定的是than后的动词,would…rather than与其用法相同。)


  A) She is going to give up biology.

  B) She spends half of her time on biology.

  C) To her, biology is difficult, but math is not.

  D) To her, math is even more difficult than biology.

  M: What do you think of biology?

  W: It’s given me a hard time, though it is not as difficult as math.

  Q: What can we learn about the woman?


  A) She is eager to know what the present is.

  B) She is not anxious to know what it is.

  C) She doesn’t now what she is asked to wait for.

  D) She really doesn’t care about the present.

  M: What did your parents buy you for your birthday?

  W: I don’t know. But I can hardly wait to see it.

  Q: What does the woman mean?



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