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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/07 19:36  点点英语




  1、某人计划或打算做什么。选择项常以动词原形或动词不定式形式出现;也有以句子形式出现的选择项,这类选择项的谓语部分常出现will,be going或be to。解题时,应首先根据选择项确定提问的对象,即男士还是女士计划或准备去做某事,这样听音时就可以集中注意力去听相关部分,尤其是谓语动词。


  A) Look for a more expensive hotel.

  B) Go to another hotel by bus.

  C) Try to find a quiet place.

  D) Take a walk around the city.

  W: I don’t think we can find a better hotel around here at this time.

  M: Let’s walk a little further to see if there is another one. I just can’t bear the traffic noise here.

  Q: What will the speakers most probably do?

  2、某人正在做什么。选择项通常是动词的-ing形式。有时也会出现句子,但其谓语动词都是进行时的形式。这类测试题的提问方式比较单一,一般都是What’s the man/ woman doing now? 或What are they doing now?这种类型的测试往往比较简单,只要集中注意力听清对话中的谓语动词基本都能作出正确的判断。


  A) Looking for a young lady.

  B) Looking for her wrist watch.

  C) Looking for a young gentleman.

  D) Looking for a man wearing a wrist watch.

  W: Excuse me, sir, but have you seen a young gentleman looking for his wrist watch?

  M: A young man, Madam?

  Q: What’s the woman doing?



  A) Go out to work. B) Listen carefully to John.

  C) Be calm and patient. D) Do the easiest thing.

  W: I’m really angry at John. He never listens to me.

  M: Take it easy, Alan. Things will work out.

  Q: What does the man advise Alan to do?



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