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实战演练 Passage 1-5
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/08 09:21  新浪教育

  Passage 1


  Mr. Gray travelled a lot on business. He sold machines of various kinds to farmers, which he thought not really a very 1 job, but Mr. Gray had always been interested in 2 , and he was quite satisfied with his life.

  He had a big 3 , and usually enjoyed driving it long distances, but he was also quite 4 to go by train sometimes too — especially when the weather was 5 . He was a little frightened of driving in the rain or snow, and it was 6 tiring to sit comfortably in a train and look out of the windows without being worried about how one was going to get to the next place.

  One of Mr.Gray’s 7 was often where to stay when he reached some small 8 in the country.He did not expect 9 and wonderful food, but he found it annoying (恼火的) when he was given a cool room, and when there was no hot water 10 good food after a long and tiring day.

  Late one winter evening, Mr. Gray arrived at a small railway station. The journey by train that 11 had not been at all interesting, and Mr. Gray was cold and tired and 12 . He was looking forward to a 13 but satisfying meal by a brightly burning 14 , and then a hot bath and a comfortable bed.

  While he was walking to the taxi stand, he said to a local man who was also 15 there, “As this is my 16 visit to this part of the country and I was in too much of a hurry to find out about hotels before I 17 home, I would very much like to know how many you have here.”

  The local man answered, “We have two.”

  “And which of the two would you 18 me to go to?” Mr. Gray asked then.

  The local man scratched (搔) his 19 for a few moments and then answered, “Well, it’s like this, 20 one you go to, you’ll be sorry you didn’t go to the other.”

  1.A.bad B.hard C.disappointing D.exciting

  2.A.farming B.gardening C.travelling D.driving

  3.A.taxi B.plane C.car D.boat

  4.A.satisfied B.tired C.excited D.encouraged

  5.A.cold B.hot C.cool D.bad

  6.A.more B.less C.much D.so

  7.A.problems B.questions C.purposes D.jobs

  8.A.room B.restaurant C.hotel D.place

  9.A.pleasure B.comfort C.quietness D.peace

  10.A.or B.and C.but D.nor

  11.A.time B.day C.week D.moment

  12.A.cross B.thirsty C.sleepy D.hungry

  13.A.large B.simple C.rich D.wonderful

  14.A.fire B.candle C.oil D.light

  15.A.staying B.walking C.sitting D.working

  16.A.last B.best C.first D.only

  17.A.left B.returned C.went D.missed

  18.A.want B.advise C.allow D.permit

  19.A.hand B.arm C.head D.back

  20.A.whichever B.whatever C.any D.each


  本文是记叙文。全文以幽默的手法叙述了Mr. Gray在出差在外时所遇到的吃饭、住宿等方面的麻烦。

  1. D 从后面的but Mr.Gray had always been interested in 2(traveling, and he was quite satisfied with his life.看前后为转折,后面用了interested与satisfied,因此此空用(not)exciting。

  2. C 从第二段开始,我们知道Mr. Gray为了推销机器,到处跑,因此travelling最合适。

  3. C 从下文but he was also quite 4(satisfied)to go by train看,他有一辆汽车。

  4. A 从破折号后的解释especially when the weather was … to sit comfortably in a train and look out of the windows without being worried about how one was going to get to the next place,我们得出他有时也乐于乘火车。C有一定干扰性,excited意思是“兴奋的”,不合题意。

  5. D 从后面的He was a little frightened of driving in the rain or snow我们知道在坏天气(bad weather),他就乘火车。

  6. B 从后面的to sit comfortably in a train看乘火车比开车要less tiring 。

  7. A 从后面的where to stay以及found it annoying when he was given a cool room, and when there was no hot water我们知道坐火车后住哪里是一直让他头疼的事情,因此用problems。 B有一定干扰性,question是需要回答的迷惑性问题,因此不合题意。

  8. D 联系后面他找房子困难我们知道他到的是乡下的小地方。

  9. B 四个选项都有干扰性。pleasure的意思是“乐趣”,comfort的意思是“舒适”,quietness意思是“静”,peace的意思是“和平”,指安全。联系后面的wonderful food,我们知道,虽然Mr. Gray不奢望舒适与美食(但他也不想得到a cold room)。

  10. A 从前面的no得此答案。

  11. B 从Late one winter evening,我们知道Mr. Gray坐了一天的火车。

  12. D 从He was looking forward to a 13(simple)but satisfying meal我们看出他很饿了。

  13. B 从后面的but satisfying得此答案。其他选项都不与satisfying形成转折。

  14. A 联系前面的Mr.Gray was cold我们知道,Mr. Gray想在温暖的火炉旁吃一顿简单但令人满意的饭。

  15. B 联系前面的he was walking以及空前的also得此答案。

  16. C 从Mr. Gray向陌生人询问宾馆我们知道,这是他第一次来这里。其他答案不合题意。

  17. A Mr. Gray现在是在一个陌生的地方,因此he left home。

  18. B 联系上下文,我们知道这是Mr. Gray让别人给自己介绍好的宾馆,因此用advise一词。

  19. C 因为自己也不知道究竟哪个好,因此他挠头。

  20. A 显然这个人想表达这两家宾馆都很差,因此他说“不论你走进哪一家,你都会后悔你没有去另一家。”whichever在这里引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter which,意思是“无论哪个”。

  Passage 2


  Two men on a touring holiday were injured by an explosion in their motor van (面包车) yesterday.

  Shoppers, traders and businessmen in Red Lion Street were 1 by a loud bang, and seconds later the two men jumped over from the van, which had stopped outside Barclays Bank. Several people rushed to give 2 and helped to put out the fire 3 the van. A light American truck changed the 4 to provide living accommodation(临时居住)room , 5 firemen arrived.

  The men, Mr. Gary House, who was driving, and his 6 , Mr Charles Lynn — were taken to hospital with slight 7 . They were allowed to leave after 8 . “I heard this explosion. It was 9 loud. I thought it could have been a (n) 10 .” said Mr. Leslie Webster, manager of the market, who was working in his office in Red Lion Street. “I looked out of the window and saw this lad jump from the van and 11 on the ground. Then another lad came out of the van. He seemed to be in a 12 state — parts of his trousers were hanging below his knees,”

  “I came downstairs to get a fire extinguisher (灭火器) , but 13 the time I got outside someone from the bank was in the 14 with an extinguisher.”

  Mr. Webster said both men were shocked. One was taken into the market’s office to wait for a (n) 15 . “The second man 16 going back into the van to see if everything was 17 , and five minutes later he came out with a drawer that was blazing,” he added. 18 inside the van was mainly superficial (表面的), 19 a plastic window was blown out.

  The two men have spent the last six months 20 . At the time of the incident their wives were shopping in the city.

  1. A. disappointed B. excited C. frightened D. shocked

  2. A. call B. warning C. report D. assistance

  3. A. inside B. outside C. around D. towards

  4. A. plan B. mind C. direction D. nature

  5. A. after B. before C. when D. until

  6. A. wife B. passenger C. visitor D. guest

  7. A. wounds B. sickness C. burns D. hurts

  8. A. operation B. treatment C. recovery (复原) D. examination

  9. A. often B. pretty C. usually D. actually

  10. A. bomb B. fire C. truck D. accident

  11. A. lie B. die C. roll D. fall

  12. A. good B. poor C. easier D. worse

  13. A. at B. for C. after D. by

  14. A. van B. office C. market D. room

  15. A. rescue B. doctor C. firefighter D. ambulance

  16. A. kept on B. insisted on C. cared for D. gave up

  17. A. in order B. in all C. all right D. all over

  18. A. Equipment B. Suffering C. Damage D. Condition

  19. A. although B. since C. because D. so that

  20. A. touring B. repairing C. moving D. cleaning



  1. D 联系全文,这是叙述当时爆炸时人们的反映,因为当时的巨大爆炸出乎人们的意料,因此Shoppers, traders and businessmen in Red Lion Street感到极为震惊。

  2. D 从前面的rushed以及后面的helped to put out the fire,可以知道人们跑过来帮忙。

  3. A 联系全文,我们知道爆炸发生在车内,而不是车附近,因此人们帮助扑灭车内的大火。

  4. C 一辆没有装载货物的卡车掉过头来,做临时住所(为受伤的人使用)。我们知道爆炸发生在路上,因此有一辆空车(a light truck)当时停下来,掉过头,为受伤的两人提供方便。

  5. B 显然这是消防队员来以前发生的。

  6. B 文中没有详细讲这两个人之间的关系,从文中Mr. Gary House, who was driving我们可以知道Mr Charles Lynn显然是passenger 。

  7. C 联系前文helped to put out the fire 3(inside)the van, 我们可以知道他们会有烧伤。

  8. B 因为他们were taken to hospital,因此只有治疗后他们才可以被允许离开。

  9. B 爆炸的声音非常大。pretty在这里是程度副词,意思是“非常”,相当于very。

  10. A 因为巨大的爆炸声,因此“我”还以为是bomb。

  11. C 一个小伙子从车里跳出来,在地上滚动。其他答案均有一定干扰性,我们知道他身上着了火,因此他滚动以扑灭火。

  12. D 从破折号后的解释parts of his trousers were hanging below his knees,我们知道另一人的情况糟一些。

  13. D “但是等我出来的时候,已经有人用灭火器在车里灭火了。”by the time,等到……的时候。

  14. A 因为火灾发生在车内,因此在车内救火。

  15. D 从前文我们知道,他们被送往医院,因此等的是救护车。

  16. B 在One was taken into the market’s office后,另一个坚持要到车上看看。

  17. C 显然这个人不放心车上的物品,想看一下是否一切均好。

  18. C 从下句54 (although)a plastic window was blown out看,损坏主要在车的内部。

  19. A 损坏主要在车的内部,但是一个塑料窗被炸飞了。前后为转折关系。

  20. A 联系短文第一句Two men on a touring holiday得此答案。

  Passage 3


  It is interesting how NASA chose their astronauts for landing them on the moon. They chose men 1 the age of twenty and thirty-five. There were about fifty of them. Many were 2 air pilots. 3 were scientists with two or three degrees. NASA telephoned each man they were going to choose, told him the plans and the 4 they might get in. They then asked him if he was willing to be trained as an astronaut. “How could any man 5 such an exciting job?” One of them said, “Dangerous? Of course. It’s dangerous 6 most exciting.”

  The health and physical condition of 7 was, of course, very necessary. 8 those in very good health and physical condition were chosen.

  While being trained to be astronauts, they went through many 9 . They studied the star and the moon, and they also studied geology, the science of rocks. This was necessary 10 astronauts would have to look for rocks on the moon. They would try to find rocks which might help to tell the 11 of the moon. They were all 12 to fly in helicopters. These helicopters landed 13 down to give them some experience of the way the spaceship would 14 land on the moon. They were also taught the 15 facts about the conditions in space. They learnt all the technical details of the spaceships and rockets. They visited the scientists and engineers who 16 them. They visited the factories where they were 17 . They learnt how every 18 of a space-ship and its instruments work. They also learnt every detail of ground-control 19 .

  In a word, to be chosen as an astronaut, one must be in good health 20 in science and good at piloting.

  1. A. at B. between C. of D. on

  2. A. experienced B. old C. trained D. young

  3. A. None B. Few C. Others D. They

  4. A. dangers B. sadness C. hardship D. troubles

  4. A. accept B. receive C. offer D. refuse

  5. A. but B. if C. though D. however

  6. A. the scientists B. men C. pilots D. young people

  7. A. As B. Only C. If D. Or

  8. A. jobs B. places C .courses D. ways

  10. A. for B. because C. since D. so that

  11. A. story B. background C. age D. name

  12. A. shown B. trained C. told D. let

  13. A. straight B. hard C. indirectly D. directly

  14. A. possibly B. likely C. actually D. really

  15. A. not known B. well-known C. unknown D. known

  16. A. drew B. produced C. designed D. made

  17. A. repaired B. built C. developed D. fixed

  18. A. part B. movement C. machine D. body

  19. A. house B. stop C. system D. station

  20. A. well-done B. well-fed C. well kept D. well-informed



  1. B “他们的年龄必须在20到35岁之间。”A 有较大干扰性。at the age of 意思是“在……岁的时候”,从空后的twenty and thirty-five 我们可以看出,20到35岁是宇航员的年龄限制。

  2. A 其他答案均有一定干扰性。从下句 3(others)were scientists with two or three degree ,我们可以看出,NASA对所选的宇航员素质要求极高。

  3. C本空承接上句而来,“很多是有经验的飞行员,也有一些是二三级科学家。”

  4. A 从后文“Dangerous? of course. …”我们可以看出NASA向他们解释他们会遇到的危险。 get in dangers 意思是“陷入危险中”。

  5. D从后文It’s dangerous 6 (but) most exciting 我们可以看出被选中的人是不会拒绝这么令人兴奋的工作的。

  6. A dangerous与 most exciting 是作为宇航员完全不同的两个方面,因此前后间为转折关系。

  7. C A有一定干扰性。从前文我们得知被选中的不仅是科学家,也有飞行员,因此A不合题意。pilots 在此相当于astronauts。

  8. B 从上句The health and physical condition of 7 (pilots) was, of course, very necessary 我们得知,只有那些身体健康的才能被选中。

  9. C 从下句They studied the star…the science of rocks 我们得知这些宇航员要进行课程(course)培训。

  10. B 前后为因果关系。

  11. C“他们要尽力找到那些能帮助说出月球年龄的岩石。”其他答案均不符合逻辑。

  12. B这些人都要接受培训,学习驾驶直升飞机。其他答案均有一定干扰性。从后文我们得知,培训者是想让这些新选中的宇航员体会飞船登月的一些情况,因此他们是被培训(而不是显示或告诉)去做。

  13. D A有一定干扰性。straight意思是“直”,表示“不弯”,而directly表示“中间没有其他步骤,直接做某事”,因此D为最佳答案。

  14. D他们把直升飞机径直往陆地下落,以此获得飞船真实登月方式的体验。

  15. C前面讲了一些大家所知道的登月所遇到的困难(如着陆等),“他们同样也教会一些不被大家所知的太空中的状况。”

  16. C联系上下文,我们可以知道是这些科学家和工程师设计了这些飞船和火箭。B有一定干扰性。从后句They visited the factories where they were 17 (built) 得知B不合题意。

  18. B从空前的factories 得此答案。

  19. A“他们学习每个宇宙飞船及其仪器是如何工作的。”

  20. C D有一定干扰性。从空前的detail (细节)看D不合题意。

  21. D最后一段是对以上三段的总结。从第三段我们可以看出,作一个宇船员需要研究星星和月亮,需要寻找能说明月球年龄的岩石,需要有丰富的太空知识等,因此他们必须见识广博(well-informed)。

  Passage 4


  Signs made up mainly of circles, crosses, or arrows, can occasionally be seen at the entrance of a house. They 1 that a tramp (流浪汉) has arrived. This special sign-language is often used by tramps to tell their 2 whether the people living in a certain house are hospitable (好客) or unfriendly, and to save them the trouble of making unnecessary 3 .

  Quite by chance one day, I 4 a real tramp. He is such a rare sight these days that I stopped and 5 him from some distance away. He was dressed just as a tramp — in patched trousers and a jacket many sizes 6 big for him. On his head there was a shabby hat and his boots were so worn that they were almost coming 7 pieces. But the man himself looked 8 as if he had not a care in the world. He put down a small bag by the front gate, and began 9 a sign left by a previous (先前的) caller. Although the sign was 10 to me, it must have been favorable to him, for his face lit up with 11 . He entered the gate and rang the bell. When the door opened I saw him 12 his hat. But the conversation that took place was very 13 indeed, for before he said a few words the door shut loudly in his face. I felt very sorry for him 14 he walked sadly out of the house. But just as quickly, his face lit up again and he moved 15 towards the gate. 16 he stopped, looked at the sign and shook 17 seriously as if he had made a bad mistake. Digging deep into his pockets, he took out a piece of 18 , rubbed out the existing sign and 19 a new one in its place. Then he 20 his things and began walking to the next house, whistling as he went along.

  1. A. proving B. suggesting C. explaining D. warning

  2. A. fellows B. readers C. families D. masters

  3. A. money B. time C. pains D. trouble

  4. A. calls B. cooking C. quarrel D. visits

  5. A. saw B. noticed C. watched D. examined

  6. A. quite B. rather C. too D. so

  7. A. from B. into C. in D. by

  8. A. happy B. unhappy C. disappointed D. anxious

  9. A. drawing B. wiping C. using D. studying

  10. A. meaningless B. known C .interesting D. new

  11. A. anger B. pride C. satisfaction D. fear

  12. A. rise B. pull C .hold D. push

  13. A. discouraging B. short C. successful D. special

  14. A. since B. though C. after D. as

  15. A. slowly B. directly C. sadly D. angrily

  16. A. Where B. There C. When D. So

  17. A. his hands B. the gate C. his head D. a tree

  18. A. chalk B. wood C. bread D. cake

  19. A. changed B. formed C. developed D. made

  20. A. found B. held C. looked for D. collected



  1. B suggest 在这里是“暗示,表明”的意思。they在这里指signs,因此说“这些符号表明(暗示)已经有个流浪汉来过了。”

  2. A从后文那个流浪汉的经历我们可以看出这些符号是流浪汉留给他们同伙的。

  3. D D有较大干扰性。visit 既可以指“访问”也可以指“登门拜访”。我们知道这些流浪汉只是挨门乞讨,因此用call。

  4. A 从空前Quite by chance得知“我”是偶然碰见 (come across) 一个真正的流浪汉的。

  5. C这几个词都有“看”的意思。see表示“看”的结果;notice 表示“注意到”;examine 表示“仔细观察,以便找出某种不足”;watch 意思是“观看”。从空后的from some distance away我们可以得知examine 不合题意,因此此空用watched 一词。

  6. C从空前的many sizes 看,这件jacket 极不合他的身,因此说too big for him。

  7. B coming into pieces说明 his boots的worn 程度。

  8. A选择此空要注意空前的But 及空后的as if he had not a care in the world。本文最后一句Then he 20 (collected) his things and began walking to the next house, whistling as he went along说明这人是个“乐天派”,因此A为最佳答案。

  9. D A有一定干扰性。空后的left by a precious caller 提示我们,这个人并非在画记号。结合全文我们知道,这些流浪汉是运用这些符号来表达所在地的主人是否好客的,因此这个流浪汉想通过符号发现点什么。

  10. A 本并列句前后是转折关系。“我”看不懂这些符号,但这些符号是他喜爱的。

  11. B从后文我们得知,这个流浪汉到这一家乞讨,那个符号极可能告诉他这个主人很好客,因此他因为满足而高兴起来。with在这里表示原因。

  12. C因为流浪汉要向主人表示礼貌,因此他摘下帽子(向主人问好)。

  13. D B有一定干扰性,从后文…the door shut loudly in his face我们得知,流浪汉还没来得及说上几句话,那人就极不耐烦地摔上门,因此这个谈话令人失望(discouraging)。

  14. D as 在此相当于when。

  15. B其它答案均有一定干扰性。从空前的his face light up again 看A,C, D不合题意。

  16. B There 在此指at the gate。

  17. C“看了标记后,他严肃地摇摇头。”联系上下文我们知道这个标记(表示主人好客的标记)画错了,因此他无奈地摇了摇头。

  18. A因为他要重新画一个标记,因此他拿出的是粉笔。

  19. D made a new one 在此等于drew a new one 。B有一定干扰性,form意思是“构成”,因此不合题意。

  20. D他画符号的时候把手中的东西放在地上,现在他画完了,因此他把放在地上的东西收起来。

  Passage 5


  “Everything happens for the best. ” my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. “If you 1 on, something good will happen some day.”

  Mother was right ,as I 2 after graduating from college. I had 3 myself for a sports announcer. So I went to Chicago to knock on the door of every station and was 4 every time. In one station, a kind lady told me that 5 stations wouldn’t employ a person without 6 since I had just graduated . “Go out in the town and find a small station that might give you a chance,” she said.

  I returned to Dixon, 7 I had finished my high school education and had 8 in the school football team. My father said that our town had built a store and wanted a man to 9 its sports department. The job sounded just 10 for me but I wasn’t hired.

  My disappointment had 11 as if by design. “Everything happens for the best. ” Mum 12 me. Dad lent me his car to look for a job. I tried WOC Radio Davenport. The program director told me 13 had already hired an announcer. 14 I left his office, I asked aloud, “ 15 can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if 16 can’t get a job in a radio station? ” Suddenly, I heard the director 17 . “Do you know anything about football ? ” Then he asked me to 18 an imaginary game. It was easy, and I did it without difficulty. The director was 19 and told me I would be broadcasting a game on the 20 Saturday.

  1. A. put B. take C. move D. carry

  2. A. recovered B. discovered C. recognized D .developed

  3. A. devoted B. designed C. found D. enjoyed

  4. A. invited B. promised C. refused D .accepted

  5. A. large B. all C. no D. small

  6. A. experience B .examination C. agreement D. college

  7. A. which B. where C. there D. here

  8. A. played B. joined C. taken D. fought

  9. A. own B. manage C. report D. enter

  10. A. possible B. successful C .right D. important

  11. A. shown B .disappeared C. resulted D. turned

  12. A. woke B. advised C. demanded D .reminded

  13. A. I B. she C. we D. they

  14. A. While B. After C. Before D. So

  15. A. What B. How C. Whenever D. Wherever

  16. A. it B. she C .he D.I

  17. A. calling B. answering C. broadcasting D. announcing

  18. A. make B .act C. broadcast D. play

  19. A. moved B. sorry C. thankful D. satisfied

  20. A. future B. coming C. last D. later


  本文是记叙文,全文叙述了“我”毕业后找工作,结果几家station 都拒绝了“我”。“我”没有丧失信心,最后WOC Radio Davenport 录用了“我”,这印证了妈妈说的那句话: “ Everything happens for the best. If you carry on, something good will happen some day.”

  1. D carry on 在这里的意思是“继续,不放弃” 相当于not give up。

  2. B as I discovered after graduating from college 在这里是定语从句,修饰Mother was right。as 代表Mother was right 的内容。本句的意思是“大学毕业后我发现,母亲是对的。”

  3. B“我曾给我自己设计了一个sports announcer (体育播音员)。”其它答案搭配错误。

  4. C从空前的every station 及空后的every time得此答案。从后文我们也可以得知,最后,WOC Radio Davenport录用了“我”,因此以前的这些都拒绝了“我”。

  5. A C有较大的干扰性,从后文那位lady 说的话”Go out in the town and find a small station that might give you a chance.” 我们得知,她认为的大的电台不会录用“我”。

  6. A从空后的since I had just graduated 得知,“我没有工作经验。”

  7. B where 在此引导非限定性定语从句,修饰地点名词Dixon 。

  8. D B有较大干扰性。从结构上讲,join 表示加入某个团体时后面不加in。

  9. B“我们镇建了一家商店,需要一个人去管理体育部。”manage在这里是“经营,管理”的意思。

  10. C因为是体育部要人,因此工作对“我”是对口的。D有较大干扰性,作者一直想找一个适合自己专业的工作,如体育播音员等,因此作者以为管理商店的体育部适合自己。

  11. A“我的失望(找工作失败)好像设计好了后向我袭来。”

  12. D remind在这里是“提醒”的意思。 A有一定干扰性,wake sb.意思是“把某人(从睡眠中)叫醒”。

  13. D they在此指电台。

  14. B 从后文,suddenly, I heard the director 17 (calling) 我们得知,此时“我”已经离开了他的办公室。

  15. B how表示方式。

  16. C he指代前面的 a fellow。

  17. A 因为此时“我”已经离开了他的办公室,因此他从背后喊。B有一定干扰性。联系上下文我们知道,他所说的这句话并不是回答“我”的问题,因此B不合题意。

  18. C 然后他让“我”广播一场虚拟的比赛。其他答案有一定干扰性。从前文我们得知“我”去寻找的是一份体育播音员的差事,而不是运动员,因此其它答案不合题意。

  19. D因为“我”表现出色,因此他对“我”很满意。

  20. D the coming Saturday 即the next Saturday。

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