新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 黑马英语高考专项训练 > 实战演练 Passage 71-75

实战演练 Passage 71-75
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/08 09:29  新浪教育

  Passage 71


  The Depression(萧条)didn’t make much change in my grandparents’ lives. But it did bring an unending flow of men out of 1 , drifting(being carried)from job to job, to the farm. The 2 to show up at the door of the kitchen was a man in rags. He quietly 3 that he hadn’t eaten for a while. Grandpa stood 4 him a bit , and then said, “There’s a stack(堆,垛)of firewood against the fence behind the barn(谷仓). I’ve been 5 to get it moved to the other side of the fence. You have just about 6 time to finish the job before lunch.”

  Grandma said a 7 thing happened. The man got a 8 in his eyes and he hurried to the barn at once. She set another place at the table and 9 an apple pie. During lunch, the stranger didn’t 10 much, but when he left, his 11 straightened, “Nothing ruins (毁掉) a man like 12 his self-respect,” Grandpa later told me.

  Soon after, another man 13 up asking for a meal. This one was dressed 14 a suit and carried a small suitcase. Grandpa came out ,looked at the man and offered a handshake . “There is a stack of firewood along the fence down the barn, I’ve been meaning to get it 15. It’d sure be a 16 to me. And we’d be pleased to have you 17 for lunch.”

  The fellow set his suitcase 18 and neatly laid his coat on top. Then he set 19 to work.

  Grandma says she doesn’t remember how many strangers they 20 a meal with during those Depression days——or how many times that stack of firewood got moved.

  1.A.life B.business C.farming D.work

  2.A.guest B.first C.second D.next

  3.A.explained B.spoke C.described D.talked

  4.A.comforting B.asking C.watching D.giving

  5.A.dreaming B.needing C.asked D.told

  6.A.some B.full C.much D.enough

  7.A.fearing B.funny C.serious D.surprising

  8.A.light B.flame C.shine D.fire

  9.A.cooked B.bought C.made D.ate

  10.A.say B.drink C.eat D.have

  11.A.shoulders B.arms C.feet D.hands

  12.A.throwing B.losing C.hurting D.protecting

  13.A.went B.appeared C.came D.showed

  14.A.up B.in C.with D.by

  15.A.laid B.piled C.burnt D.moved

  16.A.favour B.offer C.help D.wonder

  17.A.stay B.remain C.honour D.wait

  18.A.away B.aside C.along D.around

  19.A.for B.off C.of D.upon

  20.A.spared B.supplied C.supported D.shared



  1. D 联系空后的drifting(being carried)from job to job, to the farm我们可以得知,经济萧条使得很多人丢了原来的工作,寻找新的工作。

  2. B 从第三段 Soon after, another man 13 (showed) up asking for a meal可以得此答案。A有一定干扰性,从后文我们得知这个人向祖母要饭,因此不是guest。

  3. A 后文的he hadn’t eaten for a while是那人向祖母解释他向我们要饭的原因。

  4. C 从后面的and then said看,祖母只是站在那里看了那人一会,而不是安慰或问他。

  5. B 因为祖母想让这个人去搬运木柴,因此“我一直需要……”,而不是“别人让我”,A有一定干扰性,dream形成的搭配是dream of doing。

  6. D 联系全文,祖母对那人说,在吃饭前有足够时间把木柴搬完。

  7. D 这个人按祖母说的做了,这是“令人吃惊的”。

  8. C 这个人的眼中有了(希望的)光,因为他知道只要他按祖母的吩咐去做,他就会有饭吃。

  9. C 从空前的at the table可以知道,祖母在为那人做苹果饼。

  10. A C有较大干扰性,从空前的During the lunch,看这是在吃饭过程中所做的事情。

  11. A 因为有了信心,因此那人的肩膀挺了起来。

  12. B 联系全句,“没有比失去自尊更能毁掉一个人的了。”

  13. D 从后文得知,又有一个人来了。show up在此意为“出现”。

  14. B in 在这里表示“穿着”。

  15. D 从前文我们知道,祖母又让他搬木柴。

  16. C 因为是别人为自己搬运木柴,因此说是一个帮忙。A有一定干扰性,favour意指“恩惠;施舍”,因此不合题意。

  17. A 因为你帮了忙,我们留下你吃饭。

  18. B 那人把箱子放到一边。

  19. B 那人开始干活,set off to do 意思是“开始做某事”。

  20. D 从前文我们知道,祖母与他们共吃一顿饭,联系前面to share a meal with等于to share a meal with them。

  Passage 72


  Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column. She had been a school teacher before she retired (退休), but she needed to keep 1 . She was even willing to work without pay. She then offered her 2 with a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people. Every day she 3 other old folks likes her. By talking with them, she 4 two things. Old people had abilities that were not 5 . But old people also had some 6. She found a new purpose for herself then.

  Through the years, she 7 to write stories about people for national magazines. There was now a new 8 : Old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called “Sixty Plus”, which was about 9 old. She writes about the problems of old people, especially their problems with being 10 .

  Anna Douglas uses her 11 ability to see the truth behind a problem. She understands 12 problems begin. For example, one of her 13 said that his grandchildren 14 the houses as soon as he came to visit. Mrs Douglas 15 some ways for him to understand his grandchildren.

  “It’s important to know 16 about your grandchildren’s world,” says Mrs Douglas, “That means questioning and listening, and 17 is not what old people do best. Say good things to them and about them,” she continues, “Never try to 18 your grandchildren or other young people. Never 19 your opinion. Don’t tell them what they should do. 20 , they have been taught they should have respect for old people. The old should respect them as well.”

  1. A. free B. rich C. powerful D. busy

  2. A. service B. money C. students D. books

  3. A.observed B. met C. comforted D. answered

  4. A. recognized B. followed C. enjoyed D. demanded

  5. A. studied B. agreed C. round D. used

  6. A. mistakes B. problems C. questions D. characters

  7. A. had B. ought C. was D. used

  8. A. subject B. life C. way D. plan

  9. A. getting B. respecting C. employing D. supporting

  10. A. unknown B. refused C. misunderstood D. discouraged

  11. A. thinking B. working C. writing D. leading

  12. A. that B. when C. why D. whether

  13. A. visitors B. readers C. listeners D. friends

  14. A. escaped B. entered C. left D. passed

  15. A. invented B. chose C. suggested D. imagined

  16. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

  17. A. listening B. speaking C. pleasing D. advising

  18. A. praise B. scold C. trouble D. encourage

  19. A. speak out B. give up C. get back D. stick to

  20. A. Commonly B. Surprisingly C. Happily D. Naturally


  本文是记叙文,全文叙述了72岁高龄的退休教师积极为老年人工作奔波。同时她还积极为报社撰稿,探讨老年人问题。文章最后记叙了Anna Douglas 对老年问题独到的见解。

  1. D 她从教师工作上退了下来,然而她一直很忙。B有一定干扰性。keep rich 意思是“富有”,从后文she was even willing to work without pay我们知道B不合题意。

  2. A 从空后的that helped other businesses find jobs for old people我们知道,她提供的是商业服务。

  3. B 从空后的By talking with them我们得知,Anna Douglas 每天都与很多老人会面,而不是观察或安慰他们。

  4. A 通过与他们交谈,她认识到两件事情。接下来的两句便是她认识到的事情。recognize 在这里是“认识到”的意思。

  5. D 老人有未被利用的能力。这是她积极为老人找工作发挥他们余热的原因。其他答案不合题意。

  6. B 然而老年人也有老年人的问题。A有较大干扰性。从后文我们知道,有一位老人不受其孙子女的欢迎,这是他面临的问题,而不是错误。

  7. D 从后文She began to write a newspaper column called “Sixty plus”,我们知道,她为国家杂志写人物故事是以前的事。

  8. A. 联系上下文Old people like herself是报纸的一个话题(subject),因此其它答案不合题意。

  9. A get old在这里为系表结构,其它答案不正确。

  10.C B, D有较大干扰性。作者在第二段举的例子说明很多老人被其孙子女误解,而不是(他们的要求)被拒绝或失望。

  11. A 从空后的see the truth behind a problem我们得知,老人用的thinking abilities。

  12. C 从下文举的例子看,她明白的是事情的起因,因此其它答案不合题意。

  13. B A有较大干扰性。从前文我们知道Anna Douglas是靠写文章与老年人交流,而不是建立了咨询中心,因此A不合题意。

  14. C 联系上下文我们可以推知,这位老人与孙子女关系并不融洽,因此当她进来时,孩子们就离开。

  15. C 她给这位老人建议了几种方法。

  16. B A, C有较大干扰性。从空后的your grandchildren’s world 我们得知,想了解孙子女世界的一切是不可能的。

  17. A 本空承接and 前的分句而来,因此答案应在questioning 和listening 间选择,选项中没有questioning。

  18. B 联系上文Say good things to them and about them得此答案。A有一定干扰性,空前的never决定了此选项不正确。

  19. D stick to 在这里是“固执地坚持”。A, B均有一定干扰性。联系前文Mrs Douglas 认为老人应该多听听孙子女的见解,不要太固执自己的看法。speak out 意思是“说出”,give up 是“放弃”,因此不合题意。

  20. A D有较大干扰性。Naturally意思是“自然而然地”,而commonly 指“通常情况下”。

  Passage 73


  Jules Verne’s most famous book is “Twenty Thousand League under the Sea”. (A “league” is an old word 1 about three miles.) In those days submarines (潜水艇) had not been 2 but he describes an underwater ship very like a modern 3 . The captain of the submarine in this book 4 Captain Nemo (which means “no man”) and he and his men have 5 strange adventures and find many strange things 6 the bottom of the ocean. This book has been made into a film. 7 you have seen it.

  In all his books Jules Verne used his scientific knowledge as well as his imagination in describing future inventions. 8 he was wrong, of course, but 9 the accuracy (准确) of his descriptions is very clever.

  He was a very good 10 . His characters often 11 surprising and sometimes impossible things but they always seemed 12 real people. Sometimes they are very likeable and amusing 13 . Two of these were Mr. Fogg , the hero of “Around the World 14 Eighty Days”, and his servant. In this book Mr. Fogg made a bet that he would travel 15 around the world in eighty days. This may seem easy to you. Nowadays we go around the world in 16 than eighty hours but in those days there were no planes or even cars. Mr Fogg and his servant traveled in many different 17 , even on an elephant at one time! If you want to know whether Mr. Fogg won his bet or not, you 18 read the book. It has been written in 19 English which you can easily read. The book, 20 has been made into a film.

  1. A. meaning B. including C. referring D. speaking

  2. A. made B. discovered C. produced D. invented

  3. A. ship B. boat C. plane D. submarine

  4. A. is made B. is called C. is cried D. is shouted

  5. A. few B. any C. many D. little

  6. A. in B. near C. at D. under

  7. A. Perhaps B. So C. Then D. Since

  8. A. Always B. Seldom C. Some times D. Sometimes

  9. A. still B. always C. never D. often

  10. A. story-teller B. sailor C. captain D. pilot

  11. A. wanted B. made C. did D. had

  12. A. are B. to be C. that D. as if

  13. A. characters B. women C. men D. children

  14. A. in B. for C. on D. during

  15. A. in the way B. all the way C. by the way D. on the way

  16. A. much B. little C. many D. less

  17. A. roads B. paths C. ways D. countries

  18. A. should B. would C. could D. might

  19. A. simple B. good C. correct D. difficult

  20. A. too B. either C. however D. then


  本文是记叙文。全文记叙了法国著名科幻小说家Jules Verne和他的“海底两万里”和“八十天环游地球”。

  1. A 联系上下文,about three miles是对a “league”的解释。

  2. D 从空后的but he describes an underwater ship very like a modern 3 (submarine) 看,在他描述一个水下潜艇的时候,潜水艇尚未发明。

  3. D 联系上下文可知,Jules Verne 描写的那只水下船正像现代的潜水艇。

  4. B 从空后的Captain Nemo 我们得知,人们把潜水艇上船长叫做Captain Nemo。

  5. C 从空后的and find many strange things 得知此答案。

  6. C “在……底部”用at the bottom of。

  7. A 联系上下文我们知道,这里并没有因果或递进关系。在这里作者用perhaps表示不太有把握的推测。

  8. D 从后文的but 9 (often) the accuracy of his descriptions is very clever我们可以得知,有时 (sometimes) 他的观点是错误的。

  9. D 本空与第8空相对,but的转折语气表示全句为肯定态度:虽然有时候错,但更多地时候(often)还是准确的。

  10. A 空前的he 指Jules Verne, 他是一名作家,因此用story-teller。

  11. C 他的人物经常做一些令人吃惊有时甚至不可能的事情。空前的characters 指Jules Verne所创作的故事中的人物。

  12. B 根据空前的搭配形式得出此答案。

  13. A 空前的they同样指Jules Verne 创作的故事人物。

  14. A 从后文…around the would in eighty days得此答案。

  15. B all the way 在这里指“环游世界的全程”。

  16. D 空后的than决定了此答案。

  17. C 从空后的even on an elephant at one time我们可以得知,作者在此讲Mr fogg 主扑二人运用多种方式环游世界。

  18. A “如果你想知道Mr Fogg打赌输赢,你就该读读这本书。”should在这里表示作者的看法。

  19. A 从空后的which you can easily read得此答案。

  20. A 这本书同样(too) 也被拍成了电影。

  Passage 74


  Few other nations are so much interested in horse-racing as the English. The famous races Ascot are held every year and followed by sports fans all over England. The king (or the queen) also attends 1 and presents the winner with a gold cup. To 2 this gold cup is the dream of every owner of a race-horse . All newspapers, great and small, are full of detailed description of the 3 , and the name of the 4 winner of the Ascot cup is pronounced by everyone 5 of a great hero.

  It happened once, however, some seventy years ago, that the gold cup was stolen a few days before the race! The police 6 it all over the country but could not find it.

  Just at the time, Mark Twain, the witty American writer, 7 England. He was 8 by an English Literary Society to be 9 at a dinner given in his honor. After dinner the president of the society rose to 10 a toast (祝酒)to Mark Twain’s health and praise in 11 the talent of the famous American. Mark Twain in 12 started his speech with the following words:

  Gentlemen, I thank you for the great honor you 13 me, 14 I very much doubt whether all your countrymen join you in your warm welcome. When I arrived at Dover yesterday, and 15 my foot in ‘Merry Old England’, the first thing I saw was a newspaper poster and on it, 16 my great surprise , I read two 17 printed in big red letters:



  These two announcements stood so closely together that it 18 seemed, gentlemen, as if some people in this country 19 sure that my arrival had something to do with the disappearance of the gold cup!

  This witty speech of the famous American author was 20 a shout of laughter .

  1. A. them B. it C. that D. this

  2. A. hold B. win C. catch D. keep

  3. A. problem B. winner C. race D. nations

  4. A. brave B. good C. great D. lucky

  5. A. as this B. like that C. like those D. as it

  6. A. searched for B. looked after C. waited for D. cared for

  7. A. reached in B. went into C. arrived in D. got in

  8. A. asked B. visited C. seen D. invited

  9. A. present B. joined C. attended D. given

  10. A. raise B. lift C. propose D. hold

  11. A. this way B. every way C. many methods D. bad manners

  12. A. reply B. his question C. his suggestion D. his heart

  13. A. had done B. did C. do D. have done

  14. A. as if B. as though C. though D. even if

  15. A. set B. get C. go D. start

  16. A. for B. to C. with D. by

  17. A. articles B. passages C. paragraphs D. headings

  18. A. really B. hardly C. mainly D. foolishly

  19. A. may be B. must be C. are D. were

  20. A. receiced B. met with C. met D. heard



  1. A them在这里指the famous races。

  2. B 前文讲国王将为获奖者颁奖,因此能获得这个金杯是赛马者的梦想。A,D有较大干扰性,联系前后文我们得知,大家把获得这个奖杯看作莫大荣誉,因此说拿着和保存都不对。

  3. C 大小报纸对比赛进行详细报道。可见人们的重视程度。

  4. D 其他答案均有一定干扰性。作者在此是说,人们对获奖者如此崇拜,因此获奖者是幸运的。

  5. B like that of a great hero= like the name of a great hero. that在这里做代词,指代前文的name。

  6. A 从空后的but could not find it我们得知警察在寻找奖杯。其他答案都没有“寻找”的意思。

  7. C 就在那时,马克•吐温到达英国。

  8. D 从第9空后的at a dinner我们知道,有人邀请马克•吐温。

  9. A present at a dinner意思是“出现在宴会上”其他几个动词都不与at a dinner搭配。

  10.C the president of the society站起来,提议为马克•吐温的健康干杯。propose a toast to 意思是“提议向……敬酒”。

  11. B 他从各个方面赞美了马克•吐温的才能。

  12. A 本句承接上文而来,别人从各个方面赞扬他,马克•吐温也讲一番话作为回报。in reply意思是“作为回报”。

  13. D 因为马克•吐温发表的是感谢别人盛情的话,因此此空用现在完成时。

  14. C 前后句为转折关系。

  15. A set foot on/in 意思是“到达”。

  16. B “令我吃惊的是,……”

  17. D 从下文我们可以看出,报纸上出现了两个标题,因此用headings。

  18. A “因为这两个标题离的这么近,这的确似乎是有人认为我的到来与金杯的丢失有关。”

  19. D倒数第2段讲的是马克•吐温刚踏上英国土地所发生的事情,因此用一般过去时,从空前后我们也可以看出这一点。

  20. B“这位著名美国作家的演讲赢得了一阵笑声。” meet with在此意为“经历,遭受”。答案A有一定干扰性,但空前的was决定了A是错误的。

  Passage 75


  Have you ever been in a meeting while someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your 1 was a million miles away? You probably felt 2 and made up your mind to pay attention and never daydream again. Most of us, from earliest school 3 , have been told that daydreaming is a waste time.

  “On the contrary,” says L. Giambra, an expert in psychology, “daydreaming is quite 4. Without it, the mind couldn’t get done all the 5 it has to do during a normal day .You can’t possibly do all your thinking with a conscious mind. 6 ,your unconscious mind is working out problems all the time. Daydreaming then may be one 7 in which the unconscious and conscious 8 of mind have silent dialogue.”

  Early experts in psychology paid no attention to the importance of 9 , or even considered them harmful. At one time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental 10. They did not have a better understanding of daydreams 11 the late 1980s. Eric Klinger, a professor of psychology, is the writer of the book Daydreaming. Klinger says, “We 12 now that daydreaming is one of the main ways that we 13 our lives, learn from our experiences, and plan for our future .” Daydreams are really a 14 on the things we fear and the things we long for in life.

  Daydreams are usually very simple and 15, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be 16 to understand. It’s easier to gain a 17 understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams than by trying to examine your sleep dreams carefully. Daydreams help one 18 the difficult situations in life and find out a possible way for handling them.

  Daydreams cannot be predicted (预测). They move off in 19 directions, which may be creative and full of useful ideas. For many famous artists and scientists, daydreams were, and are, a main source of creative energy .

  So next time you catch 20 daydreaming, don’t stop. Just pay attention to your dreams. They may be more important than you think.

  1. A. family B. business C. feeling D. mind

  2. A. soory B. hurried C. shamed D. lonely

  3. A. times B. days C. ages D. lessons

  4. A. possible B. normal C. common D. necessary

  5. A. working B. controlling C. imagining D. thinking

  6. A. Of course B. Generally C. However D. Actually

  7. A. way B. place C. result D. effect

  8. A. level B. states C. example D. shape

  9. A. minds B. research C. daydreams D. dialogue

  10. A. fault B. weakness C. power D. illness

  11. A. before B. at C. until D. after

  12. A. think B. suppose C. conclude D. know

  13. A. determine B. learn C. organize D. expect

  14. A. reflection B. bridge C. path D. sense

  15. A. clear B. direct C. sudden D. short

  16. A. hard B. slow C. indirect D. familiar

  17. A. satisfying B. happy C. deep D. right

  18. A. take B. experience C. defeat D. recognize

  19. A. unexpected B. unusual C. strange D. scientific

  20. A. someboody B. anybody C. yourself D. one



  1. D C有一定的干扰性。通读全文我们可以知道,本文讲述的是幻想(daydreaming),文章并没有讲到感情对解决问题的作用。mind在这里的意思是“思绪”。

  2. A “别人在讲话,而你的思绪却到了一万英里外,因此你会感到惋惜。”C有较大干扰性,shamed意思是“害羞的”,因此不合题意。

  3. B A,C都有较大干扰性。ages和times都指较长的历史时期,而days可以表示较短的某个年代。

  4. D 句首的on the contrary对此空的选择起非常重要的作用。第一段最后一句说“……daydreaming is a waste of time.”接下来文章在第二段讲了幻想的巨大作用,因此此空用necessary一词。

  5. D “没有幻想,头脑就不能完成在正常的日子里一天要做的思考。”A,C均有一定的干扰性,全文讲了幻想对思考的重要性,因此其它答案不合题意。

  6. D 我们极易错选C。空前说“你不可能在有意识的情况下做完一切工作”,空后说“你的头脑在无意识情况下一直在解决着问题”,因此前后并非转折,actually在此表示顺接,意思是“实际上”。作者讲了一个实际的问题。

  7. A “幻想是一种有意识思考和无意识思考的无声的对话的方式。”空后的in which对此空的选择也有重要的作用。

  8. B 空前的unconscious and conscious决定了此空用复数形式。再者,有意识思考和无意识思考是思考的两种状态(states)。

  9. C 从空后的At one time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental 10 (illness),看作者在讲幻想。

  10. D 本段前两句讲了过去人们对幻想的错误认识。有的认为是有害的,甚至有人认为它是某种精神病的起因。

  11. C “直到20世纪80年代后期,人们对幻想才有了正确的认识。”

  12. D know是正确之后得出的。

  13. C rganize our lives意思是“整理生活中的思绪”,A,B,D都可以与lives搭配,然而determine意思是“决定”,learn是“学习”,expect意思是“期望,料想”,不合题意。

  14. A幻想是我们所害怕或期望的事情的反映。空后的on the things对此空的选择有重要作用。reflection on意思是“对……的反映”。

  15. B 此空较难选出,作者在此是说,如果梦对思考有作用的话,它也只能“影射”,而幻想与梦相比较,它更简单和直接(直接与影射相对比)。因此其它答案不合题意。

  16. A 因为梦不简单和直接,因此它很难理解。

  17. C 与试图仔细研究你的梦相比,密切注意你的幻想会让你更容易深层次理解生活。

  18. D “幻想可以帮助认清生活中困难的形势。”recognize在此意为“认清”。

  19. A 本句是承接上句Daydreams cannot be predicted而来,因为幻想不可预知,因此它以不被预料的形式到来。C有一定的干扰性,strange意思是“陌生的,不可思议的”,因此不能说明不可预料。

  20. C “下一次当发现自己在幻想时,不要停下来。”catch在此意为“发现,发觉”。

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