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实战演练 Passage 51-55
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/08 09:28  新浪教育

  Passage 51


  Mr Andrews had been out of work for more than a year. This 1 father of four children had deeply known his 2 of family heartaches.

  One day, he was 3 for a train in New York City. The train pulled into the station and stopped. He was getting ready to get on the train when something 4 happened. An old blind man, who had 5 the space between two carriages for a door while 6 his way with a stick, wasn’t able to be walking in a proper way, and suddenly fell 7 the train. Seeing this, Mr Andrews quickly jumped down to the tracks and 8 the blind man to safety. He impressed all the people on the 9 with his courage. The news rapidly 10 all over the country. Messages began to pour in. Some people 11 sent money and food to him.

  Mr Andrews had been at the station 12 he was returning from a job talk. He probably would have been hired, but public praise made it a 13 thing. Mr Andrews, however, received 14 attention from the public after about a week of newspaper stories and active 15 to his family. Although most people supposed that the story had come to a happy 16 , it didn’t quite happen that way. He 17 start his new job, but the factory 18 to New Jersey. Mr Andrews didn’t have any way to get to work, so he 19 to leave. It wasn’t long before he was 20 to job hunting again.

  1. A. homeless B. careless C. friendless D. jobless

  2. A. truth B. share C. danger D. delay (耽误)

  3. A. looking B. waiting C. calling D. searching

  4. A. disappointed B. important C. funny D. unexpected

  5. A. chosen B. reached C. mistaken D. forgotten

  6. A. forcing B. feeling C. leading D. touching

  7. A. into B. from C. under D. off

  8. A. threw B. pushed C. drove D. pulled

  9. A. spot B. way C. train D. side

  10. A. grew B. brought C. carried D. spread

  11. A. yet B. even C. still D. ever

  12. A. though B. before C. because D. till

  13. A. sure B. correct C. popular D. necessary

  14. A. close B. little C. much D. enough

  15. A. help B. ideas C. reading D. reports

  16. A. smile B. journey C. beginning D. end

  17. A. might B. could C. would D. did

  18. A. moved B. turned C. joined D. belonged

  19. A. promised B. refused C. had D. ought

  20. A. late B. back C. ready D. about


  通读全文, 本文是记叙文, 全文叙述了生活艰辛的Mr Andrews 危急时刻救了一个失明的老人。虽然一时名声大噪,然而此事对他寻找工作毫无帮助。

  1. D从首句...out of work...得知, Mr Andrews 是一个jobless father。

  2. B Mr Andrews失业一年多了,又有四个孩子要扶养, 因此他深知 family heartaches的重负。share 在此意为“责任”。

  3. B。从下句The train pulled into the station and stopped得知他在车站等车。

  4. D 老人从车下摔下来, 这是谁也没有料到的,因此用unexpected。

  5. C 老人把两车箱间的空挡错当成了门。

  6. B feel one’s way意思是“摸着走路”。因为老人是盲人,因此他只能用拐杖feel his way。

  7. D 老人想下车时不慎失足落入车下。

  8. D Mr Andrews把老人拖(pulled)到安全的地方。

  9. A 此举给在场的每个人都留下很深的印象。on the spot意思是“在现场”。

  10. D “这个消息迅速传遍全国。”spread意思是“传开”。

  11. B 在messages began to pour in 的同时, 有人甚至寄来了钱和食物。even 在语气上表示程度的加深。

  12. C“他为什么在车站等车,因为他要出去找工作”。前后为因果关系,因此用because一词,from a job talk 意思是“工作面谈”。从文章首句我们得知,Mr Andrews 已经失业一年多了,因此他去求职。

  13. A “但是公众的赞扬使之成为了一个有把握的事情。”与前面联系起来,我们得知,他这次的面谈也许会成功,但他做的这件事对他找工作起了极大的促进作用。

  14. B however一词对此空选择起了重要作用。Mr Andrews救人一事轰动全国,然而一周后,公众对此事不是十分注意了。

  15. A newspaper stories 指报纸对他救人事件的报道; active help 指人们给他家寄钱和食物。

  16. D人们曾料想事情有一个好的结局。a happy end 指故事、事件有一个好的结局。

  17. D从下句Mr Andrews didn't have any way to get to work我们得知,Mr Andrews的确找到了工作,然而……。did在此表示强调。

  18. A从下句我们可以看出,公司已经搬到很远的地方去了。

  19. C公司搬走了,他无法再去上班, 因此他不得不( had to) 离开(公司)。

  20. B轰动一时的救人英雄又返回失业大军中去。

  Passage 52


  I was shown into the waiting-room, which, as I had 1 , was full. There were dirty pictures on the wall and tattered (撕碎的) magazines on the table 2 a great piles of waste paper. I took my seat and decided to 3 the time watching people around me.

  A little man beside me was turning over the 4 of a magazine quickly and nervously. It was 5 to understand what he was looking at, for every three minutes or so he would throw the magazine on the table , seize 6 , and sink back into his chair. 7 me there was a young mother who was trying to keep her son from 8 . The boy had clearly grown tired of 9 . He had placed an ashtray (烟灰缸) on the floor and was making plane-noses 10 he waved a pencil in his hand. Near him an old man was fast 11 , and the boy's mother was afraid that sooner or later her son would 12 the gentleman. At the same time the little man 13 to me kept sighing (叹气) loudly. At last, he got up, walked towards the door and began 14 the pictures on the wall. Soon 15 uninterested, he snatched one more magazine 16 the bottom of the pile and dropped tiredly into a chair. Even the boy had become quiet and was sleeping 17 her mother’s arm .

  There was a complete silence in the room as the door opened and a nurse 18. The people looked up with a ray of 19 in the eyes, then settled down again as the next 20 patient was let out of the room.

  1. A. wished B. expected C. wanted D. hoped

  2. A. were made of B. were same as C. changed into D. looked like

  3. A. use B. pass C. take D. cost

  4. A. pages B. articles C. pictures D. stories

  5. A. hard B. useless C. possible D. easy

  6. A. the other B. another C. other D. others

  7. A. Opposite B. Contrary C. Against D. Close

  8. A. falling asleep B. hurting himself

  C. making a noise D. tearing the magazine

  9. A. talking B. reading C. waiting D. sleeping

  10. A. until B. because C. as if D. as

  11. A. sleeping B. sleep C. asleep D. in sleep

  12. A. wake up B. turn against C .knock into D. do harm to

  13. A. beside B. besides C. next D. sitting

  14. A. putting up B. examining C. drawing D. taking down

  15. A. grown B. growing C. became D. turned

  16. A. away from B. off C. from D. out of

  17. A. in B. with C. on D. to

  18. A. entered B. turned out C. came out D. left

  19. A. joy B. success C. hope D. fear

  20. A. happy B. unlucky C. tired D. lucky



  1. B waiting-room was full,这是我原来料想的。

  2. D“桌子上那些撕碎的杂志看起来就像一堆废纸。”

  3. B pass the time在这里的意思是“打发时间”。

  4. A 从空前的turning over得此答案。

  5. A 从for every three minutes or so he would throw the magazine on the table, ...看,作者很难明白他要看什么内容。

  6. B 把手中的杂志扔在桌子上后,他会再抓另一本。 作者在此描写一个心情烦躁的人。

  7. A 接下来作者描写了一个天真的小孩候诊时的情况。 他们母子坐在“我”的对面。

  8. C从后文我们得知,小孩在这里忙个不停, 母亲怕他会吵醒坐在旁边的gentleman, 因此想不让他吵闹。

  9. C 小孩已等得不耐烦了。

  10. D“当他挥动手里的铅笔时, 他把烟灰缸放到地上当作plane-noses。”

  11. C下面作者叙述一个不急不燥的人 他在那里睡得很香。这 一点从后文the boy's mother was afraid that sooner or later her son would 12 ( wake up) the gentleman得出。

  12. A 老人在睡觉,旁边的孩子吵个不停,因此孩子的母亲怕吵醒人家。

  13. C 作者在这里继续描写the little man的状态。next to sb.挨着某人,从前文我们得知,the little man beside me。

  14. B examining在这里是“仔细端详”的意思, 其它答案不合题意。

  15. B Soon growing uninterested 为分词短语作原因状语。C,D从句子结构讲不合题意。he与grow间为主动关系, 因此A不合题意。

  16. D 桌子上杂志有一大堆,因此从底部抽一本用out of。

  17. A in one’s arms意思是“在某人的怀里”。

  18. A 门开了,护士进来了。

  19. C 护士进来是叫这里的人去看医生, 被叫到的人也就熬到头了,因此人们眼中有一丝希望。

  20. D 因为有这么多人在等,被叫的人自然是幸运者。

  Passage 53


  I went to Fairburn in 1948; no local planes in those days. So I made the trip 1 . It was a thousand kilometers, and it took twenty hours. I sat by a fellow about my own age, 24. He said his 2 was Karl Packer, but he told me 3 anything else. He 4 me because he had so little to say. No opinions, no memories, no tales to tell. Had his home, his wife, the war and so on left no mark at all 5 him ? It was very puzzling. I was glad when the pillows (枕头) were given 6 , and I could politely try to sleep. I hoped I would never meet him again.

  The next time I went to Fairburn was in 1974. By 7 , of course. The president was going to “open” the new town, 8 had taken twenty-six years to be 9 . I sat next to a man of about fifty, whose face was a 10 . I guessed he had something 11 to tell me. The face was rough, brown and 12 . There were lines of worry and fear perhaps, and two old scars. But 13 them, I saw success and power. I guessed he was the boss or 14 . Perhaps he hadn't expected it big or hadn’t wanted it. He had done it well, no doubt. The thing had clearly offered him the power of decision, command. We started to 15. The next two hours were for me the most interesting, adventurous, even exciting that I remember. I did not give a quarter as good as I got. He kept me silent, 16 with wonder. Our plane landed at Fairburn. I shook his hand and 17 him for making the journey so 18 . I told him my name. “The pleasure was 19 ,” he said, “I was Chief Engineer here until last year. I built the new town. Karl Packer is the name. Haven’t we met before 20 ?”

  1. A. by bike B. on foot C. by air D. by bus

  2. A. name B. address C. boss D. wife

  3. A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. mostly

  4. A. disappointed B. moved C. excited D. encouraged

  5. A. in B. with C. for D. on

  6. A. in B. up C. out D. with

  7. A. bus B. land C. air D. sea

  8. A. it B. that C. which D. this

  9. A. built B. made C. set D. founded

  10. A. book B. mirror C. picture D. window

  11. A. good B. bad C. wrong D. old

  12. A.c leaned B. washed C. lined D. broken

  13. A. on B. above C. over D. in

  14. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

  15. A. do B. talk C. make D. give

  16. A. open-mouth B. opened-mouth

  C. open-mouthed D. opening-mouth

  17. A. thanked B. told C. asked D. noticed

  18. A. pleasant B. pleasure C. pleased D. happily

  19. A. my B. mine C. me D.I

  20. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere


  通读全文,本文是记叙文,全文叙述我两次见到Karl Packer时他的不同表现。

  1. D从前文 no local planes 排除C, 从It was a thousand kilometers and it took twenty hours 及 I sat by a fellow 看,应选此答案。

  2. A 从下文这个人见面时自我介绍时的一句话Karl Packer is the name得此答案。

  3. A 从空前的 but 可推知这一点, 后文的 because he had so little to say 也可较好地提示此答案。

  4. A 因为他的话很少,这使我很失望。从后文我们得知,作者本希望有一个善谈的伙伴。

  5. D leave...mark on sb.为固定搭配, 意为“给某人留下印象”。

  6. C 当分发枕头的时候,我感到很高兴, 这时我可以有礼貌地去睡觉了。give out意思是“分发”。

  7. C 从后文 our plane 17 (landed at) Fairburn 得此答案。

  8. C which 引导非限定性定语从句,指代前面的 the new town。

  9. A 这个新镇要花26年建才能建起来。

  10. B 此空较难选出。联系下文,作者是说这个人的脸上能反映出他所经历的沧桑,因此他的脸像一面镜子照射出时代的变迁。

  11. B 从下文There were lines of worry and fear perhaps 得此答案。这句话的意思是“他有坎坷的经历、 沧桑的故事要告诉我。”

  12. C lined 在这里的意思是“有皱纹的”,这是一张饱经风霜的脸。

  13. C 但是透过这些,“我”也能看出成功与力量。over 意思是“透过”。

  14. A something 在这指相当于 boss 这一类的什么角色。

  15. B 从下文可推知此答案,接下来的两个小时, 他都快把“我”给说傻了。

  16. C open-mouthed 为复合形容词,在这里作伴随状语。

  17. A 从后面的for making the journey so 18(pleasant)我们可以得知,“我”感谢他。

  18. A pleasant 为形容词作宾补, 意思是“令人满意的”, 而pleased 意思是“感到满意的”,因此 A 不合题意。

  19. B 这是那人的客气。

  20. A 这人有较好的记性,事隔20几年,他仍记得在某个地方他们见过面。

  Passage 54


  Mr Jones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals. 1 first he had not had enough money, and then he had married. His wife had not wanted him to 2 her. At last his wife 3 to the trip if he allowed her to go, too.

  “But it will be very uncomfortable,” Mr Jones 4 her. “It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent-and it 5 be dangerous.”

  “I don’t care,” said his wife. “I want to go with you.” So they bought a big tent, camp beds, a refrigerator (电冰箱) which did not need 6 and many other things which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the 7 of Africa.

  The first morning, 8 Mr Jones took his gun and left the tent, he 9 his wife a bell and explained to her, “If you feel in 10 and you need me, 11 this bell and I’ll come at once.”

  After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned 12 to the tent. “What’s the matter ?” he asked . “ 13 ”, said his wife, “I was only 14 the bell.”

  Mr Jones went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang 15. Mr Jones hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, “I’m 16. I was cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over by mistake.”

  Mr Jones returned to his 17 , but soon he heard the 18 once more. This time, when he got back to his 19 , the tent was burning and Mrs Jones was lying on the ground, with 20 running from a big cut on her shoulder, “That’s better!” said Mr Jones. “This time the bell had been used correctly!”

  1. A. And B. But C. For D. So

  2. A. leave B. miss C. marry D. care

  3. A. allowed B. permitted C. satisfied D. agreed

  4. A. told B. advised C. persuaded D. warned

  5. A. may B. ought C. can't D. shall

  6. A. money B. electricity C. force D. power

  7. A. south B. middle C. east D. west

  8. A. while B. until C. before D. after

  9. A. gave B. sent C. lent D. bought

  10. A. hurry B. surprise C. safety D. danger

  11. A. hit B. knock C. beat D. ring

  12. A. again B. back C. qickly D. home

  13. A. Something B. Nothing C. No D. None

  14. A. ringing B. trying C. using D. testing

  15. A. again B. once C. across D. away

  16. A. happy B. sorry C. tired D. all right

  17. A. wife B. tent C. trip D. hunting

  18. A. cry B. shot C. bell D. shout

  19. A. garden B. house C. camp D. office

  20. A. water B. tears C. blood D. sweat


  通读全文,本文是记叙文,全文记叙了这样一件事:Mr Jones带妻子到中非旅行,为了防备万一,在他外出期间,他给妻子留了一个铃,让她有危险就敲铃。前几次她都有意或无意敲响了铃,只有最后一次铃才发挥了真正的作用,……。

  1. B前后为转折关系。

  2. A 结婚后他要去中非,然而他妻子不让他离开她。

  3. D 最后他妻子同意了这次旅行。

  4. D But it will be very uncomfortable是Mr Jones 告诫他妻子的话。

  5. A “有可能很危险。”从后文我们得知,Mr Jones 为妻子留下铃就是防止万一。因此其它答案不合题意。

  6. B 因为是到中非去野营, 因此他们带的冰箱是不用电的。

  7. B 他们这次的目的地是中非,从文章首句可得此。

  8. C 他给妻子铃显然是在走之前。

  9. A gave指当面交给。

  10. D in danger意思是“处于危险之中”。只有有危险, 她才需要她丈夫。

  11. D ring the bell是“摇铃”的意思。

  12. C 因为听到了铃声,他以为他妻子有什么危险,因此他赶快返回。

  13. B Nothing即Nothing happened。从下文我们得知, 他妻子只是试一试铃响不响。

  14. B try the bell根据上下文,可以理解为“试试铃到底响不响”。

  15. A 前面已经响过一次,因此用again一词。

  16. B 因为是不小心弄响了铃,因此他妻子向他道歉。

  17. D 从前文Mr Jones took his gun and left the tent,我们得知,Mr Jones刚才去打猎, 因此他回来看看他妻子后又回去打猎。

  18. C 又一次听到铃声,下文才有Mr Jones赶回帐篷。

  19. C 只有回到营地,才会看到下面的一切。

  20. C 从空后的running from a big cut on her shoulder得此答案。

  Passage 55


  It was a freezing day, when I picked up a wallet in the street. There was nothing 1 but a letter that was 2 Hellen. On the torn 3 I found the return address, so I called information. The operator asked me to 4 on, and she came back on the 5 soon, she told me that Hellen’s family had 6 their house years ago. Hellen had to 7 her mother in a nursing home.

  I called and found out that Hellen’s mother had 8 .The woman who answered 9 that Hellen herself was 10 living here.

  The director waited for me at the 11 of the nursing home. I went up to the third floor. Hellen was an old woman with a warm smile and 12 eyes. It old her about finding the wallet and showed her the letter. She took a deep 13 . “ Young man, ” she said, “this was the 14 letter I had written to Mike60 years ago. I loved him very much. I guess no one ever 15 up to him. I still think of him...”

  I thanked Hellen and came back to the director. His secretary looked at the wallet 16 and said, “Hey, that’s Mr. Goldstein’s. He’s always losing it. He’s 17 here on the 8th floor. That’s his wallet, for 18 .” We hurried to him and asked 19 he lost his wallet. Mike felt his back pocket and then said, “Goodness, it’s missing.”

  When I returned him the wallet and told him where Hellen was, he grew 20 . “When the letter came,” He said, “my life ended. I never married.”

  We took him to Hellen’s room.They stood, looked at each other for a minute and embraced(拥抱).

  1. A. on B. here C. inside D. outside

  2. A. sent for B. written to C. given D. signed

  3. A. letter B. envelope C. wallet D. back

  4. A. hold B. keep C. put D. go

  5. A. way B. floor C. line D. car

  6. A. bought B. sold C. moved D. built

  7. A. carry B. place C. drive D. bury

  8. A. left B. returned C. stayed D. died

  9. A. explained B. thought C. discovered D. considered

  10. A. again B. still C. now D. then

  11. A. door B. house C. office D. wall

  12. A. bursting B. freezing C. friendly D. lively

  13. A. dive B. sight C. how D. breath

  14. A. important B. oldest C. first D. last

  15. A. went B. matched C. caught D. measured

  16. A. immediately B. clearly C. closely D. exactly

  17. A. also B. over C. right D. still

  18. A. sure B. pleasure C. help D. interest

  19. A. that B. if C.where D. when

  20. A. that B. if C. where D. when



  1. C这封信在钱包里面。

  2. D信封上的收信人是 Hellen。 sign 在这里指“信上署名”。

  3. B从空前的torn看, 撕开的应是信封, 再者空后的the return address 也可较好地提示答案。

  4. A从后面的she came back on the 5 (line) soon看, the operator在我与她通话时离开了一会儿,因此她叫“我”不要挂断(hold on)。

  5. C 她离开了一会, 接下来她又回到电话这里。on the line 意思是“打(或接)电话”。

  6. B从后文我们得知 Helen 一家早已不在信封上写的地址住了,因此她们把原来的房子卖掉,搬到其它地方去了。

  7. B Hellen不得不把她母亲安置在一个nursing home place在这里作动词,意思是“安置”。

  8. D 这封信是Hellen 是60年前写的,现在Hellen已经是an old woman, 因此推断她母亲已经过世了(died)。

  9. A The woman who answered指the operator。在“我”打


  10. B 虽然事隔60年,Hellen仍然住在这里。still 意思是“仍,还”。

  11. A the director 跟“我”一起来到nursing home,“我”上了三楼,他在门口等着。

  12. C D有一定干扰性,lively 意思是“生动的、 活泼的”。而Hellen 此时已是an old woman,因此不合题意。

  13. D took a deep breath意思是“深深地吸了口气”。 C有一定干扰性,took a deep bow 意思是“深深地鞠了一躬”,显然与老人的身份不符。

  14. D 根据上下文我们得知, 自这封信后他们便失去了联系,因此说this was the last letter.

  15. B match up to him 意思是“(与他相比能)赶上他”。我们知道Hellen 深深爱着Mike,因此她认为Mike是最优秀的。

  16. C look at sth. closely意思是“仔细端祥着某物”。

  17. C the director 就在这座楼的门口等我,当“我”回到那里时,the secretary 认出钱包, 此空后的here 就指Hellen 住的楼,因此the secretary 说Mr Goldstein 也住在这座楼上。

  18. A for sure意思是“确信,无疑”。

  19. B 我们只是问他是否丢了钱包。

  20. C 此空较难选出。通过上下文我们得知,这对恋人仍然深深相爱,因此当他们相见时,既不是神经质(nervous),也不是焦急的(anxious),更不是默默(silent)的,此时他们百感交集,因此脸色苍白(pale)。

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