新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 黑马英语高考专项训练 > 实战演练 Passage 76-80

实战演练 Passage 76-80
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/08 09:30  新浪教育

  Passage 76


  The nervous-looking young man hesitated for a few minutes outside the 1 shop before summoning up the 2 to enter. He was 3 by a young assistant who offered to help him. James felt a rush of 4 to his face as he explained he would bring 5 his girlfriend to choose an engagement ring out that day. The assistant listened and told him 6 the best way would be to make up two plates of rings which would suit both the young man’s 7 and the young lady’s 8. Clearly they were used to things of this kind. He wasn’t used to buying jewellery and was a little worried about spending 9 much money. Getting married was an expensive business but it would be a once-in-a-lifetime thing after 10. After some discussion as to a suitable price-range(价格范围) and the shapes and materials which his girlfriend might like, the shop assistant showed him some rings and offered to put them 11 .James 12 with her choice and left the shop 13 to return at five o’clock. When, half an hour later than 14 , he finally 15 return to the shop with his girlfriend. Laura, the assistant, acted as if she had never seen him before. 16 asked to show them engagement rings, she first brought out some cheap rings, giving the two young people the chance to 17 them before showing them the two plates of rings she 18 prepared. A 19 was soon made and the young man and young lady went away satisfied. James would certainly come back here when it 20 time to buy the wedding ring.

  1. A. jewel B. clothing C. jewelry D. second-hand

  2. A. courage B. wish C. hope D. mind

  3. A. seen B. pleased C. greeted D. standing

  4. A. heart B. sweat C. wind D. blood

  5. A. in B. out C. about D. with

  6. A. of B. that C. about D. in

  7. A. clothes B. ideas C. job D. pocket

  8. A. tastes B. beauty C. dress D. mother

  9. A. very B. how C. his D. too

  10. A. all B. that C. years D. work

  11. A. up B. aside C. down D. hidden

  12. A. pleased B. satisfied C. hid D. agreed

  13. A. quick B. promising C. alone D. only

  14. A. usual B. before C. planned D.5 o'clock

  15. A. did B. managed C. tried D. could

  16. A. He B. Being C. After D. When

  17. A. take B. buy C. reject D. see

  18. A. herself B. already C. carefully D. had

  19. A. ring B. choice C. decision D. price

  20. A. is B. was C. would be D. had


  通读全文,本文是记叙文, 叙述了善于经营的售货员如何将买卖做到既适合男人的口袋,又合其女朋友的品位。

  1. C 从后文to choose an engagement ring 可以看出小伙子进的是珠宝商店。

  2. A 小伙子在门外踌躇片刻,然后才鼓起勇气, 走进珠宝店。summon up the courage to do sth. 鼓起勇气做某事。

  3. C 一位年轻的服务员热情地接待了他。greet的本意是“问候”,在此意为“热情接待”。

  4. D James 感到有一股血冲到脸上。 从后文我们得知, James想为其女友买一戒指,然而囊中羞涩, 但又不能在女友面前显露自己的寒酸,因此当服务员问他的时候,他感到极不好意思,脸在发烧。

  5. A bring in在此意为“带……来”。bring out 带……出去,bring about 带来(变化、影响等),bring 不与with搭配,因此B,C,D不合题意。

  6. B that引导宾语从句。

  7. D

  8. A 7、8两空是这场买卖成功的关键,也是James进门时想说,但又难为情的事:所买的戒指既要适合James 的口袋,同时又要适合其女友的品位。

  9. D A有较大干扰性,但very much不可修饰修饰形容词或副词。

  10. A 结婚是一件很昂贵的买卖,但它毕竟是一辈子只有一次的事情。after all 毕竟。

  11. B put aside 放到一边。

  12. D James同意了她(the shop assistant)的选择。 在此A,B有较大干扰性,pleased和satisfied都为形容词, 不能单独作谓语,因此不合题意。

  13. B (James)答应五点钟回来,promising to return at five o’clock为现在分词短语作伴随状语。

  14. C 比原计划晚半小时以后,……。than expected 是than it was expected 的省略形式。

  15. A 他的确回到了商店,带着他的女友。did用在动词原形前起强调作用。

  16. D When asked...=When she ( the shop assistant) was asked...。

  17. B 文中我们看出,根据事先的安排,在James 买早已选好的戒指以前,the shop assistant先给他们看一些低廉的戒指,让他们拒绝。

  18. D C有较大干扰性, 在此作者并非说选出的戒指是精心挑选的,而是说这些戒指是(在James第一次来时)准备好的。因此此空用过去完成时,表示prepare 的动作发生在他们来挑选戒指以前。

  19. B 一个选择很快做出了。在此A和C均有较大干扰性,从上下文我们得知the ring并非买时才制作,因此A 不合题意。James领着女友到商店来是为了选出她喜欢的戒指, 而并不是到了商店才决定买戒指,因此C不合题意。

  20. B 全文运用一般过去时叙述,因此此空选B。

  Passage 77


  Like most July days, it was hot. I 1 into a coffee shop to drink a cup of black coffee. It was a tiny store with little round tables and chairs .

  As I entered, I found a very old woman bent 2 a table near the door . Her back was so badly twisted(扭弯)by some sadness that her face nearly 3 the table-top. I sat down facing her two 4 away.

  “Poor woman,” I thought. “What does she get out of life? Why does God let people live so 5 past their prime(鼎盛时期)?”

  As I thought, 6 aged lady entered the shop and sat down with her . Soon the two of them were talking about 7 . They talked of how little the shop had changed in 70 years... In minutes the two of them were 8 with laughter.

  I looked again at the 9 woman, then in the mirror on a nearby wall, 10 a picture of myself.

  I was wearing a dirty shirt.

  She was 11 dressed in white, gold rings on her fingers.

  I was in 12 spirits . She was laughing, smiling.

  I was putting the 13 of my life together. She had millions of wonderful 14 to recall (回忆).

  She was 15 the day with a good friend. I was 16 worried about getting old. She was old but it wasn’t hurting her.

  As I left the shop, I 17 my foolish questions about God letting people live past their prime. Why, that woman was more 18 , more sensitive (敏感的). 19 has not bent her spirit. But I am always filling my mind with something 20 .

  1. A. slipped B. stepped C. entered D. broke

  2. A. to B. on C. over D. toward

  3. A. struck B. reached C. stuck D. touched

  4. A. feet B. meters C. chairs D. tables

  5. A. hard B. long C. slowly D. rapidly

  6. A. other B. the very C. another D. a certain

  7. A. old history B. recent history C. the present day D. childhood days

  8. A. jumping B. trembling C. burning D. running

  9. A. older B. poor C. first D. younger

  10. A. watching B. taking C. searching D. catching

  11. A. well B. usually C. specially D. always

  12. A. high B. low C. good D. sad

  13. A. dreams B. pages C. pieces D. hopes

  14. A. affairs B. sufferings C. incidents D. memories

  15. A. spending B. enjoying C. sharing D. wasting

  16. A. certainly B. completely C. naturally D. secretly

  17. A. laughed at B. thought of C. gave up D. kept back

  18. A. alive B. happy C. useful D. powerful

  19. A. Wealth B. Life C. Time D. Age

  20. A. strange B. fearing C. unpleasant D. joyful


  本文为记叙文, 作者在全文以羡慕的心情在叙述着一位驼背的老人─“老人快乐且穿着讲究整洁”,然后作者再看一下镜中满是沧桑的自己。由此作者产生了感慨。

  1.B 其它答案均有一定干扰性,slip into 意思是“(偷偷)溜进”,break into意思是“破门而入”,结合下文,“我”只是到咖啡店喝杯浓咖啡,因而 A, D不合题意,enter 不与into搭配。

  2. C “我发现一个老人弯腰朝向靠门的一张桌子。”因为老人驼背得很厉害, 因此站在桌子旁时 she bent over the table。

  3. D A, B 有较大干扰性,struck有“撞到……上”的意思,而reach表示“到达”,在这里作者是说老人腰弯得厉害,脸几乎快碰得着桌子。

  4. D two tables away意思是“隔着两桌子的距离”。

  5. B“为什么在人过了其鼎盛时期后,上帝还让他们活着”, 因为老人年纪大了,又加上驼背,由此“我”认为老人活着是受罪。

  6. C 从空后的 sat down with her 我们得知是另一个老人走进来了。 A, D 有一定干扰性。other后跟可数名词复数, a certain 表示“某一不确定的”,在此作者讲了一个驼背的 old woman,接下来又讲了另一个old woman,因此 C 为最佳答案。

  7. D 从下一句They talked of how little the shop lad changed in 70 years得知,开始时她们讲的是70年前,即她们童年的往事。

  8. B 她们两个笑得浑身抖动。

  9. C the first woman指“我”在文章开头讲的那个驼背老人。接下来作者以驼背老人和“我”作对比。

  10. D catch在这里指“(无意间)看到”。

  11. A B有较大干扰性。在此作者仅叙述此时的老人的打扮,因此usually 不合题意。因为老人手戴着white,gold rings,因此说老人well dressed。

  12. B 在此作者把“我”与老人相对比,以此说明“我”的生活质量不如老人。

  13. A “我把生活的零零散散的事情聚在一起。”A, D均有较大干扰性。然而作者在此将老人对待生活的态度与自己相比较:老人有无数美好的回忆,而“我”只能凑一些细碎的生活片断。

  14. D 从空后的to recall得此答案。

  15. C “她与好朋友共享一天。”share在此意为“共享”。

  16. D “而我独自一个人在但心变老。”secretly在此相当于 alone。

  17. B “离开咖啡店的时候,我想起了我那个关于上帝让人在鼎盛过后仍活着的问题。”think of在此有“记起、想起”,C 有较大干扰性,在此作者是说, 经过“我”把老人与自己作了对比之后,我才感到自己的想法的愚蠢(foolish)。

  18. A alive 在此意为“有活力”。 B 有较大干扰性。alive在此不仅包含快乐,同样也表示享受生活。

  19. D “岁月并没有弯曲她的精神。” C 有较大干扰性。在此作者是说, 岁月弯曲了老人的脊背,但年龄并没有挫败老人的精神。

  20. C 老人的生活充满了快乐,而“我”的生活中总是充满了不愉快的事情。

  Passage 78


  I was 15 when I walked into McCarley’s bookstore in Ashland. As I was looking at 1 on the shelves, the man behind the counter (柜台), the shop owner, asked if I’d like 2 . I needed to start 3 for college, so I said yes. I worked after school and during the summer for the lowest wages, and the job helped 4 my freshman (大学一年级学生) year of college. I would work many other jobs: I made coffee in the Students Union (学生会) during college. I was a hotel maid (女招待) and 5 made maps for the U. S. Forest Service. But selling books was one of the most 6 .

  One day a woman asked me for books on cancer. She seemed fearful. I showed her almost everything we had at that time 7 and found other books we could order. She left the store less 8 , I’ve always remembered the 9 I felt in having helped her.

  Years later, as a 10 in Los Angeles, I heard about an immigrant (移民) child who was born 11 his fingers connected , weblike. His family could not afford a corrective (矫正的) operation, and the boy lived in 12 , hiding his hand in his pocket.

  I 13 my boss to let me do the story. After my story was broadcast, a doctor and a nurse called, offering to perform the 14 for free.

  I visited the boy in the recovery room soon after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his 15 hand and say, “Thank you.” I felt a sense of 16 .

  In the past, while I was 17 , I always sensed I was working for the customers, not the store. Today it’s the 18. NBC News pays my salary, 19 I feel as if I work for the 20, helping them make sense of the world.

  1. A. maps B. titles C. articles D. reports

  2. A.a book B. a job C. some tea D. any help

  3. A. planning B. saving C. preparing D. studying

  4. A. pay for B. fit for C. run for D. enter for

  5. A. so B. yet C. even D. still

  6. A boring B. surprising C. satisfying D. disappointing

  7. A. in need B. in all C. in order D. in store

  8. A. worried B. satisfied C. excited D. puzzled

  9. A. pride B. failure C. regret D. surprise

  10. A. doctor B. store owner C. bookseller D. TV reporter

  11. A. in B. with C. by D. for

  12. A. shame B. honour C. horror D. danger

  13. A. advised B. forced C. persuaded D. permitted

  14. A. action B. program C. treatment D. operation

  15. A. repaired B. connected C. injured D. improved

  16. A. pleasure B. sadness C. interest D. disappointment

  17. A. at the TV station B. in the Students Union

  C. at the U. S. Forest Service D. at McCarley’s bookstore

  18. A. difference B. same C. usual D. request

  19. A. so B. and C. but D. because

  20. A. readers B. viewers C. customers D. passengers



  1. B title 表示“书名”,“篇名”。作者进入书店,看书架上所列的“书名”。

  2. B 由后文可知道,此时作者尚未工作。

  3. B 作者为上大学而准备“存款”,“储蓄”。

  4. A pay for 表示“付钱”,“负担费用”。fit for表示“适合”;run for表示“竞选”;enter for表示“参加”,其它三项都与短文的意思不符。

  5. C even在这里是副词,起加强语气的作用,意思是“甚至”,“而且”。

  6. C 在所做的几件事情中,卖书是作者最为满意的。

  7. D in store 表示“贮藏”,与句意相符。

  8. A 作者尽力帮助这位妇女,她走时不像以前那样焦急。

  9. A 帮助了那位妇女,作者为此而感到“骄傲”。

  10. D 由短文的后半部分可知,几年后作者成了电视台的记者。

  11. B 这个移民小孩子天生手指连在一起。后半句为 “with+复合宾语”结构,作状语。

  12. A 小孩把手藏在口袋里,表明小孩感到“羞耻”。

  13. C persuade sb. to do sth.表示“说服某人做某事”,与下文的意思相符。

  14. D 下段第一句有提示。一位医生和护士自愿为小孩免费做手术。

  15. A repaired 表示“经过矫正的”。

  16. A 小孩向作者表示感谢,作者为此而感到高兴。

  17. D 作者以前在 McCarley’s bookstore 打工。前文及后半句有提示。

  18. B the same表示“相同”。在所给四个选项中,只有same能和 the 连用表达此意。

  19. C 前后两句之间为转折关系。

  20. B viewer表示“电视观众”,“观看者”。作者现在是电视台的记者,是在为“观众”工作。

  Passage 79


  James sat outside the office waiting for the interview. He felt so 1 that he didn’t know what to do with 2 . The person who had gone in 3 him had been in there for nearly an hour. And she looked so sure when she went in . 4 James. He felt 5 that she had already got the 6 . The problem was that he wanted this job 7 . It meant 8 to him. He had 9 it such a lot before the day of the interview. He had imagined himself 10 brilliantly (出色) at the interview and 11 the job immediately.

  But now here he was feeling 12. He couldn’t 13 all those things he had 14 to say. At that moment, he almost decided to get up and 15 . But no-he had to do this. He had spent so much time considering it that he couldn’t 16 like that. His hands were hot and his mouth felt dry.

  At last the door of the office opened. The woman who had gone in a hour earlier came out, looking very 17 with herself. She smiled sympathetically (同情地) at James. At that moment James 18 her. The manager then appeared at the office door. “Would you like to come in now, Mr Davis? I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”

  James suddenly 19 that he had gone home after all. He got up, legs 20 and forehead sweating and wondered whether he looked as frightened as he felt.

  1. A. healthy B. nervous C. careless D. sure

  2. A. manager B. the woman C. himself D. the situation

  8. A. by B. with C. before D. after

  4. A. Not like B. So did C. Do as D. Do like

  5. A. interested B. sure C. angry D. surprising

  6. A. place B. first C. prize D. job

  7. A. suddenly B. hardly C. easily D. so much

  8. A. everything B. happiness C. difficulty D. nothing

  9. A. heard of B. learned of C. thought about D. talked about

  10. A. explaining B. performing C. answering D. writing

  11. A. offered B. asked for C. being offered D. being asked for

  12. A. crazy B. excited C. probable D. terrible

  13. A. depend on B. afford C. believe in D. remember

  14. A. kept B. taught C. planned D. supplied

  15. A. leave B. go in C. prepare D. practise

  16. A. take back B. put off C. give up D. put down

  17. A. ugly B. pleased C. sad D. pretty

  18. A. noticed B. loved C. missed D. hated

  19. A. thought B. hoped C. wished D. regretted

  20. A. shaking B. lending C. walking D. stopping



  1. B根据下文可以看出,此处应为“紧张”。

  2. C 从短文的情景看,显然是James自己不知如何是好。

  3. C 根据句意看,“在他前面”已进去了一位应聘者。

  4. A 该文除了James之外,还谈到了另一个应聘者(a woman)的情况。James紧张,woman自信,两人形成了对比。

  5. B 由于自己紧张,女应聘者自信,再加上女应聘者 “had been in there for nearly an hour”,所以该空用sure符合短文大意。

  6. D 应聘的目的就是为了得到“工作”。

  7. D 从下文可以看出,James“很”想得到这份工作。

  8. A 因为“极想得到这份工作”,所以 “It meant everything to him”。happiness过于具体、片面。

  9. C 应聘之前已经仔细“考虑”过了。

  10. B explaining, answering, writing都是表示单项的、具体的动作。performings可以表示应聘面试时总的表现情况,填在空缺处更符合文意。

  11. C 他曾想像着自己能表现良好,招聘人立刻就“给”他这份工作。由于主语是他,所以该处应用被动式。

  12. D but表示语意上的转折,说明现在的感觉与前一天自己的想像截然不同。feeling 后应填一个表示“糟糕”的词。

  13. D 由于紧张,此时“想不起来”也属正常。

  14. C “打算”要说的话。

  15. A 从下文的内容看,他几乎要站起来离开,而不是进去。

  16. C 四个短语的含义和用法分别是:take back “收回”。常用作及物动词;put off “推迟”、“延期”,也常用作及物动词;give up“放弃”,可作及物动词也可作不及物动词;put down“写下来,镇压”,常用作及物动词。此处只有give up符合句意。

  17. B 从smile看,那位女士对自己很“满意”。

  18. D 此时表示James 的心理,那位女士同他争工作,James心里自然有点“恨”她。

  19. C that he had gone home after all是虚拟语气形式,表达的是与事实相反的意义。四个选项中,只有wish可带这样的宾语从句。

  20. A 轮到James进去面试了,此时他更加紧张,不仅额头出汗,而且腿也在“颤抖”。

  Passage 80


  Mrs Hammond was old and blind, but she was determined to do everything for herself. She even used to go for walks by herself once a day for 1 , and found her way by touching things with her white stick. She learned 2 everything was, so she never lost her way .

  One day, some men came and cut down some of the familiar 3 at the side of one of the paths which she 4 . When she reached that place that evening, she did not feel the trees with her stick, so she was in 5 .

  She waited for a while and listened, but did not 6 any other people, so she went for a kilometre or two, and then she heard 7 beneath (在……之下) her.

  “Am I 8 ? I suppose so,” she said, “I must be on a 9 , and there must be a river under me. I’ve been told that there’s a river in this part of the country , but I don’t know its exact 10 . How am I going to get 11 to my house from here?”

  All at once she heard a man’s friendly 12 near her . “Excuse me, can I help you?”

  “How kind of you!” Mrs Hammond answered. “Yes, please. Some of the trees which I follow have been 13 today, and if I hadn’t been lucky enough to meet you , I don’t know 14 I’d have done. Can you please 15 me to get home?

  “Certainly,” the man answered. “Where do you live?”

  Mrs Hammond told him, and the man took her to her house. She told the man how16 she was that she had met him. But the man said, “I want to 17 you.”

  Mrs Hammond asked, “Whatever for ?”

  “Well,” the man said quietly, “I was balanced (悬在) on the edge of that bridge for ages in the 18 , because I was trying to make up my mind to 19 myself into the river and drown (淹死) myself. 20 I’m not going to do it now.”

  1. A. game B. exercise C. sport D. training

  2. A. how B. where C. what D. that

  3. A. grass B. bushes C. trees D. plants

  4. A. followed B. led C. walked D. headed

  5. A. need B. danger C. dark D. difficulty

  6. A. see B. find C. meet D. hear

  7. A. noise B. water C. boat D. train

  8. A. lost B .all right C. wrong D. alone

  9. A. boat B. plane C. bridge D. highway

  10. A. size B. length C. position D. name

  11. A. far B. near C. away D. back

  12. A. touch B. voice C. sound D. noise

  13. A. lost B. destroyed C .removed D. planted

  14. A. how B. what C. why D. which

  15. A. tell B. direct C. help D. lead

  16. A. pleased B. proud C. worried D. wonderful

  17. A. help B. know C. thank D. meet

  18. A. worry B .sorry C. hurry D. dark

  19. A. put B. throw C. jump D. take

  20. A. And B. Yet C. But D. So


  通读全文,本文是记叙文,全文讲述了这样一个故事:Mrs Hammond是个盲人,年纪又大了。 然而不因自己年纪大又是残疾人就自暴自弃,相反她事事都要亲自去做,她每天出去运动。有一天,她迷了路,一个准备轻生的人帮助了她,这个人被她的精神感动,放弃了轻生的念头。

  1. B老人每天都出去运动。在此C有较大干扰性,sport 作“运动”解为可数名词,因此不合题意。

  2. B从空后的so she never lost her way我们得知,老人知道路上一切事物的位置。

  3. C从下句When she reached that place, she did not feel the trees with her stick得此答案。

  4. A显然,她以前是循着(followed)这些树走的。

  5. D这些树都没有了,她回去确实困难了。

  6. C她在那里等着,然而没有遇到任何人,在此D有较大干扰性,hear sb.意思是“听到某人说话”,因此不合题意。

  7. B从后文她推测可能来到河上,我们得知, 此时她听到了流水声。

  8. A当Mrs Hammond听到下面的流水声,她推断自己迷路了。

  9. C因为听到流水在下面,因此Mrs Hammond知道自己来到了桥上。

  10. C联系前句,我们知道以前有人告诉过Mrs Hammond在这个地方有条小河,因为她以前没来过,因此她不知道它的位置。

  11. D因为迷了路,因此如何回家让她犯了愁。

  12. Bvoice指说话的声音,其他答案均不合题意。

  13. C remove在此相当于cut down and carry away。

  14. B what引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语。

  15. C Mrs Hammond求这人帮忙。

  16. A Mrs Hammond告诉这人,她能遇到他有多么高兴。

  17. C从后文我们知道,是Mrs Hammond的精神感动了那人,使他鼓起生活的勇气,因此他说要感谢这位老人。

  18. D这个人在暗处准备投入河中。

  19. A put myself into the river 意思是“把我自己投到河里去”。

  20. C前后间为转折关系。

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