神奇的蓝色 The Magical Blue(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/15 11:33 国际在线 |
Blue is the world ‘s favorite color. It is also the color most often associated with intellect and authority. Most uniforms are blue. In Greek and Roman mythology, blue is the color of sky gods. In the Old Testament, God is represented by deep blue. Blue and the turquoise is represented by the Islamic religion. It is the dominant color in the mosques of the world. Blue symbolizes truth, peace and cooperation. It is the color of flag of the United Nations and of Europe. As the coolest color of the spectrum, it is the hue most likely to have a receding effect. As in the skies and water that surround us, blue is seen as a peaceful and refreshing color.
Blue light has seen to lower blood pressure by calming the nervous system hence relaxing the body and mind. Blue creates large airy spaces. It makes rooms bigger. The wrong shade of blue can be uncomfortable. It can also be cold and sterile unless balanced with warmer colors. Blue bedrooms are restful. Blue bath rooms are appropriately watery. Blue acquires depth with greens and reds. Light and soft blue make us feel quite and protected from the bustle and activity of the day. Dark blue represents the night making us calm. The deeper the blue, the more relaxing the room. Blue’s apparently calming effect makes it the perfect tone for the quieter zones of you living space. |
神奇的蓝色 The Magical Blue(图) |
蓝色是全世界最受欢迎的颜色。蓝色也常常让人联想到权利和智慧。 许多制服是蓝色的。在希腊,罗马的神话中,蓝是天空诸神的颜色。 在旧约中,深蓝色代表上帝。 伊斯兰教喜欢用蓝和青绿色,世界各地的清真寺都用蓝色。 蓝色代表真理和平和合作。它也是联合国和欧洲旗帜的主要颜色。 做为光谱中最冷的颜色,蓝色具有开扬效果。
蓝色充盈在我们四周,天空是蓝的,水是蓝的,蓝色令人心平气和,神清气爽。 蓝色的光可以镇定神经系统,放松身心,蓝色能创造出宽敞清凉的环境,增加房间的空间感。 误用蓝色会令人不适,如果没有暖色的搭配,蓝色会显得冰冷而乏味。 蓝色的卧室令人放松。蓝色的卫生间与水相衬恰如其分。和绿色红色搭配在一起,蓝色显得深藏不露。 浅蓝能带来宁静之感,使我们抛开一天的忙碌与操劳。 深蓝是夜空的颜色,令人冷静。房间所用的蓝色越深,越能让人感到放松。 蓝色有明显的镇定左作用,绝对是装饰你家中安静修养的地方最适合的颜色。(稿源:疯狂英语) |