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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/14 14:27  国际在线


  Comprising of London based lads Duncan James , Anthony Costa, Lee Ryan and Simon Webbe, Blue released their first single in May 2001, the anthemia "All Rise", which entered the UK chart at No. 4 and stayed in the Top 10 for five weeks. Numerous awards followed including "Best Newcomer" at the BRIT Awards 2002, "Best Newcomer" at the Smash Hits Awards, and "Best Single", "Best Newcomer" and "Best Pop Act" at the Capital FM Awards.

  After spending the summer touring the globe, November 2002 saw Blue unleash their second album "One Love", a confident collection of classic r'n'b/pop tracks featuring some of the best songwriters and producers around. The lead single from the album, title track "One Love", shot straight into the UK Top 3 and provided Blue with their second consecutive No.1 airplay hit. The third single from the "One Love" album, "U Make Me Wanna", followed soon after. Hitting the UK Top 5 in its first week of release, the single featured a gorgeous promo video, shot on a yacht in South Africa, that soon found itself on heavy rotation across all music channels.

  Blue have to date achieved phenomenal sale figures not only in the UK, but all across the globe, with an amazing forty No.1 singles worldwide. The "Best Of Blue" album is testament to the band's talent, passion and commitment. With another spectacular UK arena tour lined up for March and April 2005, you can be assured that this is only the end of "Chapter One" in the amazing Blue story.

  发迹于英国伦敦、由黎Lee Ryan、安东尼Antony Costa、唐肯Duncan James和赛门Simon Webbe组成的BLUE,以绝佳默契和演唱实力受到EMI-Virgin集团赏识,并由当初成功打造坏小子罗比威廉斯原属团体TAKE THAT的原班制作班底全力栽培打造。

  2001年初,一支富有都会节奏感的《All Rise》抢滩Top 4并高居电台点播Top 10五周。接下来的To Close及If You come Back二首单曲成绩更是惊人,不但拿下排行冠军,在销量上也都有超过20万张的收获。

  2002年3月,Blue获得首都电台音乐奖(Capitol FM Award)“最佳单曲If you Come Back”、“最佳新人”、“最佳流行艺人”等三项大奖,同时他们发行了第4首单曲Fly By II,一首风格不同于专辑版本的单曲。全新编曲与混音,让这首单曲得到广大的电台的青睐,成为热播排行第一名的单曲,更让这首单曲成为Blue的另一首排行前10的作品。10月则再下一城,拿下Disney Awards“最佳流行艺人Pop Act”,并入围首届国家音乐奖(National Music Awards)“最受欢迎英国团体Favourite UK Band Or Group”等。截至目前,共已获得10项英国音乐大奖。

  2003年,Blue再次出发,发行了他们的第二张专辑《One Love》,仍旧以R&B曲风为主,再度展现了他们超龄的声音演出。一发行即直攻英国专辑榜的冠军宝座。从节奏感强烈的《One Love》、《She Told Me》,让人狂放摇摆的《Riders》、《Right Here Waiting 》,到舒缓轻柔的《Don't Treat Me Like A Fool》,每首歌都让人对Blue的超实力歌艺耳目一新。更一举连夺全英音乐奖“最佳新进艺人”及“最佳流行艺人”。同时在欧洲、纽澳、亚洲,包括台湾等地区他们亦已经成功的建立了广大的歌迷群。Blue已经成为全英国、甚至是全世界最成功的一组流行艺人。


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