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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/14 14:27  国际在线


  1. funny表示“有趣,好笑”,也有“奇怪的”意思。比如说:I had a funny story to share with you. 我有一个好笑的故事要讲给你听。What's that funny smell? 那个怪怪的味道是什么?

  2. flip means toss sth with a sharp movement of the thumb and forefinger so that it turns the air用拇指和食指捻某物使之在空中翻转,比如:flip a coin抛硬币。

  3. mysterious means hard to understand or explain,神秘的,不可思议的,难解的,a mysterious letter 神秘的信件 a mysterious parcel 神秘的包裹。

  4. way 表示“方式,方法”,in...way 表示用什么方式方法,In this way, I can earn 20 RMB per day by selling newspapers in the street. 我每天卖报纸可以挣20块钱。

  5. wake up means stop sleeping, She had been woken up from a deep sleep.她刚从熟睡中醒来。What time do you usually wake up in the morning? 你早上一般什么时候起床?

  6. gone without a trace 应理解为love's gone without a trace爱却无影无踪了。

  7. refuse表示拒绝的意思,常常用 refuse to do的搭配,I refused to accept her invitation. 我拒绝了她的邀请。I refused to give my papers to my roommates.我拒绝把我的论文给我同屋。

  8. give up表示放弃的意思,I give up smoking. 我戒烟了。Don't give up! 不要气馁。 give in 表示气馁,妥协的意思。I won't give in until I make it. 不成功我是不会妥协的。

  9. for 表示原因时往往位于句末,比because,as,since的语气弱,表示补充说明原因。

  10. pride 是得意,自豪的意思,是名词。she looked with pride at the result of her work.她自豪地看着她自己工作的成果。He felt a glow of pride as people admired his new car.人们夸他的新车时,他得意自豪。其形容词为proud,例如:We are very proud of our success in work.我们为我们工作的成功而感到骄傲和自豪。 I hoped you were proud of yourself--- you've ruined the game.你真露脸――把比赛搅得一塌糊涂。

  11. times 在这是“时光”的意思,in ancient times在古代,in recent times在近代。

  12. stay alive表示“活着”,survive from something表示继续生存和存在,Six out of 1,500 people survived from the sinking of Titanic.在泰坦尼克号沉船事件中,1500人中只有6个幸存者。survive 还表示经历某事 幸存,Plants can't survive the frost.这植物不经冻。

  13. hip hop是嘻哈族文化,一种街头亚文化,体现服装和言谈独特的年轻人,喜爱唱快板歌,跳霹雳舞,沿街涂鸦。beat在这里作名词讲,表示音乐节奏的意思。

  14. late at night 深夜,at night夜晚,midnight半夜,wide 这里表示to the full extend; fully,充分的,完全的,wide awake就是完全清醒。

  15.break one's heart表示伤某人的心,She has broken my heart in two. 她深深的伤害了我的心。

  16. big mistake,大错特措,You made a big mistake.你大错特错了。learn by one' s mistake 从错误中汲取教训。

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