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第四节 数词
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/17 15:35  新浪教育




  1.21—99等表示“几十几”的基数词,由十位数和个位数之间加连字符 “-” 构成。

  21 twenty-one 32 thirty-two 43 forty-three

  54 fifty-four 65 sixty-five 77 seventy-seven

  88 eighty-eight 99 ninety-nine

  2.101—999等表示“几百几”的基数词,百位数hundred之后加and, 再加十位数或个位数。

  101 one hundred and one

  365 three hundred and sixty-five

  999 nine hundred and ninety-nine

  3.1,000以上的数目表示方法是,从右向左用分节号“,”分节,每三个数字为一个节,第一个分节号前用thousand, 第二个分节号前用million, 第三个分节号前用billion(美)或thousand million (英) 。

  2004 two thousand and four

  34, 228 thirty-four thousand, two hundred and eighty-eight

  725, 369 seven hundred and twenty-five thousand, three hundred and sixty-nine

  832, 000,000 one billion, two hundred and fourteen million或one thousand, two hundred and fourteen million


  1.基数词表示具体数目时,hundred, thousand, million用单数。在表示“数百”、“数千”、“数百万”等不确定数目时,在hundreds, thousands, millions后接“of +名词复数”。

  The Great Wall is over six thousand kilometers long. 长城有六千多千米长。

  Those mountains are thousands of metres high. 那些山数千米高。


  He went to the United States in his twenties.他在20多岁时去了美国。

  3.“基数词 + 名词”构成的合成形容词作定语,其中的名词用单数。two—month holiday两个月的假



  Three of us have been to Guangzhou. 我们有三人去过广州。

  —How many cows have they got? 他们有多少奶牛?

  —Two 两头。

  I’d like two sweaters for my daughter. 我要给女儿买两件毛衣。

  The desk is for you two.这张课桌供你们两个使用。

  —How old are you? 你多大了?

  —I’m twelve 我12岁了。




  four—fourth six—sixth seven—seventh

  ten—tenth eleven—eleventh thirteen—thirteenth


  one—first two—second three—third five—fifth

  twelve—twelfth eight—eighthnine—ninth

  2.以—ty结尾的基数词变序数词时,将y改为i, 再加-eth。

  twenty—twentieth thirty—thirtieth

  forty—fortieth fifty—fiftieth

  sixty—sixtieth seventy—seventieth

  eighty—eightieth ninety—ninetieth




  forty-four ——forty-fourth


  first 1st second 2nd third 3rd

  fourth 4th twelfth 12th twenty—first 21st


  1.序数词前要加定冠词the, 在句中作定语放在被修饰的名词前。

  The second lesson is more difficult than the first. 第2课比第1课难的多。


  Try it a second time, 请再试一试。


  The Fifth Lesson, Lesson Five

  No. 14 middle school


  Room 203 (读作room two o three)

  754662(读作seven five four double six two)


  分子用基数词,分母用序数词; 分子是1。分母用单数,分子大于1,分母用复数。

  1/4 one—fourth或a quarter

  3/4 three—fourths 1/2 a half或one half

  2/5 two—fifths


  1.年份 四位数通常分两组来读

  1996读作nineteen ninety-six

  1905读作nineteen o five或nineteen and five

  2000读作two thousand


  July 3rd读作July the third

  November 25th读作November the twenty-fifth

  December 1st读作December the first

  世纪也用序数词表示:20th century


  时刻有两种读法: 一是直接读数字,先说钟点数,后说分钟数;二是先说分钟数,后说钟点数。用介词past表示几点过几分(不超过半小时)或用to表示几点差几分(超过半小时还差多少分钟到下一个钟点)。

  4:10 four ten/ten past four5: 15 five fifteen/a quarter past five

  6: 30 six thirty/half past six7: 45 seven forty—five/a quarter to eight


  1. Our summer holiday is coming. Two ______ the students in our school will go to the beach. (2003重庆)

  A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of

  [点拨] 答案是C。此题旨在考查数词作主语的用法。hundred(百)、thousand (千)、million (百万)等表示确定数目“×百”,“×千”,“×百万”时不用复数形式。two hundred of the students in our school意为“我们学校学生中的两百个”。此题易误选A。

  2. ______ Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well before Beijing 2008 Olympics. (2003北京海淀区)

  A. ThousandB. ThousandsC. Thousand ofD. Thousands of

  [点拨] 答案是D。此题旨在考查hundred(百),thousand (千);million(百万)表示“约数”,即不确定数目的用法。hundreds, thousands, millions等本身要用复数形式,其前不再有基数词,后跟“of+复数名词”,常以“hundreds/thousands/millions +of +复数名词”出现,相当于汉语的“数以百/千/百万计的……”或“成千上万的……”。

  3. Now children, turn to page ______ and look at the ______ picture in Lesson Two. (2003上海)

  A. twentieth; oneB. twenty; oneC. twentieth; firstD. twenty; first

  [点拨] 答案是D。 序号表示法。数字在前用序数词,数字在后用基数词。如本题的page 20(第20页),the first picture(第一幅画)。

  4. —Can you write the number eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six?

  —Yes, it is ______.(2003海南)

  A. 856620B. 85626C. 58662D. 58626

  [点拨] 答案是B。此题考查基数词的拼写和读法。“八万五千六百二十六”即eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six。

  5. There are more than two______ people in the city.(2003福建泉州)

  A. millions B. million C. millions of D. million of

  [点拨] 答案是B。在表示“确定”数目时,hundred, thousand, million, billion等不用复数形式。

  6. — What’s 1/9 and 2/3?—______.(2003兰州)

  A. Seven-ninths B. Five-sixthsC. Seven-ninth D. Five-ninths

  [点拨] 答案是A。数字计算题。三分之二即九分之六,九分之一加九分之六等于九分之七。分子大于1时,分母加-s。

  7. The doctor worked for ______ after twelve o’clock. (2003河北)

  A. two more hoursB. two another hourC. more two hoursD. another two hour

  [点拨] 答案是A。 题意是“十二点后医生又工作了两个小时”。more修饰数词时,位置在数词之后。another修饰数词时放在数词前。D项hour是单数,所以不正确。

  8. —Do you often read the English newspaper? (2003厦门)

  —Yes, I usually read China Daily for ______ before supper.

  A. half an hour B. half a hour C, half hour D. an hour half

  [点拨] 答案是A。 “半小时”的正确说法是half an hour。又如half a day (半天);half a year(半年)等。“一个半小时”可以说one and a half hours或one hour and a half。

  9. I was 8 years old when my father was 31. This year my father is twice my age. How old am I? (兰州2003)

  A. 21 B.22 C.23 D.24

  [点拨] 答案是C。此题是智力测试题。 “我8岁时父亲31岁。现在父亲的年龄是我的年龄的两倍。我现在几岁?” 你们猜猜看。是不是23岁?

  10. Look at the menu: (2003济南)


  Hamburger $2.60 Orange juice $1.20Hot dog $2.15 Coffee $1.00Ice cream $2.00 Coke regular $0.75Popcorn $1.00 large $1.00

  Jeff wants to buy a hamburger, a large coke and an ice cream. How much will he pay?

  A. Five dollars and sixty cents.

  B. Five dollars and thirty-five cents.

  C. Three dollars and sixty cents.

  D. Two dollars.

  [点拨] 答案是A。计算题。把hamburger, coke and ice cream的价钱$2.60, $2.00, $1.00加起来就是答案。


  1. There are ______ days in a week.

  A. four B. five C. six D. seven

  2. —Can you write the number sixty–eight thousand, six hundred and twenty–six?

  —Yes, it is ______.

  A. 65662B. 65626C. 68662D. 68626

  3. ______ other stars are bigger and brighter than the sun.

  A. Millions of B. Million of C. One million D. Millions

  4. —Do you have enough men to carry these chairs ?

  —No. I think we need ______ men. (重庆2001)

  A. anotherB. two othersC. more twoD. two more

  5. The boy always stays there for ______. (哈尔滨2001)

  A. one and half hourB. one and a half hour

  6. Lin Tao gets up at ______ in the morning.

  A. half past six B. six past half C. past half six D. half six past

  7. When he was ______ , Joe went to the United States.

  A. on his twenties B. in the twenties C. in his twenties D. in his twenty

  8. ______ of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft and sweet.

  A. Two-third B. Second-third C. Two-thirds D. Second-thirds

  9. —How to say "15" in English? —It’s ______.

  A. fifteen B. fifty C. fifteenth D. fifth

  10. What did the headmaster say about Jim’s ______ .

  A. two-months holiday B. two months’ holidays

  C. two-month holiday D. two months holiday

  11. In 1850,about ______ was covered by forests in the USA.

  A. third B. a third C. the third D. a thirds

  12. The bridge is about ______ long.

  A. five hundred metre B. five hundred metres

  C. five hundreds metres D. five hundreds of metres

  13. September is ______ month of the year.

  A. nine B. the ninth C. the nineth D. the nine

  14. December is the ______ month of the year.

  A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelvieth D. twelfth

  15. Monday is the ______ day of the week.

  A. two B. second C. three D. third

  16. A UN report says that the world population will pass six billion by the end of ______ century.

  A. twentieth B. twenty C. the twentieth D. the twentyth

  17. —Do you have enough men to carry these chairs?

  —No. I think we need ______ men.

  A. anotherB. two othersC. more twoD. two more

  18. He got to his office at three to three, a few minutes late.

  A. 3:03B. 3:30C. 2:57D. 2:03

  19. —When was our Party founded?

  —It was founded ______.

  A. on October 1, 1949B. in May, 1922

  C. on July 1, 1921D. in August, 1927

  20. The little boy wrote a ______ letter to his uncle.

  A. five-hundred-wordsB. five-hundred-word

  C. five-hundreds-wordD. five-hundreds-words


  1. D. 常识题。“一周有七天”。

  2. D. 考查基数词的读法。自右向左每三位数划一个分节,第一个分节读thousand,第二个分节读million,第三个分节读billion或thousand million。注意,百位数hundred与十位数(或个位数)之间要加and。十位数与个位数之间要用连字号。

  3. C. 表示不确定的数目,常用 “hundreds of/thousands of/millions of+复数名词”结构。millions of+复数名词意为“数百万的”。

  4. D. more修饰数词时,在数词之后。another修饰数词时,在数词之前。如I think we need another two men. 或I think we need two more men.

  5. D. “一个半小时”可以说one hour and a half或one and a half hours。

  6. A. “六点半”是half past six。英语时刻表达法是1-30分钟(含30分钟)用“分钟数+past+钟点数”;31—59分钟用“分钟数+to+(下一个)钟点数”。如5:50是ten to six, 即“六点差十分”。

  7. C. in one’s teens/twenties/thirties...等是固定表达法,表示“在某人……岁时”。

  8. C. 分数分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于1,分母要加-s。

  9. A. 15(fifteen)是基数词。

  10. C. 数量词构成复合形容词,名词用单数,书写用连字号。

  11. B. a third (三分之一),也可说one third。

  12. B. 500米是确定数目,hundred不用单数,“米”要用复数。

  13. B. “九月是一年中的第九个月份”。

  14. D. twelve的序数词是twelfth。再如five---fifth。

  15. B. “星期一是一周的第二天”。第一天是Sunday。

  16. C. 世纪用序数词表示。十位数的序数词变y为ie,加-th构成。又如thirty—thirtieth, forty—fortieth等。

  17. D. more在数词或a few, a little, some等词后,表示“再,又”等;another后面可跟数词或few, some等。

  18. C. 考查时间表示法。Three to three是“三点差三分”,即“两点五十七分”。

  19. C. 常识考查题。中国共产党成立于1927年7月1日。

  20. B. a five-hundred-word letter意为“一封五百字的信”。基数词与单数名词构成符合形容词,表示度量等。

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