Shania Twain金曲:命中注定(图) | 2005/01/04 11:56 国际在线 |
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Shania was born August 28, 1965, in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. She is a singing star performer- entertainer, and almost a legend in her own time. Her fame as a global superstar is the biggest country success story of the '90s. It's also a story of luck in the face of hardship. This charming Canadian singing star grew up in the mining town of Timmins. As a child, she learned to play guitar at an early age and would spend much of her time singing, writing, and playing. Early on in her musical development, her parents pushed her on stage, making her perform frequently around their little town. Humble, by even rural Canadian standards, her family made great sacrifices to support her early career. When she was 22, her parents were killed in an accident and she became the legal guardian of her two half brothers and sister, putting her musical career on hold to care for them. She took a job at the Canadian Deerhurst resort in northern Ontario. Shania was the lead performer in a variety of musical productions at Deerhurst. She concentrated on country music, and dazzled the crowds night after night. Five years later, she moved to Nashville. In 1991, Shania cut a demo tape recorded in Nashville with songwriter and producer Norro Wilson and Buddy Cannon. Her song, "God Ain't Gonna Get You For That", was the only part composed by Shania, but definitely pointed the way to the future. The producers and the recording company disregarded the songs Shania had written, and saddled her with second-rate material from the Nashville song mill. In 1993, Robert John "Mutt" Lange, heard the potential in her voice, and contacted her. If not for "Mutt" Lange, Shania might have continued to languish at the hands of her label's lackluster production team. Later that year, Shania met Lange in Nashville, fell in love, and the couple married in December 1993, nine months after that first phone call. The two dusted off the old material that Mercury had rejected and started working on Shania's next project, "The Woman in Me". The album, and Lange's pumped-up arena-rock production, sounded like no other country album before it. This isn't to say that "The Woman in Me" doesn't pack plenty of pop punch. Just the opposite, the album consummated the pop-country revolution, won a Grammy for Shania. This album sold more than 11 million copy's, and puts Shania in the same league as Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, and far above any previous country queen. Twain took a sabbatical and returned to her Swiss home for some down time with her husband. During this time, Twain brainstormed for a fourth album. While balancing a domestic life and a career, the end result was Up!, which appeared in November 2002. I'm gonna getcha good is from this album.
在印第安人的语言里,Shania (shu-nye-uh) 这个名字是“我行我素”、“走自己的路”的意思。的确,这一词也是风光无限的加拿大乡村女歌手Shania Twain的真实写照。这位曾获得全美乡村乐七项提名的歌手,还在蹒跚学步时便已开始了她的音乐旅程。1990年她开始正式走上乡村音乐之路。 1993年Shania出了她的第一张专辑:Shania Twain。虽然她的主打单曲并没有红起来,但却引起了Sean Penn的注意,Sean导演了她的一首MTV。Shania的第一次录音的时候,结识了Robert John(Mutt)Lange并和他在1994年结婚。他们一起创作了美妙的音乐,之后就有了“The Woman in Me”和“Come On Over”这两张专辑。 Shania Twain是唱片史上单张专辑“Come On Over”最畅销的人气天后,也是首开性感美艳路线的第一位乡村女歌手,Shania开创新典范的地位以无可取代。她是1999年葛莱美奖最受欢迎的流行女歌手,同时也是1996年葛莱美奖最佳乡村专辑,1998葛莱美奖最佳乡村女艺人及最佳乡村歌曲,1998年Billboard最畅销乡村歌曲、年度一百大歌曲及最佳年度女歌手的得奖者。 2002年,乐迷期待已久的新专辑《UP!》上市, 首推主打“I'm Gonna Getcha Good”为这张不凡新碟先声夺人,大胆唱出勇敢追求爱情的新时代女性宣言。 尽管已经成了超级巨星, 她仍然维持着平易近人的谦和态度,从来不掩饰自己寒微的出身, 对于成长过程中的历练,她始终抱持着感恩的心, 更庆幸自己在那些岁月里面的遭遇与感受,让她得以真正的成长, 也提供了丰富的创作素材。以她的才华和生活的态度,我们可以预期,至少在未来的5年内,Shania Twain 将会持续成为注意的焦点,也将继续带给世人更多动人的新作。 |