组图:2004年度新晋明星夫妻回放 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/04 11:33 国际在线 |
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They pledged their love and we swooned. They split and we ran to the newsstands! They're the year's biggest couplings, and we're counting them down now!
MARC ANTHONY & JENNIFER LOPEZ -- After several false starts, Jenny from the Block finally wed -- but not the man everyone thought she would! Just five months after her break-up with fiancéBEN AFFLECK, Lopez walked down the aisle June 5 in a chantilly-laced, full-length, champagne VERA WANG gown accented by a white umbrella to meet Latin heartthrob Anthony at the altar. Although jewels graced her hair, and she wore diamond earrings, a necklace and bracelet, the event was a casual affair held in the backyard of her home. No million-dollar honeymoon for these newlyweds. The next day, the gang reconvened for wieners and burgers followed by a sit-down to watch the first game of the NBA finals with the L.A. Lakers. KEVIN COSTNER & CHRISTINE BAUMGARTNER -- When "The Postman" married his longtime love in September at his Aspen ranch, they celebrated with a week of barbecues, horseback riding, golf, fishing and softball. To show their down-home sides, the bride arrived to the ceremony in a vintage, green, Chevy pickup truck and the new Mr. and Mrs. Costner, still in full bridal attire, took a romantic canoe ride in a nearby lake. The guest list included the likes of OPRAH, BRUCE WILLIS, TIM ALLEN, DON JOHNSON, JACK NICHOLSON, MICHAEL DOUGLAS and wife CATHERINE ZETA-JONES. BILLY JOEL & KATIE LEE -- You may be right; he may be crazy! But the 55-year-old "My Life" singer and native New Yorker looked anything but in October when he married his 23-year-old bride in a romantic, beachfront ceremony at his private estate overlooking the bay. Among the approximately 300 guests in attendance were ALEC BALDWIN, PAUL REISER, HOWARD STERN and his girlfriend BETH OSTROSKY and fellow musician DON HENLEY. Billy's famous second ex-wife CHRISTIE BRINKLEY was there and wished the couple "every happiness."
BRITNEY SPEARS & KEVIN FEDERLINE -- After weeks of tongue-wagging over her quickie engagement to back-up dancer Kevin, the pop songbird exercised her prerogative Sept. 18 by marrying the father of two in a top-secret backyard ceremony. Brit dyed her blonde locks brunette and wore a white, strapless MONIQUE LHUILLIER dress while Kevin donned a black tuxedo and signature fedora. Twenty to 30 guests, including Britney's mother and sister, were on-hand for the event, which took place around midnight in a white tent erected in the backyard of a private home. Later the duo was spotted partying at the Sunset Blvd. hotspot Dublin's. Of course, what no one will forget were the pink and white velour sweatsuits worn by the bridal party and groomsmen, whose specially monogrammed jackets read "Pimps" on the back. TIGER WOODS & ELIN NORDEGREN -- The golfing tycoon met his Swedish beauty -- where else? -- at a golf tournament three years ago, where Elin was working as a nanny for one of Tiger's competitors. After she eventually got the "thumbs up" from Tiger's mom, he proposed at sunset last December during a golf trip to a South African game reserve. They wed at a surprise ceremony October 5 in Barbados. The celebrity couple exchanged sunset vows at the Sandy Lane luxury resort in front of family and friends -- and overlooking a golf course decorated with black roses. She was radiant in a sleeveless, off-white gown and veil, while the groom was dressed in an elegant beige suit. |
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组图:2004年度新晋明星夫妻回放 |
娱乐圈内分分合合的现象,早已司空见惯。当两个明星信誓旦旦厮守一生之时,我们与他们一起陶醉在美梦之中;当明星吵吵闹闹终成纷飞劳燕之时,我们做的多是急忙奔向报摊,一睹究竟。以下介绍的,是2004年最耀眼的明星新晋夫妻。不知这些走入围城的新人能够支撑多久呢? 马克-安东尼与詹尼弗-洛佩兹 在经历了数段“错误恋情”之后,34岁的詹尼弗终于第3次迈进了婚姻的殿堂。仅仅与前任男友本-阿弗莱克分手5个月的詹尼弗,于6月5日身穿维拉-王设计的婚纱礼服与拉丁王子马克-安东尼互许终身。婚礼举行的地点选择在了詹尼弗自家的后院,不免略显随意。这对新人也没有花费百万美元去度蜜月,而是在新婚的第二天去观看了NBA总决赛的第一场湖人队与活塞队的比赛。 凯文-科斯特纳与克里斯汀-鲍姆加特纳 《与狼共舞》的男主角凯文-科斯特纳与相恋5年的女友克里斯汀-鲍姆加特纳,9月在科斯特纳的科罗拉多山阿斯本山区的牧场结婚。为了庆祝自己的爱情长跑终于有了结果,两位新人在牧场安排了持续一周的庆祝活动,包括烧烤、骑马、高尔夫球、钓鱼和垒球。受邀的客人中包括欧普拉-温弗瑞、布鲁斯-威利斯、蒂姆-艾伦、迈克尔-道格拉斯以及其妻子凯塞琳-泽塔-琼斯。 比利-乔尔与卡蒂-李 55岁的资深歌手比利-乔尔10月在他的私人海边别墅里,迎娶了年仅23岁的新娘卡蒂-李。大约有300名客人参加了这场浪漫的婚礼,其中包括比利的前妻克里斯汀-布林克利。布林克利大度地表示了对前夫的第二次婚姻的祝福,希望他们“永远幸福”。 布兰妮-斯皮尔斯与凯文-费德林 在结束了与儿时玩伴杰森-亚历山大儿戏般的55小时婚姻后,布兰妮又在9月18日身披设计师莫尼克-吕利耶设计的白色无带婚纱,与自己“命中注定的青蛙王子”凯文-费德林结婚。这次,布兰妮不仅做了费德林前女友留下的两个孩子的后妈,还宣布要暂时退出娱乐圈,好好在家做个贤妻良母。 泰格-伍兹与艾琳-诺德格林 10月5日,包括NBA巨星迈克尔-乔丹、查尔斯-巴克利、美国著名脱口秀主持人奥普拉-温弗瑞在内的许多尊贵客人出现在了一个位于加勒比海的度假岛上,他们是来参加高尔夫球巨星“老虎”伍兹的婚礼的。伍兹在这里迎娶了他的瑞典模特未婚妻艾琳-诺德格林。新娘身穿无袖白色婚纱礼服,容光焕发。从他们举行婚礼的饭店可以俯视装饰着黑色玫瑰的高尔夫球场,两人在日落时分交换了彼此的誓言。 (任燕) |