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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/04 11:28  国际在线

  Moviegoers embraced the dysfunctional family comedy "Meet the Fockers" for a second straight week as the star-studded sequel earned $42.8 million to retain its No. 1 slot at the weekend box office.

  The film, which teams Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman, has grossed more than $163 million during its 12-day run, according to studio estimates.

  The film's success could help produce record box office revenue for 2004, said Paul Dergarabedian, president of the industry's tracker Exhibitor Relations.

  "We've had a much stronger than anticipated final week of the year that helped the industry end on a high note," Dergarabedian said.

  Unofficial figures compiled by Exhibitor Relations showed overall revenue for 2004 topped $9.4 billion, up 1.4 percent from the 2003 total of $9.27 billion.

  Official year-end figures, as well as three-day weekend totals, were scheduled to be released Monday.

  "Meet the Fockers" set records for the biggest gross on New Year's Eve, with $12.2 million, and on New Year's Day, with $18 million. The previous New Year's Eve record was set in 2000 by "Cast Away" with $8.5 million. "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" had held the New Year's Day mark with $12.8 million.

  With no new major releases the final weekend of 2004, "Meet the Fockers" crushed the competition, including "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events," which finished in second place with $14.7 million, and "The Aviator," which earned $11.2 million for third place.

  This weekend's top 12 films grossed an estimated $125.4 million, a 4.3 percent increase compared to $120.1 million for the same weekend last year.

  "Meet the Fockers" saw just a 7 percent decline at the box office from its opening week. The film has attracted an older audience interested in seeing De Niro, Hoffman and Streisand, as well as younger fans who like Stiller.



  据路透社1月2日报道,在本·斯蒂勒、罗伯特·德·尼罗、达斯汀·霍夫曼和芭芭拉·史翠珊的加盟下,《拜见岳父大人2》到目前为止已创下1.63亿美元的票房收入。北美电影票房跟踪机构“Exhibitor Relations”公司表示,该片有望创下2004年北美电影票房新高。《拜见岳父大人2》以1220万美元获得2004年平安夜票房冠军,打破了由《荒岛余生》2000年创下的850万美元的纪录;在新年这天,该片又包揽了1800万美元的票房,让2004年以1280万美元荣登新年票房榜首的《魔戒3:王者归来》相形见绌。



  报道说,除了《拜见岳父大人2》,上周(即2004年最后一周)排在北美票房前3名的影片还有《雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险》(1470万美元)、《飞行员》(1120万美元)。北美电影票房上周总收入已达到1.254亿美元,比去年同期的1.201亿美元增长4.3%。据“Exhibitor Relations”公司的统计数据表明,2004年北美电影票房总收入已达94亿美元,比2003年的92.7亿美元上升1.4%。(蒋黎黎)



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