海上漂流5天 印尼妇女奇迹生还(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/05 10:38 国际在线 |
2004年末的一场世纪之灾到目前为止已经夺走了十多万人的生命,但在这次灾难中,1名印度尼西亚妇女在海上漂泊了5天之后,竟然奇迹般生还。 据英国《太阳报》网站1月4日报道,这名印尼妇女名叫梅拉华蒂,现年23岁。据当地官员1月3日表示,去年12月26日特大的海啸把她从印尼苏门答腊岛的家中卷入了波涛滚滚的印度洋。梅拉华蒂在水中紧紧抱住了一棵被海浪连根拔起的西米树,并且依靠树上的果实和树皮充饥,挨过了漫长的5天,终于获救。当时,一艘马来西亚船在印尼亚齐省附近海域发现了梅拉华蒂,并将她救起。当时虽然她腿部受伤,身体十分虚弱,但神智依然清醒。 据报道,梅拉华蒂已经被送往马来西亚西北部的槟榔屿一家医院接受治疗。 (王高山) A woman survived the tsunami disaster after spending five days drifting in the sea. Indonesian Melawati, 23, was rescued by the crew of a Malaysian tuna ship when they spotted her clinging to an uprooted palm tree near the devastated Aceh province. She told them she had been swept out into the Indian Ocean when the tsunami smashed into her home on Sumatra island. It is understood that Melawati, who does not have a surname, suffered leg injuries and was extremely weak but was conscious. She is now being treated in hospital on Malaysia's northwestern Penang island. |