广播--海啸后印度岛民寻亲唯一方式 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/05 10:43 国际在线 |
With phones down, boat links cut and the number of missing people dwarfing the death toll, tsunami survivors on Andaman and Nicobar Islands have only one hope for tracing relatives -- the radio. Airwaves in the remote islands are jammed as hundreds of anxious islanders have flocked to the office of state-run All India Radio with handwritten questions about the fate of their loved ones, many of which are still cut off from the world after the Dec. 26 tsunami. "I am very concerned about you, I promise you, I will take the first boat and fetch you," reads a message from schoolboy P. Uday Bhanu to his father who was in the Hut Bay islet in the south of the archipelago when disaster struck. Another went out from a Catholic priest, listing the names of each of his family members on Car Nicobar island, which took the brunt of the waves, and urging them to somehow get out and reach Port Blair, the island's capital. Nine days after the tsunami, there is still no clear number for the number of the people who have died on this remote cluster of more than 550 islands, of which only three dozen are inhabited. Almost all the islands can only be reached by sea, but the giant waves destroyed most jetties, leaving many people stranded. Rescue teams have so far found 900 bodies in the rubble of buildings, in the thick forests and in fissures in the ground. But 5,700 people are listed as "missing". "Even in normal circumstances, the radio is critical to islanders to know about ship movements, weather, etc," said K.D Shukla, a programme officer at All India Radio. "But today it is the lifeline, the only link to the outlying islands." Some people looking for missing relatives have got lucky. Shukla recalls a call he took one night last week from a man in Port Blair trying to reach his sister who he thought was in Car Nicobar island when the tsunami struck. Fifteen minutes after the message was read out over the radio, the sister rang up the station saying she was safe and in the interior of Andaman island. "We promptly went back on the air and relayed her message to the brother." |
广播--海啸后印度岛民寻亲唯一方式 |
去年12月26日海啸过后,在印度安达曼和尼科巴群岛上的那些幸存者几乎和外界失去了联系,电话不通、船舶停运。为了寻找到在海啸中失踪的亲人,广播成了他们寻亲的唯一方式。 据路透社1月4日报道,每天,数百位忧心忡忡的岛民带着写有“寻亲启事”的纸条聚集在印度德里广播电台,等着播音员传递出他们的焦急之情。一个男孩在寻找他父亲的纸条上这样写道:“我非常担心您。我发誓,我将踏上第一艘出海的船把您接回来。”男孩的父亲在海啸那天失踪。另一位岛民在纸条上列出了他居住在卡尔尼可巴岛上所有亲人的名字,并告诉他们听到广播后立即赶往卡尔尼可巴岛的布莱尔港会面。 海啸已经过去整整9天,但岛上丧生的确切人数仍然不清楚。安达曼和尼科巴群岛由550个岛屿组成,其中只有不到40个的岛上有人居住。海啸几乎摧毁掉岛上所有的建筑,只留下束手无策却又心急如焚的人们。营救人员已在岛上的废墟、丛林和沟壑中发现了大约900具尸体,但仍有约5700人下落不明。 有些幸运的人们通过广播找到了他们的亲人。一位岛民寻找他在卡尔尼可巴岛失踪的姐姐,当寻人启事播出15分钟后,他姐姐迅速打通了广播电台的电话,告知她在安达曼岛中部,并且很安全。 还有许多失踪的人们即使听到寻找他们的广播也无法回应,但每天仍有无数的寻人启事在不停地播出。 印度德里广播电台的播音员舒克拉说:“以前,广播是岛民们了解天气、航运等情况的重要媒介;如今,广播更是像一条生命线,连接着人们的心。” (蒋黎黎) |