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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/07 10:36  国际在线


  There are many words used to describe Brian McKnight. Singer. Songwriter. Arranger. Producer. Perhaps the word that best sums up Brian is one that is simple, but frequently mis-used. Musician. Brian McKnight is a musician. Not a programmer. Or a sequencer. Or a personality. In an age of fly by night celebrities and flashy flashes in the pan, Brian McKnight has maintained an artistic excellence because he is a musician: one who has created music for everyone from Quincy Jones to Boyz II Men.

  Brian McKnight grew up in a family where music came naturally. He was a member of the church choir along with his immediate family; his grandfather was the director. With a gospel upbringing, McKnight explored other genres of music. Still in his early teens, he exercised his writing ambitions by penning instrumentals (soft jazz, easy listening). He formed a band and began performing his originals at local venues. By the age of 18, McKnight had secured a publishing deal. His calling to the national scene manifested itself when his older brother Claude and the group he was a member of, Take 6, signed a recording contract with a major label.

  In addition to being a singer, McKnight is a songwriter, multi-talented musician, arranger, and producer. The success he has achieved as producer and songwriter on his own projects has facilitated his popularity as a producer and songwriter for other artists. However, the Buffalo native retained the services of hip-hop producer Sean "Puffy" Combs on the release of his 1997 CD Anytime, which features the club-flavored single "You Should Be Mine." A Christmas album, Bethlehem, followed in 1998, and a year later McKnight returned with Back at One.

  Brian McKnight, the debut album, wasn't released until 1992, three years after the signing. The album, a critical and commercial triumph, yielded the smash single "One Last Cry." Brian's production work with Vanessa Williams on her Comfort Zone sessions was widely praised.

  Great art is rare. And Brian McKnight is the rarest of artists -- a stunningly accomplished musician whose greatest accomplishment is the natural wonder of his voice.

  一首抒情经典“Back At One”蝉联流行单曲榜亚军达8周之久、多次葛莱美奖提名、一座全美音乐奖、一座百视达巨星奖以及一座 NAACP形象奖和灵魂列车音乐奖最佳男歌手殊荣,这就是被誉为巧克力情歌手的Brian McKnight。

  Brian McKnight于1969年6月5日出生于美国纽约市, 全家人都是当地教堂唱诗班的成员,祖父更是担任指挥。 在这种宗教信仰的熏陶下,Brian McKnight从中了解到了其他音乐知识, 很小就开始尝试写一些简单的曲子,并组织了自己的乐队,并且开始在本地演出。 18岁时加入了哥哥Claude所在的Take 6乐团,与唱片公司签约出专辑。Brian Mcknight还曾经在音乐与篮球间徘徊不定, 但最终出于对音乐的忠爱,当然还是放弃了篮球。

  Mercury Records总裁Ed Eckstine非常欣赏他的嗓音, 并在两个星期内与签约,推出单曲《The Way Love Goes》。此首单曲在Billboard R&B榜上停留了19周,最高升至第十一位。之后与黑人女歌手Vanessa Williams合作的《Love Is》,虽然在R&B榜上无名, 但在流行榜上却夺下季军位置。

  1995年, Brian McKnight推出第二张专辑《I Remember You》,其中有5首单曲都打进Billboard R&B榜前20。 这时Brian McKnight已确立了自己在乐坛的地位。 在发行了登上全美销售榜前20位的第三张专辑《Anytime》后,Brian McKnight转投至著名黑人音乐唱片Motown Records,并推出了圣诞专辑《Bethlehem》。 随后在1999年推出了大受欢迎的《Back at One》,专辑在短短几周内就攀升到全美销售榜亚军的宝座。

  去年他又推出了《Superhero》,依旧是非常成功的。如果你喜欢R&B,如果你喜欢黑人那浑厚美妙的嗓音,就听听巧克力情歌圣手Brian McKnight的声音吧!


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